狂~劇情狂 发表于 2006-5-3 22:33:58

The X King 來訪本論壇

We are glad to have The X King (Todesgott) here with us. He is the author of the campaign "The Paladin of Destiny" (which has been translated into Chinese by the Hawk team) as well as many high-rating and well-known modification packs of Age of Kings.
Anyone who are interested in The X King's masterpieces can find them in <a href="https://aok.heavengames.com/blacksmith/lister.php?author=the+x+king" target="_blank" >https://aok.heavengames.com/blacksmith/lister.php?author=the+x+king</A>
相信很多人都玩過中文版的《天命聖騎》,而很高興的是其作者 The X King 今日蒞臨了翔鷹論壇!除該戰役外,他還製作過許多著名模組。
有興趣瀏覽 The X King 其他作品的人可到:<a href="https://aok.heavengames.com/blacksmith/lister.php?author=the+x+king" target="_blank" >https://aok.heavengames.com/blacksmith/lister.php?author=the+x+king</A>

旧王孙 发表于 2006-5-3 22:40:34

welcome &amp; the warmest regards, with my heart!

_CCC_大智 发表于 2006-5-3 22:42:30

Welcome here,The X King `~首位外宾啊,热烈欢迎,啪啪啪啪......

zwz10101 发表于 2006-5-3 22:50:57


Todesgott 发表于 2006-5-3 22:57:27

Thanks for the nice welcome guys!感謝 你們的 款待

旧王孙 发表于 2006-5-3 23:04:28

u worth it! u know? u got many fans here because of yr great works

卧龙先生 发表于 2006-5-3 23:08:03

Welcome !Ovation !   
只记得 "欢迎", 所以我写了一个"欢迎",后来觉得不够热情,我又使用翻译软件转的 Ovation ,还不知道正确否:) 是不是够晕.哈哈

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-05-03 23:14:06编辑过]

剑过无痕 发表于 2006-5-3 23:11:17


旧王孙 发表于 2006-5-3 23:18:22


Todesgott 发表于 2006-5-3 23:30:27

@ zwz10101:well,i create fansubs for anime in my german fansub team. Though, my understanding of japanese helps me there a lot. And at learning the kanji's i've learned a bit chinese too. But sadly, my chinese is far from perfect like you have probably seen.此是不奇, 我搞德文 - it would be wrong anyway, so i stopped the translating...@卧龙先生: i don't use a translator program... , eventually the goggle one could give better results in chinese then i do..., but i really don't know.
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-05-03 23:34:46编辑过]

zwz10101 发表于 2006-5-3 23:43:53

I see

旧王孙 发表于 2006-5-3 23:47:04

interesting on aoe iii? or wanna try it?

卧龙先生 发表于 2006-5-3 23:49:07

你太牛了.This's chinese language style.English: You Are Very Bull.   hehe

Todesgott 发表于 2006-5-4 12:06:08

I've got it, but I am not really interested to create mods and scenarios for it. Hence, I have even never released my aom mods because I started a while to dislike it. So, the addon needs to have something interesting for me, or I am not going to buy it.Anyway, i'm still working on my TDAD-rpg series and the tsod rpg trigger(many triggers and much more bugs up to now) and some other mods.A old screenshot from 2005 of TSOD: https://mitglied.lycos.de/noclanx/xmod.jpgAnd here a picture from an unreleased mod: https://mitglied.lycos.de/noclanx/xmod.jpgIf my upcoming scenarios will fullfil your expectations you all can feel free to translate them if you wantAnyway, i'm playing now some scenarios from your downlaod section. I hoep they are fun to play.

旧王孙 发表于 2006-5-4 12:11:48

may u enjoy them.so sad u dislike aoe iii while i think an excellent game. anyway, maybe you'll like the upcoming addon

旧王孙 发表于 2006-5-4 12:13:48

saw the pics, amazing

472840148 发表于 2006-5-4 12:23:00


阔比多华 发表于 2006-5-4 05:35:08

   &lt;SCRIPT language=javascript type=text/javascript&gt; document.write (usercolor('8','Todesgott')); &lt;script&gt; <FONT face=Verdana color=#da2549><B>Todesgott就是外宾吗?他怎么看得懂我们的全中文网页呢?是不是用了翻译软件?</B></FONT>

小狐 发表于 2006-5-4 07:49:29

卧龙好强啊,“you r very bull”,哈哈哈。欢迎欢迎~~~~~~~~

_CCC_大智 发表于 2006-5-4 15:32:26

Wow,so ucan speak German,English,Japanese and Chinese?!So cool,so strong....
Have fun here,and I hope you can understand Chinese scenarios well:)
Also,our translate group are putting some of them into English.
My friend and I have translated a scenario of mine called Robin Hood,which got a 4.4 in AOKH.(my ID there is Hawk_DaghT)Have u downloaded it?I hope that you could like it,though it's a bit too difficult to some players.:P
(don't mind my poor English~-~)
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-05-04 15:33:15编辑过]
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