女皇萌雨 发表于 2015-3-5 22:12:52

(4.5分)Swan 天鹅

For AoC 1.0c 1v1 Arabia

This AI propose is for the AI tournament, only for 1v1 Arabia, Hun, pop200 random map, resource normal, start age normal, conquest. With plan A to plan F, but in fact only plan C, D, F will be active in this AI, no cc-add command, no any cc- command on any parameters except "0" Gaia, whatever... the tournament's rule is so. I think it will sure make some bug on this AI as no cc- command as I just edit from the original has cc- command *.per to no cc- command. Ah...no time to edit more...no time to test anymore before the tournament deadline...Too bad!



他的特点:一般打封,有时直城。直城后出许多骑士进行马爆(出得很快哦),然后就转各种兵搭配。尽管他每次攻势不算太猛烈,但是兵一波一波来,没有给对手喘息的机会。打封的话一般采取弓+枪的形式。这个AI也很有用、很强大,对任何人的都是个不小的挑战。他也可以打败IS(不是百分百)。另外他是设计来进行1V1的,所以尽量不要把它用在多人局中。另外他城堡中后期会不断地说TSA的内容 可能会让你很烦,忍一下吧。

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查看完整版本: (4.5分)Swan 天鹅