本帖最后由 dengzhr 于 2016-10-25 15:18 编辑开始游戏后输入对应指令可以让野蛮人选择特定的策略,以下taunt list是从作者那里挖来的
Barbarian 2.17 taunt list
Taunts, 1v1 on tiny land map, forced strategies (civs):单挑
General requirements: land and tiny map, game time less than 10min
17 - Scout+archer flush (any but Aztec/Goth/Maya/Inca).肉马步弓封快
21 - Drush. Game time must be less than 3min.黑快
22 - Monk+Mangonel push.僧侣+轻投推进
23 - Eternal drush (any but saracens, requires normal drush to already be chosen -> taunt 21 first). Note that this strategy will fail badly if no enemy building is sighted.不停黑快
28 - Aztec eagles&monks / Mayan/Incan eaglerush.雄鹰暴(阿兹特克会加上僧侣)
29 - Castle push at arena (any civ with ranged unique unit).城堡推进
30 - Mush (any).僧侣暴
32 - FC+xbow (any but Spanish/Hun).直城 弩手暴
33 - Castle drop (any but Aztec/Hun).在敌人旁边放城堡(城堡前置)
34 - Changes strategy to war galley rush (pre-35min)/enables and increases navy training (from human enemy).战舰爆(前35分钟)/允许打海
35 - Prevents training more navy for 10min as long as the strategy doesn't directly request any (from human enemy).停止打海(10分钟)
38 - Saracen all-in krush/Hun CA rush/Frank heavy krush.撒拉逊全马暴,匈奴骑射暴,法兰克重骑暴
40 - Goth castle drop + boom.哥特城堡前置 发展经济
42 - Fast imp (Aztec/Maya/Turk).速帝(阿兹特克,玛雅,土耳其)
Team gaming/other 多人游戏/其他
3-6 - Gives the particular resource if there is extra. These have usually no effect before the game time is over 40-50min.给指定资源
12 - Turns automatic ally defence on/off.是否自动帮盟友防御
19 - Cancels the effect of taunt 31 (if sent by a human).取消进攻
22 - Calls army sent by taunts 222/223 home and enables attacking and defending.取消222指令
31 - Starts a blind attack that lasts 5min. Accepted only from human allies after 20min (1min in DM) of game. Will fail if Barbarian has been told to defend a wonder.进攻5分钟
32 - Forces picking a rushing strategy if used during first 10 minutes of game (from human allies).强制暴兵(游戏时间头10分钟)
33 - Stops slinging (however takes effect only after the game time is over 20min)/Forces picking a booming strategy if used during first 10 minutes of game (from human allies).停止进贡(只在游戏时间超过20分钟后生效)/强制发展经济(游戏时间头10分钟)
34 - Changes strategy to war galley rush (pre-35min)/enables and increases navy training.战舰爆(前35分钟)/允许打海
35 - Prevents training more navy for 10min as long as the strategy doesn't directly request any.停止打海(10分钟)
36 - Blocks attacking for 3min and causes retreating if an attack is going on (by humans, game time >20min, 1min in DM).阻止敌人进攻
37 - Attempts to build a wonder if it seems to be possible.建奇观
38 - Switches the strategy to feudal age sling. The sling will stop automatically at 50min at non-islands map/at 37min at islands. Must be sent when feudal hasn't been clicked yet.封建进贡
40 - Allows flaring a position for market for 10 seconds. Barbarian must have free villagers (to be tasked as builders) and enough wood. Note: This disables independent market placing to corners, so it's better to place multiple.在标记处造市场
41 - Switches pocket's 2 stable krush to 1 stable krush.2马厩马暴改成1马厩
48 - Barbarian will assume it's slung (from human allies).进贡?
148 - Deletes buildings at the flared position with 4-tile radius. Use with caution. Teams must be locked.删除建筑
188 - Shares sheep on LN if possible.共享羊(游牧模式)
199 - Deletes some warships and prevents training new for a while (use with caution, must be used repeatedly to delete notable amount of navy).删除一些战舰,一段时间内不训练新的战舰
220 - Allows sending army to the flared position for 10 seconds. Disables independent unit control for 120s.向标记处输送兵力
222 - Allows patrolling army to the flared position for 10 seconds. Keep in mind that this will block attacking and proper defending for 6 minutes.标记处巡逻
223 - Allows patrlling navy to the flared position for 10 seconds. Since this command has lower priority Barbarian may decide to retreat on its own.标记处海军巡逻
230 - Forces picking fast imperial monk rush if used during first 10 minutes of game (from human allies).直帝僧侣暴
230+ - Assigns a fixed target player for 10 minutes. For example with taunt 233 the target will be player 3. Note: Player number isn't the color.指定打击敌人
239 - Chats current target and focus players (the enemy player which is used for military comparison).报告当前目标及关注的敌人
249 - Chats the stockpiles and population to the ally.报告物资人口
250 - Chats the version and strategy.报告版本及策略
有些名词没见过只能翻个大概 整体意思应该差的不会太远
欢迎各位指出错误的地方 本帖最后由 beg 于 2016-10-28 20:43 编辑
beg 发表于 2016-10-28 20:42
这个是地址 你看看 要翻墙
RE: 野蛮人AI2.17指令简单翻译
dengzhr 发表于 2016-11-3 19:09https://pastebin.com/XXUsi1hn
这个是地址 你看看 要翻墙
比如 222 指定出兵地点
147 删除老市场
40 指定市场位置
200 提升难度