Here are three very simple and basic passive.per files: Soldiers stay
in their places and don't walk around, villagers gather resources,
maintain farms and look busy.
1. AngryBrother.per: Soldiers stay in their places. If one of
them gets attacked, the others will come to his aid within a
radius of 30 tiles. Therefore the name - you attack one of them, and
all his brothers come running.
AngryBrother.per:士兵不动,如果其中一个受到攻击,周围30格内的同伴回来帮他。由此得名兄弟同生死共愤怒= =
2. Passive.per: As above, but the soldiers are more passive. They
react within a radius of 20 tiles.
3. VeryPassive.per: The most passive file. Soldiers stay in their
places and only help each other within a tiny radius. Unless a
desperate comrade steps onto their toes and yells into their ears
"Help! I'm under attack!", they will not bother to come to his rescue.
Please copy all .ai and .per files into your Age of Kings\ Ai folder.
Ingo van Thiel
(5/ 1/ 2000)
这就是基友的力量么……{:146:} 好逗.. {:147:}发现了好东西,话说 士兵来帮忙以后这个AI的效果还在吗?
就是 生产出来的新士兵 会不会不动站在家里?等着再度被基友需要援助。。。。 {:151:} 这个AI非常好用!真诚感谢楼主!!
拜,OTZ 这个AI非常好用!真诚感谢楼主!!
棒棒的 好