DJMAS314 发表于 2019-1-26 16:14:18


本帖最后由 DJMAS314 于 2019-2-3 17:41 编辑

A brief intro in Chinese:
1. 以最大的获胜概率为目标,根据军事实力、进贡情况自主更改外交(结盟、中立、敌对)
2. AI之间互通信息,索要进贡,协作攻防,智能进攻(也就是会绕路去攻击敌人防守薄弱的地方)
3. 顽强的重建能力,被攻击后会大量建造城堡、塔楼
4. 训练大量特色部队

(load "BlackPower")

100 要求AI进攻
17x 让AI与x号玩家结盟
16x 让AI与x号玩家中立
18x 让AI与x号玩家敌对

This is my first drop. If you want more, please let me know. I write better in English, please translate it into Chinese, as shown below. this AI can be played on all deathmatch and conquer settings but prefers 300+ population

Use this with Caution!!! If added to all AI in a game, will lead to gameplay so fun you will never go back. This is my first of many drops. Matches play out very interestingly in the short, mid and long game. Add to multiple AI in a game and be ready to experience war, changing sides, friends becoming foes and more. Let me know if more is wanted.

Features Included
1)Diplomacy - They will respond if favorable to any incoming ally, enemy, neutral stance changes. AI's will also change stance with each other based on military size and best potential for success. Can change stance with any computer just by chnaging in tribute screen.
2)Economic Debt System - Computer will request resources when low from other computers with this booster installed and change stance based on how much recieved
3)War Communications - AI sends and recieves messages to drive attacking, defending and building bigger army
4)Enhanced AI Communication -Features such as AI exchange information, attack intelligenceand AI allied attack have been turned on. So they work together on a code and machine level to communicate
5)Resiliancy Code - When close to resigning the AI will use tactics to try and stay around and rebuild. Also after each failed town attack on this AI makes it stronger as it builds more castles & towers
6)Military Boosters - Add tons of scenerio life hacks that will boost the military output of any AI to compete. Mainly boost the number of unique units that appear to drive more gameplay variety.

Updates in 2.0
1)Improved Teamwork Functionality - AI using this script will build town center and castles near ally's
2)Human Multiplayer Functionality - Now responds to human set-stance commands in multiplayer
3)Improved Attack Functionality - Adds more intensity of battles by land and sea

Commands - Will only respond if makes sense or is willing
100- Attack
11 - Tell computer to build fortifications
33 - Tell computer to create villagers
17x -enter Player number instead of x to tell a computer to make ally with that player
16x - enter Player number instead of x to tell a computer to make neutral with that player
18x -enter Player number instead of x to tell a computer to make enemy with that player
99 - Active the only cheat to give more resources.

(load "BlackPower") ; Inserts the US Black Power booster in your AI. Special thanks and

More AI and Content to come soon. Let me know how you like . If prefer Chinese or English

troytroytroy 发表于 2019-1-26 17:51:17

Could you please let us know what exactly this AI can do? You can list those features so that we can see.

wongyuhua 发表于 2019-1-26 22:22:16

Thank you for sharing. I am really interested that this will enable switching diplomacy stance for all AIs. But I can see that some of the rules involve high resource numbers and great population (above 400). My questions:

On what game settings is it based? (death match? random map? population cap?)
Does it cheat resource?

DJMAS314 发表于 2019-1-27 09:47:03

wongyuhua 发表于 2019-1-26 22:22
Thank you for sharing. I am really interested that this will enable switching diplomacy stance for a ...

I just updated it so redownload as the other version did not have the right file. This does not cheat unless you send 99 thru chat. Also added notes on functionality. Got more to come.

wongyuhua 发表于 2019-1-27 13:59:07

本帖最后由 wongyuhua 于 2019-1-27 22:10 编辑

A brief intro in Chinese:
1. 以最大的获胜概率为目标,根据军事实力、进贡情况自主更改外交(结盟、中立、敌对)
2. AI之间互通信息,索要进贡,协作攻防,智能进攻(也就是会绕路去攻击敌人防守薄弱的地方)
3. 顽强的重建能力,被攻击后会大量建造城堡、塔楼
4. 训练大量特色部队

(load "BlackPower")

100 要求AI进攻
17x 让AI与x号玩家结盟
16x 让AI与x号玩家中立
18x 让AI与x号玩家敌对

z63820899 发表于 2019-1-27 20:27:00

是把AI文件打开直接把(load "BlackPower")加进文件里面还是改个文件名字就可以了,请说清楚啊!

guaiguaiabuku 发表于 2019-1-27 22:26:42


DJMAS314 发表于 2019-1-28 04:05:04

z63820899 发表于 2019-1-27 20:27
是把AI文件打开直接把(load "BlackPower")加进文件里面还是改个文件名字就可以了,请说清楚啊! ...

你打开你想要使用Black Power助力器的AI。然后添加以下行:(加载“BlackPower”)。一旦运行,您的AI将能够在其脚本中包含BlackPower文件。如果需要更多解释,请告诉我。

wongyuhua 发表于 2019-1-28 12:58:51

guaiguaiabuku 发表于 2019-1-27 22:26


guaiguaiabuku 发表于 2019-1-28 23:26:09

貌似不行 进去wulala 里边没有显示的

DJMAS314 发表于 2019-2-3 17:40:25

New Release!!!!!!

Updates in 2.0
1)Improved Teamwork Functionality - AI using this script will build town center and castles near ally's
2)Human Multiplayer Functionality - Now responds to human set-stance commands in multiplayer
3)Improved Attack Functionality - Adds more intensity of battles by land and sea

雪小猪 发表于 2023-11-11 19:40:42

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