dad454 发表于 2006-1-31 18:45:29


[此贴子已经被作者于2006-01-31 18:50:27编辑过]

lyqgba 发表于 2006-1-31 18:47:47


明教紫炎 发表于 2006-1-31 20:28:11


天日 发表于 2006-1-31 20:33:43


明教紫炎 发表于 2006-1-31 20:51:07


龙族神魔 发表于 2006-1-31 23:33:58


天魔龙剑阵 发表于 2006-2-1 10:28:28


旧王孙 发表于 2006-2-1 11:08:40

作为一个战役制作者,怎么能不碰低分作品呢?(如果你只是一个纯粹玩家,当然有资格只玩高分作品)看看“帝国战役论剑录”里Ingo van Thiel是怎么说的---“如果你想做出高质量的作品,就去下载那些高分场景与战役并且玩它们。当然也要看看那些低分作品,明白哪些错误是你所需要回避的。让好的东西来启发你。”取长补短,学习精华,回避错误,这才是王道。不玩低分作品,你怎么可能知道哪些是乏味低级的东西,哪些是无论如何不要出现在自己的战役中的?

天魔龙剑阵 发表于 2006-2-1 11:19:18


dad454 发表于 2006-2-1 11:29:13


无知者 发表于 2006-2-1 12:41:41

这是AOKH上的一篇评分,这个战役的得分是1.0。Playability -
Well, you were actually able to play through almost all of the campaign, but there didn't seem to be a point of doing it! It felt very confusing and meaning less. And I wasn't able to finish the last scenario even though I picked up all pieces of the true cross.

Tips: Make all those palisade walls belong to a third player that both you and your enemy are allied with. That way you can't just smash the walls and go through the maze without any problem (although that is cheating...). Sure you can always change alliances and smash them anyway, but that makes the player feel more guilty of cheating ;)

Balance -
The scenarios were far too easy. The few enemies that were on the map were easily avoided of killed.

Tips: Make some traps and more enemies in the maze and in the desert. That way the player can fail and take the wrong path and have to reload to try again, making it more challenging.

Creativity -
The first scenari A big desert with lots of outposts and pyramid. Your goal is to find a certain pyramid with flags around it. All you have to do is to send your scouts out to explore until you found that "special pyramid". Doesn't seem that creative...
Second scenari You are inside the pyramid and must go through a maze to find some pieces of the true cross. A bit more creative with the maze, but there is still too little effort used to make it fun.

Tips: Make the objectives a bit more advanced and the way to the goal more detailed and interesting.

Map design -
Not much eye candy at all. Everything seems to be made just to function - no more. ...well, there was that oasis but that just isn't enough.

Tips: Try not to make the whole map look the same. Use diffrent terrains and some background object and make some effort in doing it.

Story / Instructions -
There were very few instructions (in fact, the objectives window was totally blank in the first scenario and in the second it only had a tip to e-mail the creator if you got stuck in the maze). The scouts told you what to do, but not very detailed and you didn't know WHY you were supposed to do these things.

There were no story...

Tips: More instructions and better instructions, and explain WHY all the objectives have to be done. And make a story, it makes everything much more fun and makes it easier to understand the campaign and more fun to play.所以,低分战役并非不值得评。有水平的评分者,差的战役一样可以写出很好的评分。

明教紫炎 发表于 2006-2-1 15:01:36


条顿武士 发表于 2006-2-2 00:20:01

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