先去下scx文件:https://aok.heavengames.com/blacksmith/showfile.php?fileid=7520(点击上面的download file)
<P ><B><SUP><a href="https://forums.heavengames.com/redir/http%3A/img%2Ephotobucket%2Ecom/albums/v124/scenario%5Ftc/e1%2Ejpg" target="_blank" ><FONT size=4>Screenshot 1: Longer Healing</FONT></A><FONT size=4> (加更长的HP) </FONT><a href="https://forums.heavengames.com/redir/http%3A/img%2Ephotobucket%2Ecom/albums/v124/scenario%5Ftc/p1%2Ejpg" target="_blank" ><FONT size=4>Screenshot 2: 1000 Max Population</FONT></A><FONT size=4>(最大人口1000人) </FONT><a href="https://forums.heavengames.com/redir/http%3A/img%2Ephotobucket%2Ecom/albums/v124/scenario%5Ftc/f1%2Ejpg" target="_blank" ><FONT size=4>Screenshot 3: Farm with 1145 Foods</FONT></A><FONT size=4>(一块耕地增至1145食物,) </FONT><a href="https://forums.heavengames.com/redir/http%3A/img%2Ephotobucket%2Ecom/albums/v124/scenario%5Ftc/f2%2Ejpg" target="_blank" ><FONT size=4>Screenshot 4: Fish Trap with 1325 Foods</FONT></A><FONT size=4>(渔网增至1325食物) screenshot5: 增加抗招降能力!</FONT></SUP></B><B><FONT size=4> </FONT></B>
<P ><B><FONT size=4>How to use this Template(怎么应用这个模版): </FONT></B>
<P ><B><SUP><FONT size=4>1. 将scx 文件放入 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Age of Empires II\Scenario. 2. 运行 Age of Empires II :进入地图编辑器 3.载入场景 "New Trigger Tricks Template"(新触发技术模版), "New Trigger Tricks Template 2 "(新触发技术模版2) 或者是你所需要的文件</FONT></SUP></B>
<P ><B><SUP><FONT size=4>4. 去触发栏. 5. 你会发现8个触发(触发1至触发8),他们的名字分别如下:</FONT></SUP></B>
<P ><B><SUP><FONT size=4>Rewards For Every Razing(从所有摧毁行动中得到奖励)(即摧毁任何东西获得收益)</FONT></SUP></B>
<P ><B><SUP><FONT size=4>Healing Range +/- 365 (Full Map / Disable Full Map)僧侣治疗距离+/-365(全屏/非全屏)</FONT></SUP></B>
<P ><B><SUP><FONT size=4>Healing Range +/- 1治疗距离+/-1</FONT></SUP></B>
<P ><B><SUP><FONT size=4>Farm Starting Food Amount +/- 5耕种初始食物量+/-5</FONT></SUP></B>
<P ><B><SUP><FONT size=4>Fish Trap Starting Food Amount +/- 5捕鱼初始食物量+/-5</FONT></SUP></B>
<P ><B><SUP><FONT size=4>Max Population +/- 5最大人口+/-5</FONT></SUP></B>
<P ><B><SUP><FONT size=4>Population Headroom +/- 5(人口的居住量+/-5)是指不新盖房子而增加允许人数上限</FONT></SUP></B>
<P ><B><SUP><FONT size=4>Relic Production Rate +/- 5圣物产黄金率+/-5</FONT></SUP></B>
<P ><B><SUP><FONT size=4>Healing Speed +/- 5治疗速度+/-5</FONT></SUP></B>
<P ><B><SUP><FONT size=4>Faith Recharging Rate +/- 5信仰恢复+/-5</FONT></SUP></B>
<P ><B><SUP><FONT size=4>Rewards for Every Kill从每次杀人中获得收益</FONT></SUP></B>
<P ><B><SUP><FONT size=4>Rewards for Every Conversions Made从每次招降对方单位中得到收益</FONT></SUP></B>
<P ><B><SUP><FONT size=4>GAIA Ally(GAIA同盟)</FONT></SUP></B>
<P ><FONT size=4><B><SUP>Those 8 triggers would achieve the mentioned effect for the player with corresponding number in the trigger name. Do not touch any effect in the triggers. It is also suggested that you set some condition(s) for these triggers, or the game might chase if you turn them on as soon as the game begins.(这8个触发会帮助用户达到相应的效果)不要碰这些触发里的任何效果,你可以为这些触发设定一定的条件,或者游戏开始时会自动寻找这些打开的触发) 6. Since most trigger starting state is set to off, you have to switch on them manually or with other triggers.大部分触发的初始状态设定是关闭的,需要你手动打开他们,或者和其它触发一起打开 7. Start designing your scenarios on this template or copy the triggers from this template to your scenario with DigiT's AoK Trigger Studio.</SUP></B><B> 你可以在这个模版上设计你的游戏。也可以把这些触发从这个模版上拷贝到你的场景里去,需要用<SUP>DigiT's AoK Trigger Studio(工具名——翻译过来就是AOK数字触发工作室)</SUP></B></FONT>
<P ><B><FONT size=4>1.Rewards For Every Razing(从每次摧毁建筑中获益) </FONT><FONT size=4><SUP>Trigger0 - Trigger Looping: Yes 触发0-触发循环:yes -Condition: Accumulate Attribute ( 1 * Resource : Player ) 条件:积累属性(1 *资源(消灭建筑):玩家 -Effect: Tribute ( 1 * Resource : Player )效果:进贡(1 *资源(消灭建筑):玩家) -Effect: 效果:奖励玩家 To change the resource type in "Tribute" effect to "Razing", you could use 0.3.3 or newer versions of DigiT's AoK Trigger Studio. The drawback of this trick would be no able to display how many buildings the player has razed in the game at the achievement list.</SUP> </FONT></B><FONT size=4><B>在“进贡”效果中改变资源种类,你可以使用</B><B><SUP>0.3.3或者更新版本的DigiT's AoK Trigger Studio!这个技术的缺点是没有办法在游戏结束后的成就里显示一共摧毁了多少建筑单位。</SUP></B><B></B></FONT>
<P ><B><FONT size=4>2.Changing Monks' Healing Range(僧侣治疗范围) </FONT><SUP><FONT size=4>-Effect: Tribute ( ? * Resource : Player )效果:进贡(? * 资源[治疗范围]:玩家) The healing range of all monk units is controlled by a civ header, tribute-able by the "Tribute" effect. Its default amount, without the Teutonic civ bonus, is 4. While a monk is healing another unit, the amendment of healing range by triggers won't affect the proccess of this current healing action, unless you task him again or the healing is finished. 治疗距离是被一个叫civ header的东西控制的。进贡-能够被进贡效果控制,缺少数据,在没有红利的情况下,是4,当你治疗完一个单位转而进行另一个单位的时候,新触发所修改的治疗距离不会影响当前治疗进程 最大的地图255 x 255,最远的距离 362.03867196751233249323231339768, 所以365的治疗距离可以覆盖全图. </FONT></SUP></B>
<P ><B><FONT size=4>3.Changing Starting Food Amount of Farm / Fish Trap增加农田,渔场初始食物量 </FONT><FONT size=4><SUP>-Effect: Tribute ( ? * Resource : Player ) = Farm -Effect: Tribute ( ? * Resource : Player ) = Fish Trap These effects won't affect the player's farms or fish traps already on map, but those built afterwards.</SUP> </FONT></B>
<P ><B><FONT size=4>-效果:<SUP>进贡( ? * 资源[农田食物量] : 玩家 ) =农田</SUP></FONT></B>
<P ><B><FONT size=4>-效果:<SUP>进贡( ? * 资源[渔场食物量] : 玩家 ) =渔场</SUP></FONT></B>
<P ><B><SUP><FONT size=4>这些效果不会影响以前放上去的农场和渔场,但是新建造的就会执行!</FONT></SUP></B>
<P ><B><FONT size=4>4.Changing Max Population改变最大人口 </FONT><SUP><FONT size=4>-Effect: Tribute ( ? * Resource : Player )To see the changes, the player need to refresh the figure by either losing / training a unit, or building a house / castle / town center. </FONT></SUP></B>
<P ><B><SUP><FONT size=4>-效果:进贡 ( ? *资源 [人口上限] : 玩家 )</FONT></SUP></B>
<P ><FONT size=4><B><SUP>有时候这个触发对匈奴无效</SUP></B><B></B></FONT>
<P ><B><FONT size=4>5.Changing Population Headroom without Building Houses在不盖房子的情况下改变当前人口承受量 </FONT><FONT size=4><SUP>-Effect: Tribute ( ? * Resource : Player )To change the resource type in "Tribute" effect to "Population Limit", you could use 0.3.3 or newer versions of DigiT's AoK Trigger Studio.</SUP> </FONT></B>
<P ><B><FONT size=4>-效果:<SUP>进贡( ? * 资源 [人口限制] : 玩家 ) </SUP></FONT></B>
<P ><FONT size=4><B>在“进贡”效果中改变“人口限制”所进贡的资源种类,你可以使用</B><B><SUP>0.3.3或者更新版本的DigiT's AoK Trigger Studio!这个技术的缺点是没有办法在游戏结束后的成就里显示一共杀了多少单位敌人。</SUP></B><B></B></FONT>
<P ><B><FONT size=4>6.Changing Gold-Producing Speed of Collected Relic(s)圣物产黄金速率 <SUP>-Effect: Tribute ( ? * Resource : Player ) </SUP></FONT></B>
<P ><FONT size=4><B><SUP>-效果:进贡( ? * 资源 [圣物黄金产量] : 玩家)</SUP></B><B></B></FONT>
<P ><B><FONT size=4>7.Changing Monks' Healing Speed改变僧侣治疗速率 </FONT><FONT size=4><SUP>-Effect: Tribute ( ? * Resource : Player ) The "Healing Speed - 5" effect could not carry out negative healing, though it could be achieved by editing monk's work rate 2 in GeniED2 Enhanced Version.</SUP> </FONT></B>
<P ><B><SUP><FONT size=4>--效果:进贡( ? * 资源[治疗速率] : 玩家 )</FONT></SUP></B>
<P ><B><SUP><FONT size=4>治疗速率-5效果不能用于消极治疗(你没有主动点击僧侣给某人治疗叫消极治疗,也就是你不加控制的叫他给一批人治疗)</FONT></SUP></B>
<P ><B> <FONT size=4> </FONT> </B>
<P ><B><FONT size=4>8.Changing Recovery for Monks' Faints 恢复信仰 <SUP>-Effect: Tribute ( ? * Resource : Player ) </SUP></FONT></B>
<P ><FONT size=4><B><SUP>效果:进贡( ? *资源[信仰恢复速率] : 玩家 )</SUP></B><B></B></FONT>
<P ><B><FONT size=4>9.Rewards for Every Kill (Accurate)每次消灭敌人单位时获益 </FONT><SUP><FONT size=4>Trigger0 - Trigger Looping: Yes触发0-触发循环:yes -Condition: Accumulate Attribute ( 1 * Resource : Player ) 条件:积累进贡( 1 *资源 [杀敌] : 玩家) -Effect: Tribute ( 1 * Resource : Player ) -Effect: </FONT></SUP></B>
<P ><B><SUP><FONT size=4>效果:( 1 *资源 [杀敌] : 玩家) </FONT></SUP></B>
<P ><B><SUP><FONT size=4>效果:『进贡给玩家』</FONT> <FONT size=4>To change the resource type in "Tribute" effect to "Kill", you could use 0.3.3 or newer versions of DigiT's AoK Trigger Studio. The drawback of this trick would be no able to display how many units the player has killed in the game at the achievement list.</FONT></SUP></B><B><FONT size=4> </FONT></B>
<P ><FONT size=4><B>在“进贡”效果中改变“杀死敌人”所进贡的资源种类,你可以使用</B><B><SUP>0.3.3或者更新版本的DigiT's AoK Trigger Studio!这个技术的缺点是没有办法在游戏结束后的成就里显示一共杀了多少单位敌人。</SUP></B><B></B></FONT>
<P ><B> <FONT size=4> </FONT> </B>
<P ><B><FONT size=4>10.Rewards for Every Conversion Made每次转化中获得收益 </FONT><SUP><FONT size=4>Trigger0 - Trigger Looping: Yes 触发0-触发循环:yes -Condition: Accumulate Attribute ( 1 * Resource : Player ) 条件:积累进贡( 1 *资源 [转化] : 玩家) -Effect: Tribute ( 1 * Resource : Player ) -Effect: 效果:( 1 *资源 [转化] : 玩家) </FONT></SUP></B>
<P ><B><SUP><FONT size=4>效果:『进贡给玩家』</FONT> <FONT size=4>To change the resource type in "Tribute" effect to "Conversions", you could use 0.3.3 or newer versions of DigiT's AoK Trigger Studio. The drawback of this trick would be no able to display how many units the player has converted in the game at the achievement list.</FONT></SUP></B><B><FONT size=4> </FONT></B>
<P ><FONT size=4><B>在“进贡”效果中改变资源种类,你可以使用</B><B><SUP>0.3.3或者更新版本的DigiT's AoK Trigger Studio!这个技术的缺点是没有办法在游戏结束后的成就里显示一共转化了多少单位。</SUP></B><B></B></FONT>
<P ><B><FONT size=4>11GAIA Ally同盟 <SUP>-Effect: Change Diplomacy ( GAIA > Player : Ally)</SUP></FONT></B>
<P ><B><SUP><FONT size=4>-效果:改变外交</FONT><FONT size=4>( GAIA > 玩家 : 同盟) This could be set by AoK Trigger Studio easily, though it would enable GAIA monks to heal the player's units. It CANNOT prevent GAIA units from attacking the player's.</FONT></SUP></B><B><FONT size=4> </FONT></B>
<P ><B><FONT size=4>Conversion Resistance +/- </FONT></B>
<P ><B><FONT size=4>New Tricks Planned to Add in Future: (招降抵抗+/-新技术准备在不久后添加)</FONT></B>
<P ><B><SUP><FONT size=4>Enhanced Building Speed (except Wonder)提高建筑速率(不包括奇观)</FONT></SUP></B>
<P ><B><SUP><FONT size=4>Re-enable Conversion (after disabling Dark Age)恢复信仰(黑暗时代不行)</FONT></SUP></B>
<P ><B><SUP><FONT size=4>Re-enable Reveal Ally (对于同盟)</FONT></SUP></B>
<P ><B><SUP><FONT size=4>Re-enable Reveal Enemy (对于敌人)</FONT></SUP></B>
<P ><B><SUP><FONT size=4>Turn on Crenellations (garrisoned infantry fire arrows) - No Civilization Restriction打开垛口(驻守步兵射箭)-没有文明限制</FONT></SUP></B>
<P ><B><SUP><FONT size=4>Turn on Dominant LOS (sheeps not converted) - No Civilization Restriction绵羊不会转变(无文明限制)</FONT></SUP></B>
<P ><FONT size=4><B><SUP>Re-enable Monks Conversion (信仰恢复 </SUP></B><B><SUP>–</SUP></B><B><SUP> 无科技树限制</SUP></B></FONT>
<P ><B><SUP><FONT size=4>Re-enable Buildings/Siege Weapons Conversion (after disabling Redemption) - No Technology Tree Restriction重新能够转化攻城器和建筑(无文明限制)</FONT></SUP></B>
<P ><B><SUP><FONT size=4>Re-enable Individual Conversion (after disabling Theocracy) - No Technology Tree Restriction重新恢复对个体的转化(无限制)</FONT></SUP></B>
<P ><B><FONT size=4>B) Map Tricks地图特效</FONT></B>
<P ><FONT size=4><B><SUP> Trigger Studio. 触发工作室</SUP></B><B></B></FONT>
<P ><B><SUP><FONT size=4>Hedge 1 x 1 (紧密树丛1 x 1)</FONT></SUP></B>
<P ><B><SUP><a href="https://forums.heavengames.com/redir/http%3A/img%2Ephotobucket%2Ecom/albums/v124/scenario%5Ftc/a2%2Ejpg" target="_blank" ><FONT size=4>Hedge 2 x 2</FONT></A><FONT size=4>。。。。。。。。。。</FONT></SUP></B>
<P ><B><SUP><FONT size=4>Hedge 3 x 3。。。。。。。。。。</FONT></SUP></B>
<P ><B><SUP><a href="https://forums.heavengames.com/redir/http%3A/img%2Ephotobucket%2Ecom/albums/v124/scenario%5Ftc/a4%2Ejpg" target="_blank" ><FONT size=4>Hedge 4 x 4</FONT></A><FONT size=4>。。。。。。。。。。</FONT></SUP></B>
<P ><B><SUP><FONT size=4>Hedge 5 x 5。。。。。。。。。。</FONT></SUP></B>
<P ><B><SUP><a href="https://forums.heavengames.com/redir/http%3A/img%2Ephotobucket%2Ecom/albums/v124/scenario%5Ftc/b1%2Ejpg" target="_blank" ><FONT size=4>Red Fence (Tightly-placed Heads)</FONT></A><FONT size=4>红篱笆(紧紧排列延伸)</FONT></SUP></B>
<P ><B><SUP><a href="https://forums.heavengames.com/redir/http%3A/img%2Ephotobucket%2Ecom/albums/v124/scenario%5Ftc/s1%2Ejpg" target="_blank" ><FONT size=4>Grassed Tile 1</FONT></A><FONT size=4>铺草的瓦片1</FONT></SUP></B>
<P ><B><SUP><FONT size=4>Grassed Tile 2铺草的瓦片2</FONT></SUP></B>
<P ><B><SUP><a href="https://forums.heavengames.com/redir/http%3A/img%2Ephotobucket%2Ecom/albums/v124/scenario%5Ftc/w1%2Ejpg" target="_blank" ><FONT size=4>Spear Stand</FONT></A><FONT size=4>站立的鱼叉 </FONT></SUP></B>
<P ><B><SUP><FONT size=4>more...等等</FONT></SUP></B>
克雷西之战 v2.3 战役的一个疑惑
是剧情狂兄发现的。。这个是e化的。。怎么又汉化回来了。。 <a href="https://www.hawkaoe.net/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=11029" target="_blank" >https://www.hawkaoe.net/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=11029</A> .....我多此一举.........好删了.... 嘿嘿,说明龙族神魔兄弟有共享精神嘛!支持!! 我也支持!!