黄栌苦竹 发表于 2015-2-2 09:03:54



狂~劇情狂 发表于 2015-2-2 09:21:40

那純粹是由全效工作室前成員 Chris Rippy 杜撰出來的語言。有好事者曾經嘗試將遊戲語言與拉丁語給扯上關係(https://aoe.heavengames.com/cgi-bin/forums/display.cgi?action=ct&f=1,6243,75,all),結果引來全效工作室前成員 Matt Pritchard 出來吐槽說:

I believe the actual truth is a lot less interesting and less researched. I don't know for sure. Chris R was the sound designer for AoE/RoR and his brother did the soundtrack, with the other brother helping out.
我相信真相沒如此有趣或者值得深究。其實我也不太確定。世紀帝國/羅馬霸主的音效設計師是 Chris Rippy ,而他的兄弟則負責配樂,當然其他兄弟也有幫忙。
之後過了不久,又有人發現了全效工作室創建者之一 Tony Goodman 關於僧侶感化語音的留言(https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/1j64tv/im_tony_goodmanfounder_of_ensemble_studios_age_of):

Wololo was something Chris Rippy (Sound Guru at the time) made up. I don't remember the backstory. However, there is always a story behind everything Chris does.
「Wololo」是 Chris Rippy(當時的音效導師)杜撰出來的,我不記得具體的背景故事了。不過, Chris 每做任何一件事背後都會有它的故事。
更進一步證據可見 Age of Empires Heaven 跟 Chris Rippy 本人的訪談錄(https://aoe.heavengames.com/town/esteam/chris2.shtml),當中提到:

Archangel Michael: In that "strange language" you invented -Which speech sound hides your wife's Name? - And are there any more surprises in the sounds?
天使長 Michael :在你發明的那種「古怪語言」內,哪段語音藏著你老婆的名字呢?還有更多驚喜在裡頭嗎?

Chris Rippy: Lots of surprise sounds! Her name is actually in there twice. Maybe we'll have a contest to figure out which one.The hint would be that it begins with an R.
Chris Rippy:驚喜的語音可多著!她的名字其實在裡頭出現了兩次。我們也許可以搞個比賽來猜猜是哪一個吧,提示就是它以 R 開頭的。
至於在 Telcontar's Empire of the Ages 網站的對話錄原稿(https://artho.com/age/chat1.html)裡,他更直言:

Telcontar: why did you decide to create your own language for AoE?


ES_Chris: Good question..we wanted to have an early "sounding language",but not a real known language. So, AOE speak was born.
Chris Ripppy:好問題……我們想有一套「聽上去」古老的「語言」,但不是一套真正的已知語言,於是世紀帝國語就此誕生了。

Telcontar: some words sound like a weird Swiss German dialect :)

ArchangelM: I heard it was based on you when you were a baby - is this true :)
天使長 Michael :我還聽說這是以你尚在襁褓時的發音為基礎呢-此事當真?:)


ES_Chris: Me as a baby, huh.. Most sounds are just "latin sounding" words that we made up. There aresome secrets in there too.
Chris Ripppy:襁褓時的我啊……大部分語音都是我們杜撰的「拉丁聲」字詞吧,但裡邊是有一些秘密的。

天日 发表于 2015-2-2 19:40:06

狂~劇情狂 发表于 2015-2-2 09:21
那純粹是由全效工作室前成員 Chris Rippy 杜撰出來的語言。有好事者曾經嘗試將遊戲語言與拉丁語給扯上關係 ...

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