(4.4分)Mirkwood Forest 幽暗森林
转载自:AOKHNote: There are two Mirkwood Forest maps contained in the zip file:
-Mirkwood Forest- This map is the standard map that includes outposts scattered along the road of Mirkwood.
-Mirkwood Forest (No Outposts)- This map is exactly the same as Mirkwood Forest, except that the outposts are removed.
幽暗森林 - 一个有着遍布在道路两侧的哨所的基础黑森林地图
幽暗森林(无前哨) - 和上面的幽暗森林一模一样,只不过移除了所有的哨所
Map Description:
This random map recreates the dark, treacherous, and bewitching forest of Mirkwood, home to giant spiders and beasts unimaginable, as well as the wood-dwelling Elves of J.R.R. Tolkien's world of Middle Earth. This map is similar in playing style to ES_Sherwood_Forest, but there are more surprises, clearings, and much better visual appeal. Bonus outposts can be found along the old roads of Mirkwood that meander through the forest. Multiple clearings are scattered throughout the map that contain bonus resources and relics. There are also multiple lookout points which are not only excellent places to build a fortress, but also contain stone mines. However, watch out! Numerous beasts roam the forests of Mirkwood, so adventurous explorers beware!
这个随机地图重新创造了一个黑暗,阴险却又迷人的黑森林,巨大的蜘蛛和不可想象的野兽们在深处盯着你,当然,还有那隐藏在森林中的树精灵翩翩飞舞。这张地图和ES_Sherwood_Forest很相似,然而,更多的惊喜等待你的发现,更多的空地和更好的视觉效果给你全新的体验。额外的哨所耸立在蜿蜒的、贯通这宏伟黑森林的陈旧小路。多重的空地分散在地图的四面八方,里面的上古圣物和森林的宝藏等待着第一个发现它们的人。还有那些能够感受整个森林的瞭望点,你可以在上面搭建一座城堡,并站在上面静静地享受微风和荣誉。当然,大量的矿石会帮助你创造一个属于自己的史诗般的要塞。 不过,小心!无论你是多么厉害的探险家,依旧不要小看无数漫游在这神秘森林中的凶猛野兽。
Game Setup Tips:
This random map separates players by teams, with the old road of Mirkwood running between team areas. Take this into account when creating your teams. All map sizes, from Tiny to Giant, work well, though placing a large number of players on a small map may cause problems.
General Strategies:
The biggest difference from standard random maps are the outposts that are placed along the road. These outposts are claimed by gaia at
the beginning of the game and a free for anyone to claim during the game. Computer players cannot claim these, so it might be best to play the "No Outposts" version for single player.
These outposts radically change the gameplay. Along with finding your resources, players should use their scouts to find as many outposts as they can. These outposts are excellent ways to detect enemy flushes as they approach your town. If you are flushing another player, try to find a break in your enemy's line of outposts. There are often occasional breaks.
These outposts also help in teamed play. Once your team finds all of the outposts next to your area of the map, both of you should try and defend your borders before enemy forces sneak through. Constant watching and communication is even more necessary.
At various locations on the map are large hills, often coated with dirt2 terrain. These hills are excellent places to build a defensive watch tower or castle. If you can find one next to your town, make sure you take advantage of it.
Resources are rich on this map. You will often find gold and stone mines - as well as relics and herds of deer - in most of the scattered clearings on the map. Several patches of forage bushes are located in many regions of the map. Find these resource nodes early. However, if you venture out too far you may encounter wolves, especially on larger map sizes.
Notes about AI behavior:
This map will pose no serious problems for the AI player. However, there is limited open space around the player start areas, so AIs may have a slower economic growth than usual. Take this into account if you make an AI for this map.
Download it and try it out! Any comments are welcome. I really want to know what your opinions are on this map and how I can make it better.