小霖的ID 发表于 2003-8-3 16:12:22

劇情狂兄在AOK Heaven上發的IQ題[转帖]

I planned to draft 100 question, and , sure, I know the answer.There will be five parts of questions, and I would issue one for each week.
Part 1

1. If you want to deselect a full-health unit, with a known number of maximum hitpoint, while you are not allowed to use "Change Ownership" effect, how can you do it?

2. Not knowing the maximum hitpoint of a unit, can you set him or her an invinicible unit (0/X HP)? If yes, what is the way to make it?

3. Is there a way to disable computer players' buildings' function besides disabling technologies under "Option" or giving the player none of resources?

4. Someone ask such a question in Modpack Discussion Forum: "Can I make a siege factory which just take 3x3-tile-place in order to complement my campaign project? " Tell him or her how to solve this problem in scenario editor, without using modpack.

5. Which of the following files will be zipped in into the scenario file (*.scx) when making one?
(A) *.bmp;
(B) *.ai;
(C) *.per;
(D) *.mp3;
(E) *.avi;
(F) *.wav.

6. In AOK:TC, which of the following heros have been changed from AOK?
(A) Harald Hadraade;
(B) William the Conqueror;
(C) Charles Matrel.

7. In AOK, not AOK:TC, monks can convert heros expect two particulars. Tell me who are them.

8. Can I make one player having both Feudal Age and Imperial Age buildings in his town without triggers, Gaia objects or adding a player with same colour?

9. Repeat the way to heroize a unit, and use War Elephant as an example.

10. If I want a villager to keep his or her name as "Villager" with an apperance of holding an axe (lumberjack), can you do it without using the effect "Change Object's Name"?

11. At a specific location, I want a specific unit can be healed there immediately without knowing its maximum hitpoint. However, only one condition, one effect and one monk are allowed.

12. Tell me the way to make a building walkable without using any trigger.

13. Since the <RED> bug can be solved now, repeat the way how to solve that problem.

14. From the sixth scenario "Forge and Alliance" of Ensemble Studio's William Wallace Learning Campaign, tell a trait showing the staff of Ensemble Studio were not using the same scenario editor as ours.

15. From the seventh scenario "Kyoto" of Ensemble Studio's Battles of the Conquerors Campaign and the fifth scenario "King of Valencia" of Ensemble Studio's Ei Cid Campaign, which bug had the staff of Ensemble Studio learnt to fix throughout the designing?

16. Coutinue with question number fifteen, can I solve the bug without killing the original "concerned building"?

17. What is the definition of units that could be affected by Blacksmith technologies?

18. Which of the following objects can change their form through the game?
(A) Villager;
(B) Monk;
(C) Trebuchet;
(D) Gate;
(E) Trade Cart.

19. Which conditions you are not allowed to use while making multiplay scenario?

20. When someone uses the "Change Object's Name" effect on a knight, and rename it into "Knight". What's the difference between this knight and others?

小霖的ID 发表于 2003-8-3 16:19:38


千涛拍岸 发表于 2003-8-3 20:52:37


狂~劇情狂 发表于 2003-8-4 03:15:07

也不是太好, 勉强过的去吧...

以千涛兄的出色能力、悟性, 要学习应该不难吧 ;)

天使归来 发表于 2003-8-4 13:21:45


_CCC_大智 发表于 2003-8-4 23:19:26


骑士不怕长枪 发表于 2003-8-5 08:21:53



_CCC_大智 发表于 2003-8-5 10:46:12


天使归来 发表于 2003-8-5 10:48:58

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