六文丿鱼丸 发表于 2014-1-28 11:09:00


**** How To Use The Population Counter AI Effectively ****

This AI has been specifically designed to provide scenario designers with a simple way of calculating population and removing food proportionally. (As if the population were consuming it.)

I have included a demonstration scenario, which is also fully playable, that allows a designer to see the script in action.

To use these files, extract the .ai and .per files into your AI folder in your Age Of Kings folder. The .scx file goes into your Scenario folder. You can then play the scenario by loading in the Map Editor and clicking test.
Included in the scenario is a demonstration of how to damage your units if you have no food, but it is needed by your population.
*********** Changing Parameters ***********
I have set a few parameters in the demo, which may easily be changed.

1. Interval Between Population Check
I have set a default value of 40 seconds between checks. To change this value, load the .per file in wordpad or notepad. I have written instructions on how to change the value, and it is clearly labelled in the script.
2. Amount Of Food Per Member Of Population
I set this to a deefault value of 1. However, in the triggers of the scenario, when food is taken off player 2, you may change the proportion. E.G. If you want each unit to consume 2 food, when P2 tributes 4 food, p1 must tribute 8 food. (Ratio 1:2 = 1 Of P2 to 2 of P1 Food).
默认值是1,每个单位消耗1食物。但是在剧情编辑器里面,如果是针对游戏者2设计的,就要改比例了。比方说你想要每个单位消耗2食物,1P就得换成4食物(比例1比2=2P的1点 比 1P的2点)?????????没看懂
3. Amount Of Damage Per Unit If Less Food Available Than Needed
This is the simplest one. Just go to the trigger named 'Don't Have Food' and alter the damage value. (Currently set at 2).
这个是最简单的,去那个叫“Don't Have Food”的触发里面改值就行了,默认是2血


I have integrated Immobile Units AI into the script, and this allows you to use the script without having units wondering all over the map.


I hope this is of use to you all.




TangJie 发表于 2014-1-28 11:28:15

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