一窍不开 发表于 2015-9-2 11:56:24

(4.5分)Havoc Bot v2.0






这个AI不会造太多城墙,并且它的军队种类会更多。在上一个版本中,它造的城墙过多,所以有些人抱怨。这个AI仍然很厉害,但是它不会像之前发展的那么快了,并且训练更多村民,建造更少的城墙。它会用混合的部队,甚至法兰克也是。如果是法兰克,它会出很多的骑士,但是也会配合着一些掷斧兵等等。如果你想用枪兵来对付骑士,它就会出一些步兵来对付他们 ;P

我自己很喜欢我的AI。我一直都在用它。它很强,也很好玩,因为你只需要一个AI,它不会花费你很长时间。我之前玩过MDE Agr AI,觉得它很不错,但是缺少很多东西,而且太容易赢了。我花了几个月狠狠的修改了它,然后现在,它已经变成了一个完全不同的AI。然后我想,嘿,大家都想要一个更强的AI,那我为什么不分享这个呢?所以我就上传了这个AI。




The AI lacks the coding that tells it how to manage and gather resources! If you take out the cheating, the AI will LOSE. It will have no resources and won't know how to get more!

I added cheating because the AI is not as smart as us. You have a huge advantage over the AI since you have much superior resource managing techniques. I've also seen that the AI stops farming and gathering resources late in the game. This cannot be fixed and is evident on all the AIs, including the default AI. That means the AI gets no resources and lets you easily win. You can still starve the my AI though. Late in the game, the AI will "use up its resources" and start building mostly Pikeman, Skirmishers, and Light Cav. They will build wonders but since only one peasent works on it, it would take forever to build, so don't freak out when they start building one. The difficulty has been toned down overall but harder in the fact that it will counter what you build and is a lot mor efficent. It can easily beat at least 3 of any other AI out. It took out 7 default AIs but I didn't really test it with the other AIs much. All I know is that it can easily kill them. BTW, this AI will use Trade Carts.

I concentrated this AI on the military aspects of the game. Since good players can easily kill a AI by rushing it early or using other cheese tactics which the AI doesn't know how to counter, I made it harder to do that. It builds a military early so it can defend from a rush or forward buildings. It uses Camels and Pikeman since I've seen that people can easily kill the AI with an army of nothing but Paladins. On the AI's I've seen, they build nothing. They build peasents but no army until late in the game which makes their attacks futile. An early rush will easily kill them. They stop all farming late game and just waits for you to kill them. This AI is different. It defends and attacks and acually provides a long intellegent game requiring strategy.

Now this AI supports water and land. They will build transports and a navy on water maps, a few ships in part water maps, and no ships in land maps. It rebuilds the walls if they get knocked down or they chop out a hole in the wood. They will respond depending on what you build and each civ will act differently. For example, if you build tons on Paladins, it would respond with Camels or Pikeman. If you build archers, skirmishers will be made. The Mongols will tend to build a lot of Cav. Archers and Mangudai while the Japanese will use mainly archers and infantry. It defends itself unlike all the other AI's and will make it much more of a challenge to kill.

The AI does not build much siege now and they have an army composed of more living things. In the last version, there was too much siege and some people conplained. The AI is still very hard but it doesn't advance as fast, builds more peasents, and builds less siege. They use combined arms, even the Franks. The Franks build lots of paladins, but will still support them with Throwing Axemen and such. If you try to counter the Paladins with Pikeman, for example, they will build infantry to take care of them ;P

I myself really like my AI. I play it all the time. It's hard and fun and since you only need just one, it won't slow down your game. I first played MDE Agr AI and thought it was great, but lacked a lot of things and was way too easy. I modified it greatly for months and now, it plays like a completely different AI. Then I thought, hey! People want a harder AI, why not submit this in? That is how this AI came to be.

For the people who are ignorant and insult me saying "cheating sucks, no wonder it wins".
"This is very disappointing. I took out the cheat and it didn't do anything." Well maybe if you read the instructions. I don't really give a crap if you hate my AI. Because you can't beat it doesn't mean you can come up and flame me for it. I like my AI and it gives me a challenge. I'm going to continue making this AI for myself and my friends who have great fun with it. Be prepared for the next version!


大毒蛇二号机 发表于 2015-9-2 12:16:42



_CgaM_燕子 发表于 2015-9-3 17:02:39


lws735 发表于 2015-9-8 20:03:47


_CgaM_燕子 发表于 2015-9-9 20:56:24


huazizhen1234 发表于 2016-5-15 16:39:04

请问MDE Agr AI是一什么样的AI?

lzwusrns5 发表于 2019-10-18 17:25:39


gao_2023 发表于 2023-8-23 03:06:49

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查看完整版本: (4.5分)Havoc Bot v2.0