UserPatch 当年那些宏伟的梦想
本帖最后由 孟雨亲王 于 2013-5-25 11:22 编辑Game Bugs游戏BUG01. Instant Conversion bug即时转换BUG02. Units going through half built walls单位可以穿过建造了一半的城墙03. Tower fire stopped/attack reduced when villagers attack it当遭遇村民攻击时,塔楼的攻击频率降低、攻击力减少05. Fix gates so they won't become invincible when walking through it a few timesafter a trigger changes any of its stats (Using the Gates Class in the effect)修正城门无敌BUG:使用开启/锁定城门触发改变城门状态,单位数次经过城门后,城门会变成无敌的
AI Bugs人工智能BUG07. Inaccuracies with players-unit-count fact.修正事实players-unit-count的不准确性08. Improved random number generation.增强随机数生成系统09. Make sn-save-scenario-information and sn-track-player-history work.参数sn-save-scenario-information和sn-track-player-history可以正常工作
AI Feature Requests人工智能功能要求ImprovedBehaviour including Map Handling03. Select builders by proximity to the building foundation, especially for housesand farms.选择就近的建筑工来建造地基,尤其是住房和农田05. Allow the boat exploration sn to stop the first fishing boat exploring.允许参数探索船只数量 停止第一艘渔船探索地图06. Make AIs benefit from spies and treason.AI可以从间谍/叛国者科技中获益07. Trade Routes贸易路线的选择-Trade at the farthest market/dock.与最远的市场或船坞进行贸易-Improved market placement.改进的市场建造地点-Avoid dangerous routes.避免危险的路线08. Boats gather fish close to the dock, not the mill.渔船在距离船坞近的地方捕鱼,而不是磨坊10. Give gold mines/stone mines closer to the town priority for building new miningcamps.矿工优先在距离城镇更近的地方建造新的矿场12. Allow RMS to create flags for better AI perception.允许RMS脚本为更好的AI感觉产生标志(?)15. Properly utilise map when visible/exploredAI可以正确利用完全可视/已探索的地图16. Allow sn-coop-share-info to not only "see" where things are, but knowwhere they are允许参数sn-coop-share-info不仅可以“看见”单位的位置,也可以“知道”单位的位置17. Villagers, Trade units and relic hunting monks avoid dangerous areas村民,贸易马车和运输圣物的僧侣会避开危险的区域18. Make a way to force buildings to be built closer.强制建筑建造的更加紧密
Economy Management 经济管理02. Allow TC and dropsite construction on other islands to start new colonies.允许在其他的岛屿建造城镇中心和资源收集建筑来开始新的殖民地03. Allow resource gathering on other islands.允许在其他的岛屿采集资源04. Increase number of builders that can be assigned to a foundation.增加分配给一个地基的建筑工数量06. Allow AIs to discover and rescue gaia villagers.允许AI发现并捕获GAIA的村民08. Make trade-carts/trade-cogs retarget if stopped.停下的贸易马车或商船可以重新选择目标09.Better forward building for other islands and just in general.更加明智的在其他岛屿上的建筑前置11. Allow tc's to be placed like droppoint buildings.允许城镇中心地基如同资源收集建筑放置13. Kill sheep in smart places.在更明智的地点杀羊14. Better villager training.优化的村民训练15. Allow farm reseed for AIs. Also fish trap reseed and using.允许AI农田复耕、捕鱼网复种16. Customisable build assist distance自定义建造协助距离17. sn-minimum-town-size affect houses参数sn-minimum-town-size可以影响房屋18. Sheeps to gather under the tc将绵羊聚集到城镇中心下
Military Management 军事管理02. Permit explorer exterminator groups when requested bysn-percentage-explore-exterminators.当被参数sn-percentage-explore-exterminators要求时,允许探索单位组成杀狼/虎组群03. Other attack group formations.其他的进攻组群编队方式04. Issues with transports 运输船问题-Control capacity when loading. 装载时控制容量-Avoid defences when unloading transport ships. 卸载时防止防御-Control unit combinations. 控制单位组合-Hold transports until several are full. 固定运输船直到满载05. AIs take out walls and gates more appropriately.AI建造城门和城墙更加明智07. Allow ai's to use Siege Onagers to cut forests on michi etc.允许AI使用投石车摧毁树林08. Unit queing and a way to count them, maintain, meddle with etc.单位队列以及容许统计、维持、干预单位队列09. Make petards smarter爆破兵更加明智
Defence Management 防御管理01. Enable defense group manipulation with these existing sns:sn-number-defend-groups, sn-minimum-defend-group-size,sn-maximum-defend-group-size.通过参数sn-number-defend-groups, sn-minimum-defend-group-size,sn-maximum-defend-group-size启用组群操控02. Provide an sn, similar to the existing sn-garrison-rams, that permits archeryunits to garrison into fortifications, such as castles and towers.允许射手类单位驻扎到防御单位如城堡和塔楼03. Provide an sn that, when a unit in a group is attacked, directs the whole groupto fight back instead of just the attacked unit.允许组群中一个单位遭受攻击时,全组单位反击05. Allow patrolling.允许巡逻06. Wall chokepoints.城墙关卡08. AIs defend wonders/monasteries (maybe work something with the hold-relics fact)and also KOTH (hold-hoh-ruin).在普通和占山为王模式下,AI可以防守奇观和修道院09. Better control over where towers get placed. Force to defend specific things.更明智的选择塔楼的建造位置/ 强制防守特定单位10. Warboats do not move unless an enemy ship or dock has been sighted.除非视野中出现敌军船只或船坞,否则战舰不会乱跑11. Fix tower bug (not attacking units in range when attacked by 5 or more units)修正塔楼BUG:被5个或更多单位攻击时,不会攻击射程内的任何单位12. Make sn-minimum-water-body-for-dock apply to boat training容许参数sn-minimum-water-body-for-dock适用于船只建造13. Allow AIs to preferrably drop buildings near an ally town (when the enemy isoverwhelming).当敌军处于压倒性优势时,AI更加倾向于选择临近在盟军的城镇的位置建造建筑14. Multiple healing monks多个僧侣治疗同一单位
Scripting Features 脚本功能06. Increase the 16-element limit on rules.增加AI规则的16元素限制07. Implement 3+ element conditionals (or/and/nor, etc.) into the AI engine.AI引擎实现or/and/nor等条件语句08. New system symbols 新系统符号-UP-ONE-VERSE-ONE-UP-TWO-VERSE-TWO-BLIND-RANDOM-MAP-LAST-MAN-STANDING09. New facts 新事实-chat-detected-players-research-complete -players-attack-soldier-count -players-attack-boat-count 10. New actions 新动作-attack-now-with-villagers-patrol-now-ring-town-bell-buy-farm-reseed-acknowledge-chat11. New strategic numbers 新统计量-sn-percent-attack-villagers-sn-mining-camp-max-distance-sn-lumber-camp-max-distance-sn-market-defend-priority-sn-desired-mill-placement (for example, 0-forage, 1-fish, 2-deer, 3-boar).-sn-percent-hp-building-cancellation12. Allow AIs to use the "players-unit-type-count" fact to query enemyunit counts by group id.允许AI使用事实players-unit-type-count通过组群ID统计敌军单位数量17. Allow markets to be defended.允许防守市场25. On SP, while recording the 1st lines of chat do not appear游戏录像第一行聊天不显示26. 2 players of the same ai, chats occuring at the same time have the same playercolour.两个相同AI控制的玩家在相同时间发送的聊天信息有着相同的玩家颜色27. Fact to check how many players are in the game.允许AI事实 检查游戏中玩家人数28. Allow a fact to count the sum of the given parameter for the"every-xxxxx" wildcard.允许AI为"every-xxxxx"通配符统计给定参数的求和29. Allow gaia units to be counted with players-unit-type-count.允许使用players-unit-type-count统计GAIA的单位数量30. Allow detection of idle villagers, fishing ships and trade carts and also allowmanipulation of these units.允许检测闲置的村民、渔船和贸易马车并操控这些单位31. Allow detection of a player able to win throught wonder vicotry.允许检测玩家是否可以通过奇观胜利32. Create a way to detect how much time is left for a player to win by wonder,relic or both victory.容许检测距离玩家通过奇观或圣物胜利的时间33. Ability for AIs to detect 2 locked teams play, to help a specific ally and todetect/attack a specific/closest enemy;容许AI检测锁定组队,据此援助特定的盟军并侦察或进攻一个特定或最近的敌军34. Count gold miners and stone miners seperately - both dead and alive ones分别统计金矿工和石矿工的数量35. Seperate trade units分离贸易单位(?)36. Add fishing boats and traps to the strats渔船和捕鱼网增加到统计中37. Fix barracks-huskarl count修正兵营生产的禁军 的数量统计38. Take transports out of warboat category运输船从战船类别移出39. Two different target evaluation settings两个不同目标的评估设置40. Jaguars and wolves counted together.一同统计美洲虎和狼的数量41. Allow counting idle trade carts.允许统计闲置的贸易马车42. Allow counting trade profits and either relic profits or currently garrisonedrelics.允许统计贸易马车的利润、圣物的利润和当前已收集的圣物数43. Detect when there are fishing boats in a lake without a dock anymore.检测是否有渔船处于一个没有船坞的湖泊中44. Make the AI detect arrows without the cc-command允许AI不使用cc命令检测箭矢的数量45. Make sure that the fact (can-research ri-xxxx) is true even if all buildingsare busy training units确保事实can-research ri-xxxx 为真,即使所有建筑均在生产单位
Player Feature Requests 玩家功能需求04. Unlimited number of farm reseeds.无上限农田复耕序列数量05. Allow custom colour selection for AIs.允许AI的定制玩家颜色选择06. Fix save chapter & rec game / onager bug (not cutting forest directlyanymore)修正保存章节和游戏录像中的投石车BUG:投石车不能通过直接攻击摧毁树林07. Fix recorded restored game bug修正保存游戏/游戏录像BUG08. Select who plays pocket不知道09. Fix dying farm bug修正弃耕农田BUG10. More population limit options更多的人口上限选项11. Checkbox to allow/disallow screenshots for MP多人游戏中允许/禁止截图的复选框12. Improved savegame/recorded game naming改进的保存游戏/游戏录像命名方式13. Set up for allowing trees to regrow允许树木重新生长14. Checkbox to allow/dissallow walls允许/禁止城墙的复选框15. Widescreen hack宽屏模式16. Ultimate random checkbox完全随机复选框17. Play the game from all cores when available播放任何版本的游戏录像19. Save and Load screens to show more detailed information (civs, map type etc.)存档和载入界面显示更多的细节信息如文明和地图类型20. Allow renaming of .mgx files in game.允许在游戏中重命名.mgx文件21. AI's cannot steal ally's sheep.AI不能偷走同盟的绵羊22. Post game option for a screenshot of every achievement page.在每个成就页面发布截图选项24. Random teams chat randomising – link随机组队随机聊天链接25. Mirror civs - everyone goes random and the team civ makeup will be the same forevery team.镜像文明:每个队伍拥有相同的文明组成并随机分配给玩家26. Accepts cheats button in MP screen在多人游戏屏幕增加接受作弊 按钮27. Not using closest droppoint – link不使用最近的资源收集点链接28. Customise friend - foe colours.自定义盟军/敌军颜色29. Load game screen - more info on the game. civs/players/map/gametype载入存档和录像界面显示更多游戏信息如文明、玩家、地图类型、游戏类型30. Prevent Hacking Tools just like the 1.0e patch does阻止破解外挂工具31. When transferring files, if a player already has a file with same name he canchoose either to replace it or rename the existing file to be able to receivethe new files without ALT+Tab the game当传输文件时,如果玩家已有同名文件,可无须ALT+Tab切换出游戏即可选择覆盖或重命名已存在的文件32. Human-controlled fishing ships have the bad habit of idling at times. This ishappening when another fishing ship finishes that fish pile while they aremoving towards it. They should, instead, automatically search for the closestsafe deep-sea fish, even if it is 100 tiles away.人类玩家的渔船脑残BUG:当渔船驶向的鱼群被其他渔船捕捞完后,应该自动搜索最近的安全的深海鱼群,而不是脑残的停下或继续驶向已经一无所有的目的地33. Kings garrisone better in regicide when his home is taken out.在弑君模式中,主城被摧毁的情况下,国王的驻扎所选择更加明智34. Allow fish trap reseed.允许捕鱼网复种35. Fishing ships in small lakes often try to drop their cargo at a dock in anotherlake, if it is closer.在小型湖泊中的渔船经常试图将货物运输至另一个湖泊中的船坞,如果它距离更近36. Screenshots in PNG以PNG格式截图37. Putting gates on unbuilt wall foundations puts the wall resourses back instockpile.在未建造的城墙地基上放置城门会将城墙消耗的资源返回石矿储存38. Allow for ai subdirectories允许AI子目录
New Game Modes 新的游戏模式01. Bloody Style/Sudden Death
Scen Design Features 场景设计功能01. New Condtions 新条件-Random Chance随机概率-Object Deleted删除单位-Chat Sent (Source Player: ). 发送聊天-Detect Unit Statistics (Detect Max HP, Max Attack and how injured in percenti.e. 50% HP lost, 75% HP lost, 10% HP lost etc.)检测单位状态:生命上限,最大攻击力,百分比受伤如失去10%、50%、75%生命值02. New Effects 新效果-Teleport Object传送单位-Change Speed改变速度-Disable Cheats禁止作弊-Add a real, fully working 'snap to' effect增加真实有效、正常工作的捕获 效果-Add a Restore Fog of War effect增加恢复战争迷雾 效果-Change Terrain改变地形03. Give trigger conditions the option of being not增加触发条件为非真的选项04. Fixing <RED>修正红色文字显示“<”的BUG05. Adding a text box to "create object" that allows the designer tochange the object's name在产生单位 效果增加输入 改变单位名称 的文本框06. Adding a "maximum" text box to the "kill objects" effect sothat it never kills more than that number在杀死单位 效果增加可以输入 最多杀死单位数 的文本框07. Allowing negative imputs允许输入负数08. There is a bug where you can't rename objects in triggers if you have GAIAselected in Units tab.如果在单位选项卡选择了GAIA的单位则不能在触发中改变单位名称的BUG09. Ability to Copy and Paste Triggers/Effects in Triggers/Effects Tab容许在触发/效果选项卡复制和粘贴10. Ability to select "Set Area" and "Go To Area" in"Change Object Name" effect.容许在改变单位名称 效果中选择 设定区域 和 转到区域11. Make conditions "Object Selected", "Object Visible" and"Object Not Visible" available for all players使条件选择单位 单位可见 单位不可见 对所有玩家有效12. GAIA objects not disappear when selecting an effect involving these as ObjectType in a trigger当在触发中选择了通过单位类型影响到GAIA单位的效果时,这些单位会消失13. Effects affecting more than 300 objects not resulting in a crash.效果作用在超过300的目标上不会使程序崩溃14. Ability to use more resources in triggers from in game (Kills, Razings,Resource Gathering Speed (all 4), Building Speed, Relic Gold Gathering Speed,Make Kill from P1-P8, Make Raze from P1-P8 etc.)允许使用更多的在游戏中调用的资源,如杀敌数,摧毁建筑数,4种资源收集速度,建造速度,圣物产生黄金速度,杀死1-8号玩家单位数,摧毁1-8号玩家建筑数15. There is a random crash issue when working with the GAIA units under Units Taband you press the hotkeys 1 to 8 to select a new player and the game crashes随机崩溃BUG:在单位选项卡处理GAIA单位时,按下1~8热键选择新玩家使程序崩溃16. Autosaving every 5 minutes or so when you're in the editor地图编辑器中每隔5分钟自动保存17. In the Create Object effect, possibility to "Set Area" and entering anumber of how many units should be created withing this area. The units would(if possible) spawn at random locations in this area.在产生单位 效果容许 设定区域 并输入 最多产生单位数
RMS 随机地图02. Allow more than 99 create_object允许创建超过99个单位03. Diplomacy Issues with teams being set to FFA after generate在地图创建之后组队外交设置为自由混战的BUG
ModdingMOD01. Give the ability to add or remove civilisations 容许增加或移除文明02. Give the ability to add new terrains in the scenario editor. 容许在地图编辑器中增加新的地形03. Give the ability to add flying units or possibly even bring in a new class容许增加飞行单位/ 增加单位类别04. Expand the main menu editing possibilities by allowing different grid patterns 通过允许不同的网格图案来扩大主菜单的编辑能力05. Ability to modify the in game tech trees for each civilization individuallydepending on their units and technologies容许根据每个文明自身的单位和科技来修正他们在游戏中的科技树06. The ability to add brand new unit icons容许增加新单位铭牌图标07. Improve the relation between the language files and creating new units 改进语言文件和生产新单位之间的关联08. The ability to add resources容许增加资源