Foobar2000 官方FAQ 个人原创翻译 2013/12/05
本帖最后由 webpassport 于 2013-12-5 17:52 编辑前言:
3楼:Installing and Upgrading【安装与升级】
5楼:Tagging Files【文件标签】
6楼: Renaming Files【文件重命名】
7楼: Converting Audio Files to Different File Formats【将音频文件转化为不同的文件格式】
8楼: Random / Shuffle Playback Order【随机/乱序播放命令】
9楼:Foobar2000 on the Web【在网站上的Foobar2000】
10楼:Other Questions【其他问题】
本帖最后由 webpassport 于 2014-8-15 19:35 编辑
如果有翻译错误恳请指出,多谢! 本帖最后由 webpassport 于 2013-12-5 20:59 编辑
Installing and Upgrading安装与升级
How do I make foobar2000 my default player?如何将Foobar2000设置为我的默认播放器?You can associate foobar2000 with different file types at 'Preferences → File types' (Windows XP only) or access relevant control panel from 'Preferences → Shell Integration'. 您可以在偏好设置-->文件类型(仅XP系统)下将不同的文件类型与Foobar2000关联在一起,或者也可以从偏好设置-->外壳集成来访问相应的控制面板。
How will upgrading affect my settings?升级产品对我的设置会有什么影响?Upgrading from any 0.9.x or 1.x version to the latest version will leave your settings intact, provided you install the new version on top of the old one. 如果您在任意的0.9.X或者1.X版本之上直接安装最新版,您的设置会被原封不动地保留。
I have updated from a very old foobar2000 version to the latest and now I am experiencing major problems...我从一个非常古老的Foobar2000升级到了最新版,并且现在我遇到了重大的问题……Many old third party components no longer cooperate with newer foobar2000 versions. If you have any third party components installed, you should update them to their latest versions, or remove them one by one until you find the problematic component. 新版本的Foobar2000不再与很多老的第三方组件兼容,如果您有任何已经安装了的第三方组件,您应该把它们也升级到最新版本,或者一个接一个地移除它们直到您找到了那个产生问题的组件为止。
How do I install additional components?我如何安装额外的组件?To install components from the foobar2000 installer that you did not choose to install during the initial installation, just rerun the installer and select them; your settings will be kept intact. Please read on to learn about installing other components. 如果您安装的组件是Foobar2000安装程序里自带的,而您一开始没有选择安装的,那么只要再次运行Foobar2000的安装程序并选择它们就可以了,您之前的设置将会被完整保留。请继续阅读下去以了解其他组件的安装。
Note that this content applies to foobar2000 versions 1.1 and newer. If you're using an older version, please upgrade now to utilize the new interface. 应该注意的是以下这个短篇的内容仅仅适用于Foobar2000 1.1至最新版,如果您仍在使用老版本,请立即升级以便于使用新的用户界面。
Step 1: Open the foobar2000 preferences dialog.步骤1:打开Foobar2000的偏好设置对话框;
Step 2: Go to the Components page.步骤2:转到组件页面;
Step 3: Click the “Install…” button and select the component archive, or simply drag it to the list.步骤3:点击安装按钮并选择组件安装包,或者简单的把它拖入列表;
Step 4: Press “OK”, you will be prompted to restart foobar2000 in order to load the newly installed component.步骤4:按下确定按钮,为了加载新安装的组件,您会被提示重启Foobar2000程序。
I've downloaded foobar2000 from another site and I'm experiencing problems...我从其它的网站下载了Foobar2000并且我现在遇到了问题……You should always download foobar2000 from its home page ( and not from other sites. If you're experiencing suspicious activities after installing, we strongly recommend that you uninstall it immediately and scan your computer for viruses/malware. 您应该总是从Foobar2000的主页而不是其它的网站下载Foobar2000,如果您在安装了其他网站的Foobar2000之后觉察到了可疑的活动,我们强烈建议您立刻卸载它并扫描您的计算机有无病毒/流氓软件。There have been many reported cases of modified foobar2000 setups with pre-configured visuals and additional plugins included, which is - for good reasons - against the foobar2000 license. We have no control over such installers and can't provide much help regarding problems that you run into when using them. Many of them include outdated foobar2000 versions with known security vulnerabilities. People creating such installers are often only harming the community by scaring new users away with “pretty” user interfaces that are hard to use and ridden with bugs. 有很多修改了的包含有预设视觉效果和额外的插件在内的Foobar2000的安装程序被上报,这些安装程序的产生或许出于好意,却违背了Foobar2000的SDK许可,我们无法控制这些安装程序,关于您在使用它们时所碰到的问题我们也无法提供更多的帮助。大部分的那些安装包都包含有过时的Foobar2000,这些版本的Foobar2000都有已知的安全漏洞,人们创造的这些安装包带有虽然漂亮却难以使用并且隐藏着故障的用户界面,吓跑了新用户,损害了用户团体的利益。Please note that people affiliated with foobar2000 development never post announcements or files to other forums, software download or file sharing sites. As a result, we have no control over foobar2000 files that get posted to popular software download sites, and we have no intention of wasting our resources on verifying each case. If you've been led to believe that foobar2000 files on some site have been posted by the author himself, you're being lied to and this site should not be trusted. 请注意Foobar2000的开发团队绝不会发布公告、文件到其他论坛、软件下载网站或者文件分享站点。所以,我们无法控制那些被发送到热门软件下载网站的Foobar2000。我们也不打算浪费我们的资源去验证核实因此而产生的每一个问题,如果您正在被引导相信一些站点上的Foobar2000文件是由作者本人发布的,那么您肯定被欺骗了,那些站点是不应该相信的。
【Webpassport注:此处请允许我跑题,有一些用户在使用其他网站的帝国时代,出了问题却跑到翔鹰帝国论坛来闹,我觉得这些玩家也应该注意这个问题。】 本帖最后由 webpassport 于 2013-12-5 17:28 编辑
What should I do before reporting a problem?在上报一个问题之前我应该怎么做?Most technical problems can be solved by removing any third-party components and resetting the configuration (or doing a fresh reinstall). It is recommended that you backup your foobar2000 directory before doing that, so you can try to restore your old settings/components later, or help us with identifying the exact source of the problem. 大部分的技术问题都能通过移除第三方组件和重设配置(或者卸载以后重新安装)解决,在这么做之前推荐您备份Foobar2000程序目录,以便于稍后您可以恢复您的原有设置/组件,或者帮助我们弄清楚问题的来源。
I am experiencing high system resource usage (memory or CPU) while playing.播放的时候,我遇到了很高的系统资源占用率Please disable any unneeded DSPs (such as resampler). Some of them require a lot of resources to operate. 请禁用一些不必要的DSPs(例如重新采样),它们中有一些在工作时需要占用大量的系统资源。Some DSPs such as crossfader or gap remover need extra memory buffers to operate; you can reduce the memory usage by changing their settings. Also, certain output modes (Kernel Streaming) have been reported to use excessive amounts of CPU time on certain systems. 一些DSPs例如crossfader或者gapremover在工作时需要额外的内存缓冲。您可以通过改变它们的设置来减少内存的使用。同样,有报告指出某些输出模式在特定的系统下会占用过多的CPU处理时间。Finally, some third-party components are known to use high amounts of CPU time. 最后,一些第三方组件凭借占用大量的CPU时间而出名。
I have a problem with one of the third-party components...我碰到了一个关于第三方组件的问题……Please post your question on the third-party component forum. As we don't take responsibility for components other people make, this FAQ can't help you any further. 请把您的问题发布到第三方组件的论坛上,我们对其他人所制作的组件不负责任,这份FAQ也无法更好地帮助您。
Why is seeking so slow while playing MP3 files?为什么播放MP3时定位很慢?The MP3 format doesn't natively support sample-accurate seeking, and sample accurate seeking is absolutely required by some features of foobar2000 (such as .CUE playback). MP3 seeking can't be optimized neither for CBR files (frame sizes aren't really constant because of padding used), nor for VBR files (both Xing and VBRI headers in those files contain only approximated info and are useless for sample-exact seeking). Therefore MP3 seeking works by bruteforce-walking the MPEG stream chain and is appropriately slow (this gets faster when you pass through the same point of file for the second time because seektables have been built in the RAM). MP3格式本来就不支持精确取样定位,而在Foobar2000的一些特性中,精确取样定位是被强烈需要的(例如.cue播放),MP3定位对CBR文件(由于衬料的使用,帧的大小不是真正恒定的)和VBR文件(这种文件同时包含两种开头:Xing和VBRI,它们仅有大概的信息,对精确取样定位而言没有什么助益)而言都不是最有效的。因此MP3定位是靠暴力执行MPEG流链来进行的,速度难免会慢一些。(当您第二次的定位操作所跨越的范围覆盖到了之前定位操作所建立的定位表内容时,速度会快一些,因为定位列表已经被写入了内存)。
What should I do if foobar2000 refuses to load a component DLL?如果Foobar2000拒绝加载一个DLL文件,我应该怎么办?There are multiple reasons why this could happen. If there is no error message, the component has been banned - most likely for violating the foobar2000 SDK license. Otherwise please see the following list of error messages and the possible solutions for each. 发生这种情况的原因是多种多样的,如果组件已经被禁止却没有错误信息,很可能是因为该组件违背了Foobar2000的SDK协议,否则请看下列的错误信息及与其相对应的可能的解决方法。
“Multiple instances of DLL with the same file name found.”多个带有相同文件名的DLL文件实例被发现This is probably the result of a manual component installation gone wrong. foobar2000 has found multiple component DLLs with the same file name (in different subfolders of its application folder), but only one has been loaded. You should remove the redundant copy.这可能是由于一个组件手动安装错误导致的,Foobar2000(在应用程序文件夹下不同的子文件夹中)发现了多个带有相同文件名的组件,但是只能加载一个,您应该移除多余的副本。
“This component is missing a required dependency, or was made for a different version of foobar2000.”这个组件缺少了一个必须的基础原件,或者是为某个不同版本的Foobar2000定制的。This component DLL requires one or more other DLL files that can not be found on your system. This error may also occur as a result of trying to load components made for a different major version of foobar2000, such as 0.8.x components under 0.9.x / 1.x.这个DLL文件需要1个或多个其他的DLL文件的支持,但是您的系统里没有这些DLL文件,这个错误很可能是由于试图加载专为某个不同版本的Foobar2000定制的组件,例如在0.9.X或者1.X版本中加载0.8.X版本的组件。
“Wrong version number; this component appears to have been built with a newer version of the foobar2000 SDK. Please download the latest version of foobar2000 in order to use it.”错误的版本号:这个组件好像是用新版Foobar2000的SDK构建的,为了加载该组件,请下载最新版本的Foobar2000.The error message already says what you should do.这个错误信息已经说了您应该做什么。
“Wrong version number; this component appears to have been build with an outdated version of the foobar2000 SDK. It needs to be updated to a newer SDK version in order to load. Please contact the author of the component to obtain an updated version.”错误的版本号:这个组件好像是用旧版Foobar2000的SDK构建的,为了加载该组件,需要把组件升级到适合新版Foobar2000SDK的版本,请联系这个组件的作者以获得新版的组件。The error message already says what you should do.这个错误信息已经说了您应该做什么。
“This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.”因为应用程序配置错误,该应用程序无法启动,重装此应用程序可能会修复这个问题。This error message is not related to the component's configuration data that is stored in the foobar2000 configuration file. Rather, the error message is returned by Windows when foobar2000 tries to load a component DLL and Windows cannot find a DLL that the component requires. Often this is a particular version of the Visual C++ runtime that is not installed on your computer. Please check the component's documentation – especially the installation instructions – for information about any required DLLs.这条错误信息与储存在Foobar2000配置文件里的组件的配置数据无关,更准确地说,这条错误信息是当Foobar2000试图加载一个DLL文件而Windows无法找到该组件所需要的DLL文件,由Windows返回的,经常因为是您的电脑上没有安装某个特定版本的VC++运行时间,请检查该组件的文件记载,特别是安装说明书,寻找相关DLL文件的信息。
Some of my files are not seen by the Media Library...我的一些文件在媒体库里看不到……Make sure that neither the folders containing the files nor the files themselves have hidden attribute set.确认这些文件及其所处的文件夹没有勾选隐藏属性。If those files are not in one of formats natively supported by foobar2000, such as Monkey's Audio, you need to download and install relevant decoder component in order to be able to see and play them. If you've already installed it, you may need to remove affected folders from Media Library configuration and add them back for those files to become visible.如果这些文件不是foobar2000本身支持的任何一种格式,例如Monkey’s Audio,您需要下载并安装相应的解码器组件以便于您能够看到并且播放它们,如果您已经安装了该组件,您可能需要从媒体库配置内移除受影响的文件夹,重新添加这些文件以使其可见。
Where's the File Types page in Preferences? I can't find it...文件类型页在偏好设置对话框的哪里,我找不到它……You have installed foobar2000 in portable mode. The portable mode does not support Windows shell integration. You need to reinstall in standard mode in order to access relevant functionality. 您采用了便携模式安装Foobar2000,便携模式不支持Windows外壳集成,为了访问相关的功能,您需要以标准模式重新安装Foobar2000。
I am using ASIO/WASAPI/etc output and I am experiencing issues...我正使用ASIO/WASAPI/其他输出并且我现在正面临问题……Do not use alternate output modes unless you must. There is NO benefit in terms of audio quality to using these, as far as music playback is concerned ( read more on the subject ). 除非您必须,否则请不要使用另类的输出模式。使用这些输出,就音质方面而言是没有提升的,就音乐播放而言(点击了解关于此话题的更多内容)Additionally, on most systems, WASAPI (if available) is known to be more stable than ASIO. 另外,在大多数系统上,WASAPI(如果可用的话)凭借比ASIO更稳定而出名。
I have an Asus Xonar card and I'm experiencing problems...我使用Asus Xonar Card,并且我现在正面临问题……Asus Xonar cards are infamous for their buggy drivers. We recommend getting a soundcard from another manufacturer instead. Asus Xonar Cards因为有故障的驱动程序而臭名昭著,我们推荐您使用其他生产商生产的声卡来代替。If you're running foobar2000 older than 1.1.10, please update - version 1.1.10 introduces workarounds for certain known Xonar bugs. 如果您正使用比1.1.10还老的版本的Foobar2000,请升级至1.1.10版本,该版本为某些Xonar的缺陷添加了应对方法。 本帖最后由 webpassport 于 2013-12-5 20:15 编辑
Tagging Files文件标签
How do I edit tags of my files ?我如何编辑文件标签
Right-click one or more tracks, choose 'Properties' from the context menu. Various additional functionality can be accessed by selecting one or more fields in the Properties dialog and right-clicking them. 右击一首或者多首歌曲,在上下文菜单中选择性质,通过在性质对话框内选择一栏或多栏并右击能够访问不同的额外功能。Note that you can mass-edit tags of a group of track by opening the Properties dialog on multiple items. 请注意通过选择多个音乐再打开性质对话框,您可以批量编辑一组音乐的标签。
Can I have 'Previous' / 'Next' buttons in the Properties dialog, to go to properties of previous / next track in my playlist?我能否在性质对话框内有前一个/后一个的按钮,对应我播放列表的前一首/后一首歌曲的性质?No. If you want to edit tags of multiple tracks, you can do it more efficiently by just selecting them all and opening the Properties dialog for them. 不,如果您想编辑多首音乐的标签,您所能做的更有效率的方法就是全选音乐并打开它们的性质对话框。
What tag types does foobar2000 write to my MP3 files?Foobar2000写入我的MP3文件里的是什么类型的标签?foobar2000 maintains the existing tags present in the file when it is possible to fit the information being written within these. 当文件内部现存的原有标签和即将被写入文件的标签信息相吻合的时候,Foobar2000会保持文件内部现有的标签不变。If the file does not already have tags that can hold the information being written, foobar2000 will add the ID3 tags necessary to store it. 如果文件不存在能保存被写入信息的标签,Foobar2000将会添加并存储必要的ID3标签。
How can I add ID3v1, ID3v2, or APEv2 tags to my MP3 files, or how can I remove them?我如何将ID3V1,ID3V2或者APEV2标签添加进我的MP3文件,或者我怎么移除它们?Just use the 'Tagging → MP3 tag types' feature from the context menu. The dialog appearing is not an option dialog. The changes you are doing there are applied to the selected files only. 从上下文菜单中使用标签-->MP3标签类型特性。出现的对话框不是一个选项对话框,您在这里做的改变仅被应用于当前被选择的文件。
Why is 'Tagging -> MP3 tag types' missing from the context menu?为什么标签-->MP3标签类型从上下文菜单里消失了?You have probably selected one or more non-MP3 files. The feature is only available for MP3 files. 您可能选择了一个或者多个非MP3格式的文件,这个特性仅对MP3文件是可见的。
Why does foobar2000 write question marks to my ID3v1 tags?为什么foobar2000在ID3V1标签写入了问号?Only ASCII characters are allowed in ID3v1. Any other characters are replaced by question marks on rewrites. 仅有ASCII字符允许写入ID3V1。任何其他的字符都会被问号来代替掉。 本帖最后由 webpassport 于 2013-12-5 16:59 编辑
Renaming Files文件重命名
How can I rename files based on information from the tags?我如何基于标签的信息重命名文件。You can find this feature at 'File operations' from the context menu (you need to enable the 'Optional features → Tools → File operations' during installation). 您可以从上下文菜单(您需要在安装的时候勾选可选特性à工具à文件操作)里找到这项特性
Why can't I use $replace() to create custom substitution schemes for characters that can't be used in file names?为什么我不能使用$replace()来为那些不能被用作文件名的字符创建个性化的代替方案?Invalid file name characters - such as slashes or backslashes - are replaced before metadata originating from the file is processed by title formatting functions. This is necessary to allow slash or backslash characters placed by you in your file name formatting pattern to be interpreted as path delimiters without the side effect of each slash contained in metadata fields included in your file name formatting pattern being interpreted as a path delimiter as well. 无效的文件名字符,例如斜杠或者反斜杠在文件被标题格式子例程处理、创建元数据之前已被取代,您用自己的文件名格式模板允许斜杠或者反斜杠字符作为文件名被无法避免其被理解为路径界定符,使每个包含在元数据栏内的没有意外连带作用的斜杠成为您的文件名格式模板的一部分也会被理解为路径界定符。 本帖最后由 webpassport 于 2013-12-5 17:06 编辑
Converting Audio Files to Different File Formats将音频文件转化为不同的文件格式
How do I convert my audio files to another format?我如何将我的音频文件转化为另外的格式?Load tracks you want to convert into a playlist, right click, choose 'Convert' from the context menu, click one of sub-options. Converting functionality requires the Converter component to be installed ('Optional Features → Tools → Converter' during installation). 加载您想要转化的文件进入播放列表,右击,从上下文菜单中选择转化,选择一个子选项,转化功能需要安装转化器组件(在安装Foobar2000的时候选择可选特性-->工具-->转化器)Note that converting to most supported formats requires external command-line encoders. Encoders for various popular formats can be easily installed with the foobar2000 free encoder pack. For the remaining formats, we recommend obtaining encoders from RareWares. 请注意转为大多数支持的格式需要外部的命令行编码器,使用Foobar2000免费编码器包可以轻松安装许多流行格式的编码器,对于其他仍需要的(未包含在免费编码器包内的)编码器,我们推荐从Rarewares获得。 本帖最后由 webpassport 于 2013-12-5 17:44 编辑
Random / Shuffle Playback Order随机/乱序播放命令
What's the difference between Shuffle and Random playback order modes?乱序播放与随机播放命令模式有什么区别?Random mode picks tracks randomly, without special measures to prevent track repetitions other than a simple check to prevent the same track from playing twice in a row.随机模式随机挑选乐曲,随机模式没有专门的措施来阻止列表里的同一首乐曲被播放两次。但会采取一个简单的核查来阻止列表里的同一首乐曲被播放两次,
Shuffle modes keep an internal randomized list of tracks in your playlist and play tracks according to their order in that list, so you don't get repetitions until all tracks in your playlist have been played. Shuffle's randomized track lists for each playlist are re-created on foobar2000 restart or when starting/advancing playback with another shuffle mode. Note that manually selecting a track to play in your playlist will result in shuffle playback continuing from that track's location on the randomized list, which is often perceived as repetitions: each time you manually choose a track to play (by doubleclicking it in playlist, etc.), shuffle plays the same tracks after that track; use 'Play → Random' menu command or the 'Random' button when you want to continue playback from a random track instead.乱序播放模式会将您播放列表内的乐曲保存为一张重新排列的列表【Webpassport注:您无法看见】,并且根据这张列表里的乐曲顺序来播放乐曲,因此在您列表内的所有乐曲播放完之前您不会听到重复的乐曲,在Foobar2000重新启动或者用另一种乱序模式开始/继续播放的时候,每一张播放列表的乱序随机化列表都会被重新生成;请注意在列表里手动地选择一首乐曲播放会导致乱序播放从随机化列表里那首乐曲的位置继续下去,这经常会被理解为重复:每次您手动地选择一首乐曲来播放(通过在播放列表里双击等等,在这首播放了之后还会重复与上次乱序播放时相同的乐曲乱序播放顺序),当您想用一首随机的乐曲来代替并继续播放下去的时候,您可以使用播放à随机菜单命令或者随机按钮。
Random mode: Why do I hear the same track more than once a day in a very long playlist?随机模式:为什么在非常长的播放列表中,一天之内我多次听到了同一首乐曲?See Birthday paradox. Random mode doesn't prevent track repetitions other than the same track played twice in a row. You probably want to use 'Shuffle (tracks)' mode instead. 请看Birthday Paradox。随机模式不会阻止乐曲重复,但是随机模式会阻止列表里相同的曲目播放两次。您可能想要使用乱序(乐曲)模式来代替。
Shuffle mode: Why do I hear the same tracks regularly, played in the same order?乱序模式:为什么我总是有规律地听到相同的乐曲,难道是以相同的顺序播放的吗?Shuffle modes keep an internal reordered list of tracks in your playlist. If you manually start playback from some track that you've already played, you'll get the same tracks played after it as last time. Use the 'Playback → Random' menu command to pick a random track in your playlist to resume from. 乱序模式将您播放列表内的乐曲保存为一张内部的重新排列的列表。如果您从一些您已经播放过的乐曲处手动地开始播放,您会听到和上次播放时相同的曲目顺序,使用“播放-->随机”菜单命令在您的播放列表内随机挑选一首乐曲重新开始。
What's the purpose of Shuffle (albums) and Shuffle (directories) modes?按专辑乱序和按目录乱序模式的用途是什么?These modes can be used to reorder your playlist on album basis rather than track basis and play tracks in each album in sequential order. Shuffle (albums) is usable when your files are tagged properly (”%album artist% | %date% | %album%” evaluates to unique value for each of your album and doesn't vary between tracks in one album); Shuffle (directories) is meant as a fallback when your tagging scheme renders Shuffle (albums) useless but you keep each album in a separate folder. Note that the album identification pattern can be customized in 'Preferences → Advanced → Playback → Shuffle → Album grouping pattern'. 这些模式能依据专辑方式而不是乐曲方式在每张专辑里以顺序命令播放乐曲,由此来重新排列您的播放列表,当您的文件被正确地加上了标签时(”%album artist% | %date% | %album%”,您的每张专辑将会被评估成独一无二的数值代号,而且同一张专辑内的乐曲之间的数值代号是相同的),以专辑方式乱序是有用的;当您的标签方式使得以专辑方式乱序无法使用,但是您将每张专辑放置在了一个个独立的文件夹内,以文件夹方式乱序便相当于一种替代方案。请注意专辑识别模式可以在偏好设置-->高级-->播放-->乱序-->专辑分组模式中自定义。
【Webpassport注:因为专辑与专辑之间的数值代号不同,而同一张专辑内的乐曲数值代号相同,因此以专辑乱序就相当于专辑之间的播放顺序是乱序的,不过同一张专辑内的乐曲还是按照该乐曲在所属专辑内的排列顺序播放。】 本帖最后由 webpassport 于 2013-12-5 17:02 编辑
Foobar2000 on the Web
What is the official foobar2000 web site?
The only official web site is at; the official forum is at - a part of Hydrogenaudio Forums.
唯一的官方网站是,官方论坛是,是Hydrogenaudio Forums的一部分。
There are certain other sites claiming to be “official” foobar2000 sites in languages other than English. These sites are in no way affiliated with us. As we have no power over content of those sites, you should avoid using them as they may contain other misinformation or even malware.
确实有一些网站宣称自己是Foobar2000非英语的官方网站,这些站点与我们没有隶属关系,我们也没有能力监控这些站点的内容,您应该避免使用这些站点上的文件因为它们可能包含其他错误信息甚至流氓软件。 本帖最后由 webpassport 于 2013-12-5 17:48 编辑
Other Questions
How do I use title formatting strings?
Please choose 'Titleformatting Help' from foobar2000's 'Help' menu.
How do I enable volume display or playlist selection total time display in my status bar?
Right-click the status bar, toggle relevant option.
How do I make the currently playing track to be selected (highlighted) and stay always in view?
Enable “Cursor Follows Playback” under main window's “Playback” menu.
What is ReplayGain?
Please see the Replaygain page on the Hydrogenaudio Knowledgebase.
请在Hydrogenaudio Knowledgebase上查看重放增益页
I can't find some command in my playlist context (right-click) menu. What do I do?
Go to 'Preferences → Display → Context Menu', right-click a group you want to add an entry to, select 'Insert item → Command…', choose the command you're looking for from the list. If the command you need can't be found, you're missing a component that provides it.
If the command you're looking for is already in the context menu structure tree under Context Menu Preferences yet you can't see it in your context menus, it might be context-sensitive and available only for specific tracks; for an example, MP3-specific utility commands are available only when all selected tracks are MP3 files.
Why do some menu commands not work when bound to global keyboard shortcuts?
Context menu commands require a list of tracks on which to operate. If you execute them from the context menu or using a normal (non-global) keyboard shortcut, this list is provided by part of the program where you used the context menu or the keyboard shortcut (the context). For global keyboard shortcuts there is no way to chose a list of tracks automatically when they are used, so you have to chose a context when you bind the command. To do so, select a command from the or branch to make the command use the playing track or the selected items on the active playlist when you press the global keyboard shortcut.
Are specifications of the FPL playlist format available? Why doesn't foobar2000 use some user-editable XML-based playlist file format instead?
The FPL format is not meant to be interchangeable with other software or editable by users. Its primary design goals are carrying all necessary track information (metadata, last seen modification time, etc.) between foobar2000 sessions while remaining as fast to read and write as possible, since reading/writing FPL files bottlenecks app startup and shutdown with large Media Library or playlists. Making the FPL format user-editable would introduce massive startup/shutdown delays for certain users.
Additionally, the format is strictly tied to foobar2000 track information caching architecture; potential design changes in that area in future foobar2000 versions will inevitably require a new non-backwards-compatible revision of the FPL format.
Are specifications of foobar2000's configuration file format (.cfg) available? Why doesn't foobar2000 use some user-editable XML-based configuration file format instead?
The configuration file format is not meant to be interchangeable with other software or editable by users. Making it user-editable would result in third party component developers using it as an excuse not to provide proper user interface to change their components' settings, just like many components use title formatting as an excuse not to provide a more accessible way to customize them. Additionally, keeping the entire configuration file structure human-readable would result in slower startup/shutdown and code bloat as well as break compatibility with existing configuration files (or require even more bloat to import old settings).
Does foobar2000 sound better than other players?
No. Most of “sound quality differences” people “hear” are placebo effect (at least with real music), as actual differences in produced sound data are below their noise floor (1 or 2 last bits in 16bit samples). foobar2000 has sound processing features such as software resampling or 24bit output on new high-end soundcards, but most of the other mainstream players are capable of doing the same by now.
Is foobar2000 available in languages other than English? Can I contribute a translation?
foobar2000 does not support any kind of translations. If you want a lightweight player with full multilanguage support, we recommend Boom.
【Webpassport注:Boom是一个音乐播放器的名字。】 占楼解释说明
[*]“为什么播放MP3时搜索很慢”部分,seeking译为定位更为准确,它指的是在进度条上单击从而跳至当前音乐的相应位置,或通过“前进/后退1/5/10秒/分”这类跳进/跳退命令来跳过当前音乐的某些内容,而不是指搜索什么东西。从而“sample-accurate seeking”同样“sample-exact seeking”译为“精确到取样的定位”表意更明晰。本部分中的“padding”是指文件中为对齐或填充结构而添加的无义字节,译成“衬料”可能有人会不明白是指什么。“when you pass through the same point of file for the second time”应该是之后的定位操作所跨越的范围覆盖到了之前定位操作所建立的定位表内容,所以速度有所提升,并不非要第二次定位到同一点。
[*]“I am using ASIO/WASAPI/etc output and I am experiencing issues”中“输入”应为“输出”。
[*]“乱序播放与随机播放命令模式有什么区别”中的“other than”不是“不同于”,整句话意思是,随机模式随机挑选乐曲,随机模式没有专门的措施来阻止列表里的同一首乐曲被播放两次,但会采取一个简单的核查来阻止列表里的同一首乐曲被播放两次。“随机模式:为什么在非常长的播放列表中,一天之内我多次听到了同一首乐曲”部分同样如此。
[*]“Are specifications of the FPL playlist format available?”意为“FPL播放列表文件格式的设计规格是否公开?”specification是指某种文件类型所采用的具体数据存储格式,比如文件头包含哪些部分,数据如何组织等等。原译的意思完全错了。下文涉及cfg部分同。“FPL不是普遍认为可与其他软件交换的或可被用户编辑的格式”的“普遍认为”不妥,原文完全没有“不是普遍认可”之意;事实上,FPL格式设计初衷就是该软件的专用格式,没有任何要与其他软件兼容或允许用户修改的设定。“sessions”一词是指“会话、进程”,该句是说,FPL格式满足在foobar2000程序的多次进程间以最快速度读写数据的需要,说白了所谓between sessions就是程序关闭过又启动,FPL作为暂时存储。