19号出的新dlc 酋长的崛起
四个新战役 四个新文明 缅甸 越南 高棉 马来[*]4 New Civilizations
[*]Burmese 缅甸– Assemble the largest empire in the history of Southeast Asia through a legion of Battle Elephants that can demolish the most powerful of defenses. The Burmese unique unit is the Arambai, a ranged cavalry unit with a deadly but low accuracy attack.
[*]Khmer 高棉– Construct the largest religious monument in the world and amass an immortal army of devastating siege weapons. The Khmer unique unit is the Ballista Elephant, a mounted scorpion that can be upgraded to fire two bolts simultaneously.
[*]Malay 马来– Conquer Southeast Asia with the vast island empire of Malay and upgrade your docks to harbours which can shoot arrows. The Malay unique unit is the Karambit Warrior, an extremely cheap infantry unit that can quickly overwhelm its foes.
[*]Vietnamese 越南– Lead your people to independence and wage guerilla warfare with an extremely powerful arsenal of ranged units. The Vietnamese unique unit is the Rattan Archer, a heavily-armored ranged unit that is effectively impervious to enemy archer attacks.
[*]4 New, Fully Voiced Campaigns
[*]Gajah Mada 加查·馬達
: On the island of Java, a new power is rising. Gajah Mada, prime minister of Majapahit, conspires to build an empire to rule the waves and islands of the Archipelago. Will he be able to balance his unquestioned loyalty to the king with his growing ambitions?
[*]Suryavarman I 苏利耶跋摩一世: It is the early 11th century and the Khmer Empire is in turmoil, torn apart by competing factions and surrounded by hostile neighbors. Only one prince, Suryavarman, has the courage and cunning to defeat his rivals and restore the Khmer to their former glory. Seizing the throne, however, is just the first of many tasks. Will Suryavarman muster the strength to expand his domain, overcome adversity, and create a timeless legacy as the king who attained Nirvana?
[*]Bayinnaung 勃印曩: A warrior king seeks to unite a divided land. But when he is betrayed, only his devoted servant can continue his legacy. Can a mere commoner ascend the Burmese throne and build the largest empire in Southeast Asian history?
[*]Lê Lợi 黎利: When a civil war plunged Dai Viet into chaos, the Ming Emperor intervened and seized control. Now, the only hope for freedom from oppression lies with one man: a minor noble named Le Loi. Will he be able to unite feuding factions, defeat the Chinese, and regain Vietnamese independence?
[*]New Generic Units
[*]Battle Elephant: Created at the stable and available to each of the new civilizations, the Battle Elephant is a slow and powerful cavalry unit that is devastating in melee combat. Each new civilization has its own unique bonuses to set their Elephant regiments apart.
[*]Imperial Skirmisher: The long-awaited upgrade to the iconic Elite Skirmisher unit, the upgrade is available to the Vietnamese and all of its teammates.
[*]New Environments
[*]Land meets the sea in The Rise of the Rajas! Alongside massive rainforests, treacherous beaches, the new mangrove forests and shallows provide a whole new playstyle. The new amphibious terrain can be built on and both land units and ships can pass through it. This new terrain type is featured on each of the five new random maps.
[*]Improved AI
[*]5 New Random Maps
[*]5 New Special Maps
[*]5 New Real World Maps
[*]13 New Terrains
[*]New Scenario Editor Objects
[*]Spectator Mode
这是steam上的消息:Rise of the Rajas Available for Pre-Order Now!
12月14日 - MSPLUS2JOE
Announcing the newest DLC for Age of Empires II HD: Rise of the Rajas! Set in southeast Asia, this expansion features four new civilizations (each with its own fully voice-acted campaign) as well as an all-new map type, new units, and more! We've also added a ton of balance fixes and performance upgrades to make this new DLC the best Age II experience yet.
More info here.
Rise of the Rajas is now available for pre-order, and will be available to play on December 19, 2016.
Welcome to Age of Empires II HD: The Rise of the Rajas; the third new official expansion for the Age of Empires II universe in over 17 years. Challenge friends with four additional civilizations, new units, technologies, and build your empire on both water and land. Guide history’s greatest heroes in Southeast Asia through four additional campaigns and conquer your foes with mighty hordes of elephants under your command!
4 New Civilizations
Burmese – Assemble the largest empire in the history of Southeast Asia through a legion of Battle Elephants that can demolish the most powerful of defenses. The Burmese unique unit is the Arambai, a ranged cavalry unit with a deadly but low accuracy attack.
Khmer – Construct the largest religious monument in the world and amass an immortal army of devastating siege weapons. The Khmer unique unit is the Ballista Elephant, a mounted scorpion that can be upgraded to fire two bolts simultaneously.
Malay – Conquer Southeast Asia with the vast island empire of Malay and upgrade your docks to harbours which can shoot arrows. The Malay unique unit is the Karambit Warrior, an extremely cheap infantry unit that can quickly overwhelm its foes.
Vietnamese – Lead your people to independence and wage guerilla warfare with an extremely powerful arsenal of ranged units. The Vietnamese unique unit is the Rattan Archer, a heavily-armored ranged unit that is effectively impervious to enemy archer attacks.
4 New, Fully Voiced Campaigns
Gajah Mada: On the island of Java, a new power is rising. Gajah Mada, prime minister of Majapahit, conspires to build an empire to rule the waves and islands of the Archipelago. Will he be able to balance his unquestioned loyalty to the king with his growing ambitions?
Suryavarman I: It is the early 11th century and the Khmer Empire is in turmoil, torn apart by competing factions and surrounded by hostile neighbors. Only one prince, Suryavarman, has the courage and cunning to defeat his rivals and restore the Khmer to their former glory. Seizing the throne, however, is just the first of many tasks. Will Suryavarman muster the strength to expand his domain, overcome adversity, and create a timeless legacy as the king who attained Nirvana?
Bayinnaung: A warrior king seeks to unite a divided land. But when he is betrayed, only his devoted servant can continue his legacy. Can a mere commoner ascend the Burmese throne and build the largest empire in Southeast Asian history?
Lê Lợi: When a civil war plunged Dai Viet into chaos, the Ming Emperor intervened and seized control. Now, the only hope for freedom from oppression lies with one man: a minor noble named Le Loi. Will he be able to unite feuding factions, defeat the Chinese, and regain Vietnamese independence?
New Generic Units
Battle Elephant: Created at the stable and available to each of the new civilizations, the Battle Elephant is a slow and powerful cavalry unit that is devastating in melee combat. Each new civilization has its own unique bonuses to set their Elephant regiments apart.
Imperial Skirmisher: The long-awaited upgrade to the iconic Elite Skirmisher unit, the upgrade is available to the Vietnamese and all of its teammates.
New Environments
Land meets the sea in The Rise of the Rajas! Alongside massive rainforests, treacherous beaches, the new mangrove forests and shallows provide a whole new playstyle. The new amphibious terrain can be built on and both land units and ships can pass through it. This new terrain type is featured on each of the five new random maps.
Improved AI
5 New Random Maps
5 New Special Maps
5 New Real World Maps
13 New Terrains
New Scenario Editor Objects
Spectator Mode 缅甸、高棉、马来和越南…… 感觉像这样出这么多新文明没有多大意义啊…… 我大天朝终于要作为主要敌人在战役里登场了…… 本帖最后由 cucuc 于 2016-12-14 09:45 编辑
同感,关键的游戏性问题不去修复和创新,如此无新意的圈钱方式无疑会遭到玩家的反感。 cucuc 发表于 2016-12-14 08:53
没有泰米尔人 ...
非洲王朝里没有努比亚也一样可惜啊 cucuc 发表于 2016-12-14 08:53
没有泰米尔人 ...
raja 一詞在獨立使用時現在慣用的是音譯「拉者」、「拉惹」,例如 2013 年《馬來紀年翻譯與研究》及 2014 年《從森林中走來:馬來西亞美里華人口述歷史》等相關專著都是這樣稱呼;傳統譯法則以「羅闍」居多,例如 1991 年華中師大《簡明印度史》、 1996 年閻步克《士大夫政治演生史稿》等,但此譯法近來已慢慢被用於專指梵語的「欲」。
很好!!!!!!!古代世界大战才有趣!!!!!!!! 本帖最后由 cucuc 于 2016-12-14 20:35 编辑
狂~劇情狂 发表于 2016-12-14 18:32
raja 一詞在獨立使用時現在慣用的是音譯「拉者」、「拉惹」,例如 2013 年《馬來紀年翻譯與研究》及 2014 ...
不用说,现代音译还有“拉贾斯坦”的“拉贾”,好像主要用来翻译现代人名。 第一mod有诚意多了 cucuc 发表于 2016-12-14 20:29
呃我只知道FE主角名字也出现过的“罗阇”。从另一个音译词“阿阇梨”(也作“阿舍梨”)ācārya来看,这 ...
重申一點,前帖強調了是 Rajas 在中文著作「獨立」使用的情況。
中文宗教、佛教以至瑜珈著作解釋為「欲」的 Rajas ,例如任繼愈《宗教大辭典》「欲」條:「梵文 Chandas 或 Rajas 的意譯。佛教名詞。有部大地法之一。法相宗別境之一。意謂希求、欲望」,指的是「rájas(रजस्)」。
解釋作王者的 Raja ,是「rājā(राजा)」。
「拉賈斯坦(Rajasthan,राजास्थान)」是中國地名委員會指定的翻譯,參見《中型本外國地名譯名手冊》(商務印書館1993)頁608;該委員會需要處理多國語言地名,不可能要求他們還深入考慮各詞彙背後含意,況且此一地名應為近代英語套用印度字根造詞,未宜同一視之(尤其是 Ra 譯音「拉」、「羅」問題)。
狂~劇情狂 发表于 2016-12-14 21:35
重申一點,前帖強調了是 Rajas 在中文著作「獨立」使用的情況。
中文宗教、佛教以至瑜珈著作解釋為「 ...
所以你建议的译名是?三哥的崛起? 本帖最后由 cucuc 于 2016-12-15 16:34 编辑
Filthydelphia(葡萄牙和缅甸战役作者)在Steam论坛上提到高棉王头衔是“天王”(梵语devaraja,即把高棉王视为神),三佛齐王是“大君”(梵语maharaja,一般有译作“王公”的),而勃印曩口气更大,自称统一天下的“转轮王”(巴利语cakkavatti)。叫“转轮王崛起”,比勃印曩更出名的转轮王——阿育王恐怕不肯答应。叫“天王崛起”,在“天王”这个词另有俗文化含义的中文环境里也很怪,所以我是觉得“象王崛起”对于中国人比较通俗易懂。 devaदेव對應中文佛典「天人」,意思接近於神; devaraja 單詞習慣漢譯有「天王」與「神王」兩種,個人比較傾向後者,尤其「天王」會讓人聯想到佛教的四大天王,「神王」也是比較多人會理解成崇拜帶神性君王的意思。當然 devaraja 並不能等同於 raja 。