梦华幻紫 发表于 2017-11-16 14:03:54


本帖最后由 梦华幻紫 于 2017-11-16 14:07 编辑




Welcome to our brand new development blog! From here we want to frequently (bi-weekly) update you on the progress of our effort to build a local game server for Age of Empires Online. Ultimately it is our goal to build a local or small server emulation for home use where you can play (with friends and family). This way you control the game, on local play you can play whenever and wherever you want and don't need to worry about loosing game progress again.

As the road still is long, we just released a first build of the xlive installement we use for testing. This is based on a general script (Xliveless) and converted to Age of Empires Online studying different sources. We also hope to release next week a first effort of a solid project start we used (and are extending at this moment) of the server coding. This won't be an actual working game version, but gives insight in how code is structured. As game logic for most important single player content is known we are at the point of custom C# writing and those among you that know a bit of C# might be able to contribute from that point also to speed up progress. For example reading XML content from game files or doing default user actions like login and logoff.

So far for the update! If you have question, shoot them by e-mail.






Towex 发表于 2017-11-16 21:40:32

Bravo! 现在的celeste项目有点过于“网络”了,有个这样的介于单机和网络的定位很好~!{:155:}
页: [1]
查看完整版本: 一个新的帝国时代Online项目(小型服务器模拟)