wjn 发表于 2018-3-5 22:36:37


第一列:1)瑞士长枪兵 2)德国长枪兵 3)、4)双手剑士( 4)来自某个十分混乱的图像) 5)胡斯火枪手 6)手持Goedendag(古藤塔克长矛)的佛兰德斯士兵(就不管他是伯爵卫队还是国民卫队还是城镇卫队还是白帽卫队还是古藤塔克长矛手了。。。) 7)胡斯弩手8)胡斯战车 9)西班牙大方阵10)绿夹克来复枪兵 11)海盗 12)卡尔常备军 13)拿破仑时期的法国士兵 14)胸甲骑兵 15)芬兰刀骑兵 16)花拉子模重装骆驼骑兵 17)西班牙轻骑兵18)哥萨克骑兵 19)新罗花郎射手(这个图像转自文明3,不过貌似转残了。。。)
第二列(战锤乱入):20)蜥蜴人梭洛士战士 21)高精龙王子骑兵(头盔纯手绘。。。)

我是谁004 发表于 2018-3-5 22:58:24


wjn 发表于 2018-3-6 18:41:10


Mahazona 发表于 2018-3-9 15:28:23

Huss Chariot looks interesting maybe you can make only the 5 standing animations?

wjn 发表于 2018-3-9 19:03:27

Like this? I'm sorry, I made a lot of haste, because I'm very busy now. I may have free time to remake in the summer.Please forgive me. The PS. SLP modified from civilization 3 Huss chariot, there are five directions, although I think the direction is not appropriate, but I have no more time to modify the...

猪娃娃 发表于 2018-3-9 21:51:10

Mahazona 发表于 2018-3-9 15:28
Huss Chariot looks interesting maybe you can make only the 5 standing animations?

Excuse me, which country are you friends with?

猪娃娃 发表于 2018-3-9 21:52:24


Mahazona 发表于 2018-3-13 15:19:38

猪娃娃 发表于 2018-3-9 21:51
Excuse me, which country are you friends with?

I am from AOK Heaven, I use the same name there also.

Im from Sri Lankaoriginally.

Mahazona 发表于 2018-3-13 15:22:06

wjn 发表于 2018-3-9 19:03
Like this? I'm sorry, I made a lot of haste, because I'm very busy now. I may have free time to rema ...

Its a good start and it looks good.
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查看完整版本: 新人做的几张兵种图,望诸位大神不吝赐教。。。