国外玩家自制帝国3增强MOD (Enhancement Mod)含预览图
本帖最后由 青天小羽 于 2018-11-23 19:22 编辑MOD中文介绍:该MOD以大量的改进及物品增加(单位及国家)为特征,在未对帝国3进行严重修改的同时增强了玩家对帝国3的游戏体验,该MOD的目标在于将帝国3最具特征性的元素展现给玩家。
最新版(Enhancement Mod 1.68)下载地址,点击 DOWNLOND NOW! 红色按钮下载:
安装方法:解压下载好的压缩文件后,运行 Enhancement Mod v1.6.8 Installer.exe ,安装路径为帝国时代3(必须是原版+亚洲王朝+美洲的三合一版本)的根目录即可。
Death’s Head Guard Hussar (德国死头轻骑兵,近战反骑兵)- Late age cavalry unit for the Germans; unlockable through the home city. It shares the similar attributes to a standard European Guard Hussar, making it a great substitute to Uhlan cavalry. However, its training time is slower than most other cavalry units, once it is enabled.
Paladin (圣骑士,西班牙重型骑兵,教堂制造,高HP,缓慢自动回血)- Heavy armoured cavalry available for the Spanish nation; being a holy warrior, it is trainable at the Church, but can also be trained at the fort. The Paladin serves as a strong and durable cavalry unit which can soak up a significant amount of damage while engaging in a fight. It can inflict slight damage area like the French Gendarme. Another feature is its armour, which provides resistance to melee attacks over ranged ones. On top of everything, it can also regenerate hit-points faster than any non-hero unit. It only has one upgrade, which is similar to a standard Royal one.
Mounted Crossbowman (骑兵弓弩手,荷兰及葡萄牙在殖民时代的反步兵单位)- Archaic ranged cavalry obtainable by the Dutch and Portuguese; unlike most ranged cavalry, the Mounted Crossbow can be trained in the Colonial age, providing the player with greater flexibility. It deals a bonus against heavy infantry rather than cavalry, which makes it a potentially great alternative from Ruyters and Dragoons, which become available in the later age.
Cuirassier (胸甲骑兵,即葡萄牙轻骑兵)- Light cavalry that replaces the Hussar for the Portuguese nation; it can be defined as a cross between a Hussar and an Uhlan, inflicting more damage to compensate for its lower hit-points. NOTE: The original French Cuirassier is now called a Gendarme and later a Chevauleger through its royal guard upgrade
Spahi (阿尔及利亚骑兵,即土耳其重骑兵,现可以从马厩直接制造)- Originally only accessible through the Ottoman home city, the heavy cavalry can now be trained at the stable for the Ottomans. With an area attack and high hit-points, the Spahi prides itself for being overall the second most powerful European hand cavalry after the Cuirassier.
Colonel (上校,英国英雄单位,船运得到)- A unique British cavalry hero that can be shipped from the home city. The Colonel acts as powerful support unit which can boost the hit-points of nearby units and can train British troops on the spot if required so. You increase the build limit of Colonels through the Glorious Revolution home city techs and retrain them at the fort.
Saber (剑士,美国早期骑兵单位)- Melee cavalry unit designated for the new early formed U.S.A. nation; the Saber costs less than most European cavalry and has a shorter training time but is a weaker cavalry in general. It has a 50% extra bonus against cavalry, which still makes them suitable against its stronger counterparts.
Mounted Rifleman (美国步枪骑兵)- Another unique U.S. cavalry unit that has a strong attack, rapid rate of fire, deals extra damage to heavy infantry, cavalry and artillery. Its hit-points are on the lower side, but don’t let that stop you from utilising their great combat in your skirmishes.
Texas Ranger (德州骑警,美国反骑单位) - Early age, ranged gunpowder cavalry unit; the U.S. Texas Ranger is a cheap and reliable unit that has a good line of sight and a fine bonus against enemy cavalry. Can prove to be great assets when massed in large numbers.
Conquistador (西班牙征服者,阿次特克独有步兵单位)- Introduced to Age of Empires 3 in the second expansion, the notorious conquerors/outlaws are now available to the Aztecs from the beginning of the game at the native embassy. Being the only cavalry unit available to the Aztecs, it would be essential to utilize these newcomers into the infantry knighthood ranks of the Aztec civilisation.
Azap (土耳其堡垒时代戟兵)- Heavy melee infantry which becomes available to the Ottomans in the Fortress Age. Much like the Halberdier, it can inflict serious damage to enemy cavalry. The Azap is overall faster and more lightweight too, making it a good representation of Halberdier-Pikeman hybrid to suit an Ottoman players needs.
Axeman (斧手,俄国早期单位)- Early age Russian unit that carries a poleaxe; can be trained in batches at the blockhouse at a good price. Can be a suitable enough alternative in hand combat if the player prefers to reserve his resources rather than train stronger Halberdiers.
Geus (荷兰剑士,早期反骑单位,拥有范围伤害)- Early age Dutch unit that wields a sword to slash enemy infantry. Its speed is also credible. Geuzens however do not specialise in killing cavalry and should not be fielded for that purpose, but its mobility can be of good use before the player is able to access to stronger Dutch infantry in later ages.
Okinawan Spearman(冲绳长矛手,日本反骑步兵) - Japanese Pikeman that excels at killing cavalry and in some part other heavy infantry. It replaces the Shinobi at the consulate if a player chooses Japanese Isolation. It automatically upgrades when player advances in age. A similar mercenary version of this unit can be obtained through the home city.
Fusilier (燧发枪手,荷兰、德国、法国阵营的散兵)- Mid-ranged infantry armed with a rapier that is obtainable to the Dutch, Germans and French. The unit acts to fill the gap between short ranged infantry such as Musketeers and long ranged infantry, such as Skirmishers. It deals massive damage from range, with a small bonus against ranged cavalry, and inflicts satisfying melee damage. Its drawback is its slower rate of fire and low hit-points which make the Fusilier very vulnerable to anti-infantry units. The French also receive a royal guard upgrade for the fusilier which substitutes the original one for their Skirmishers
Tiradore (西班牙、葡萄牙火枪手)- Musketeer-type unit in essence, accessible for the Spanish and Portuguese in place of the original Musketeer. Shares distinct similarities to its standard counterpart, but has increased speed and rate of fire to compensate for its lower resistance.
Roger’s Ranger (护林者,英国散兵)- A new skirmisher type unit for the British; the Roger’s Ranger works to supply the British player with a good counter strike against enemy infantry, which the British Longbow just simply can’t deliver.
Fencible (国防军士兵,替代英国长弓兵)- A replacement for the ancient British Longbow, these early age skirmisher/musketeer type units have a weaker bonus against cavalry in melee but make up for it with longer shooting range. They also cost wood rather than coin, just like most archaic units.
Voltigeur(法国掷弹兵) - Elite heavy ranged infantry, which can be utilised by the French nation; is a unit that is very costly and takes up 2 population slots unlike most infantry, but has a devastating melee and ranged fire, higher than most infantry. The Voltigeur is trainable from the church and only has one core upgrade which is similar to a Royal one.
Marine (海军陆战队 美国重步兵)- Heavy infantry with a longer ranged attack then that of a musketeer, good against cavalry. It is available only to the U.S. nation.
Rifleman (美国步枪兵)- Slow but rapid firing infantry unit for the U.S. Good against heavy infantry, and with a high ranged resistance, can also put up a challenge against other gunpowder units.
General (将军,欧版大名,德国、葡萄牙、法国拥有)- A unique support unit that can be shipped from German and Portuguese home cities; the General holds a special attack ability, train units unique to their nations, boosts units hit-points in the area, and can build war tents. If it falls in battle, it can be re-trained at a Fort. French can train a General without having to enable it from the homecity.
War Leader & Advisor (战争首领,苏族英雄单位)- Special heroes belonging to the Sioux nation; when shipped from the tribal council, they can act as home city waypoints, train Sioux military units, and boost hit-points of units. If either of them fall in battle, they can be re-trained at the Sioux Town Center.
Boneguard Rifleman & Swordsman (藏骨集团的枪手及剑士,通过欧洲国家家乡城市雇佣得到)- These unique single player campaign units are now available for hire as mercenaries by enabling them via any European home city. Being elite mercenaries of the secret society, you can expect them to be extra expensive, but worthy of combat.
Flag Bearer (旗手,侦查单位,拥有开阔的视野)- Reconnaissance unit obtainable at certain conditions; has a board line of sight, and for players that have revolted, it can also receive revolution shipments.
Depot Cannon(西班牙廉价轻型火炮,殖民时代即可制造) - A cheap alternative cannon for the Spanish; enabled early in the Colonial Age, the light cannon is useful en masse in clearing masses of infantry and reducing buildings to rubble at a low expense.
Great Cannon(巨型加农 ,俄国专属火炮,工业时代工厂得到)- The second biggest cannon in the game, available to the Russians from the factory in the Industrial Age. Can deliver devastating damage on any battlefield, but is vulnerable to hand cavalry that can close in on it.
Black Powder Wagon(黑火药马车,欧洲国家革命后得到) - Sharing the same tactics as the petard, a wagon loaded with explosive powder can ram into and demolish entire buildings at the expense of self destruction. Available only to European nations that have revolted, and to the Chinese, via the home city.
Fire Ship(火船,自爆船)- Now available to all European nations that have revolted and all 3 Asian nations, the Fire Ship rams and annihilates any floating ship in its path, however this burning time bomb must be maintained near a dock, otherwise it will slowly lose its hit-points and become vulnerable when it closes in.
Supply Wagons(供应车 ,美国的移动市场)- The U.S. nation does not use the market to exchange resources. Instead they use supply wagons to trade wood, food and gold. The exchange rate of the wagons is far better than the standard buy/purchase factors in the market but takes time to generate crates with requires settlers to gather the resources. Supply wagon exchange rate improves as player advances in age. Normal Market techs are also available to research at the resource wagon.
Pilgrim (前輩移民,美国加强版农民) - A superior settler that can only be obtained through the U.S. home city; gathers all resources faster than a regular settler.
Gold Miner ( 淘金者,美国专属矿工) - U.S. settler type unit specialised in the field of mining; gathers gold faster than any other settler in the game, it can also build trading posts and plantations.
Pilgrim (新来移民/朝圣者,美国加强版农民)
Pilgrim 或 Pilgrim Fathers 作為專名不是指朝聖者,而是指十七世紀初搭乘五月花號移居美國的英國清教徒,並且可以據依引伸為較早到達新世界的英國殖民者,一般譯為「前輩移民」,日文譯為「巡礼始祖」。
「新來移民」可以讓人誤解成為十七世紀以後當時新來的殖民者,意思完全相反。 AI智商怎么样? 谢谢楼主分享,体验一下。{:151:} 狂~劇情狂 发表于 2016-9-27 23:52
Pilgrim 或 Pilgrim Fathers 作為專名不是指朝聖者,而是指十七世紀初搭乘五月花號移居美國的英國清教 ...
谢谢提醒,已修改 laokangz2 发表于 2016-9-28 22:40
和没装MOD的差不多,至少我打不过专家 請問對中國有改動過嗎? 下载后被360给报毒了 为什么进游戏后没有美国主城 死头……骷髅骠骑兵团吧 voltigeur是法国猎兵团里的精锐猎兵,直译应该是尖兵,跟掷弹兵完全不是一个东西,spahi大多习惯直译为西帕西,本质就是奥斯曼帝国的采邑骑兵,不太清楚阿尔及利亚的骑兵为什么也叫西帕西,但西帕西肯定源自奥斯曼 laokangz2 发表于 2016-9-28 22:40
昨天下载试玩了一把,感觉Ai有所增强。 採憶 发表于 2016-10-4 21:37
有的,你可以自己试试看。 支持 我想知道法国在哪训练将军 bawanglong 发表于 2017-5-30 15:39