linhankun 发表于 2014-6-17 16:06:49



atila 发表于 2014-6-17 16:24:31


狂~劇情狂 发表于 2014-6-17 16:59:34

該單位原名 Hrolf the Ganger ,官方繁體中文版翻譯作「首領荷夫」,兩種譯名都不太對。


記述歷代挪威國王傳奇的北歐薩迦文學作品《世界之環(Heimskringla)》曾提到此人,他在金髮哈羅德(Harald Fairhair,850-892)傳奇的第二十四段出現,內容大致是說 Hrolf 本人牛高馬大,體格健壯得沒有馬能夠讓他騎上,因而得到「行者」稱號,後來他開罪金髮哈羅德而遭放逐,於是流落至諾曼第進行殖民,並且成為當地伯爵,亦即征服者威廉的祖先,北歐史家基於相關記載認為 Hrolf 就是羅洛(Rollo,846-931),而「Rollo」實際也是古北歐語「Hrólfr」的拉丁化寫法之一。

一般認為他在流放至當上伯爵之間的經歷如下:他參與了公元 885 年的巴黎圍城戰,次年和談後轉往洗劫勃艮地(Burgundy),接著率領部眾肆虐於塞納河(Seine)流域,並且佔領了諾曼第地區。公元 911 年,他嘗試獨力再圍攻巴黎,可是進軍到巴黎西南的沙特爾(Chartres)就被法軍打敗。輸了的他與法王查理三世(Charles III,879-929)簽約承諾歸化改宗成為法國封臣,並且迎娶了吉塞拉公主(Gisela),但據說 Hrolf 對她的待遇很差,先是吉塞拉的兩名護衛騎士慘遭吊死,吉塞拉本人最後亦在無子嗣的情況下鬱鬱而終。況且 Hrolf 從一開始就拒絕行禮親吻國王的腳,亦繼續掠奪法蘭德斯(Flanders)等地區,而在羅伯特一世(Robert I,865-923)推翻查理三世後更是變本加厲侵略貝森(Bessin)和皮卡第(Picardy)一帶,又於談判期間爭得了勒芒(Le Mans)及巴約(Bayeux)。約在 927 年前後, Hrolf 將爵位傳給兒子「長劍」威廉一世(William I,900-942),過了數年與世長辭。

Lee M. Hollander 的《世界之環》英譯本相關文字節錄如下:
Rognvald, the earl of Moer, was a very close friend of King Harald, and the king held him in high esteem. Rognvald was married to Hild, a daughter of Hrolf Nefja. Their sons were Hrolf and Thorir ... Hrolf was a great viking. He was of such great size that no horse could bear him, so he always journeyed on foot. He was called Ganger-Hrolf. He harried much in Baltic lands. One summer when he returned from a Viking expedition in the east to Vik, he raided there. King Harald was in Vik then, and was greatly incensed when he learned this, because he had interdicted most severely depredations within the country. The king announced at the assembly that he had made Hrolf an outlaw in Norway. When Hild, Hrolf's mother, learned that, she went up to the king and begged him to forgive Hrolf. But the king was so enraged that it was of no avail ... Ganger-Hrolf then sailed west to the Hebrides, and from there west to Valland where he harried and conquered a great earldom which he peopled to a large extent with Norwegians, and it was later called Normanday. From Hrolf are descended the earls of Normandy. The son of Ganger-Hrolf was William, the father of Richard, the father of the second Richard, the father of Robert Longspear, the father of William the Bastard, king of England. From him all later kings of England are descended.
Hrolf 或 Rollo 作為一名凶猛維京海盜及征服者威廉祖先的證據是較為明確的,不過他本人的出身卻有西挪威默勒郡伯爵 Rognvald Eysteinsson 長子與丹麥沒落貴族次子兩種說法(連帶開罪君主也有本人得罪金髮哈羅德及父親得罪丹麥國王二說),兩地史家至今仍在爭論這一問題。

鹰蛋Johu 发表于 2014-9-19 21:32:38

有,他是著名挪威海盗,挪威贵族之子,因得罪了金发王哈拉罗德而被流放,后加入了丹麦海盗,由于据说他重得连马都驮不动,所以才有了这个外号,他又叫 步行者 ,别以为他是个绣花枕头实际上他英勇善战,最多时有数万手下,是当时最著名的海盗之一,正如三楼所说,他后来与法王查理三世签订协议,以作为法王附庸和放弃掠夺的条件得到了诺曼底一带肥沃的土地,成为诺曼底公爵,后来威廉征服,这个家族又成为了英国诺曼底王朝的历代君王。

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