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Change Log:
[*]New Quest Pack:
[*]The Adventures of Brennos and Comontorios、Balance Update #19
[*]Battle of Opis: Some reinforcement waves adjusted to have more anti-cavalry units + Scenario (Quest Map) updated with proper decorations and terrain sets + Various small fixes.
[*]Fixed the Capital City UI's right-hand side Transparency
[*]Fixed the tooltips for Advisor units requiring a Premium Civilization
[*]Small fixes to the German and Italian versions of the game.
[*]Tooltips added for starting warehouses, stating that they cannot be repacked (in order to reduce confusion for newer players)
[*] Chieftain Combutis: Functionality changed: "Buildings cost 12/10/8/6% less Wood and have 10/8/6/4% more health".
[*] Grand Engineer Themistokles: Damage reduction decreased to 25%, from 50%.
[*] Ghost Lake: Player Tree Spawns have been adjusted for more size, shape and density consistency
[*] Bahram's Materials - All common material stack prices have been increased to 1,000 coin, from 750. This prevents a loophole with crafting materials and selling them to vendors.
[*] Fixed a bug where the command ui was not showing up in observer mode
[*]"Champion Mode" Skirmish quests removed. (Reason: They are not actually "Champion Mode". They are an amalgam of non-Champion mode techs with champion mode stats. They are completely below standard.)
[*]"Athens Basic Store" vendor removed. (Reason: Every item inside that store is available in the game as a drop. This is the only case where a droppable item is also available as a purchasable item from a vendor, therefore this store is redundant, inconsistent and useless.)
[*] Khepri's Coin Curator: Cost calculation formula fixed for situations where players had gear equipped that would influence Elephants' cost, such as Ramses' Heavy Gauntlets of the Sun
[*]Player Level removed from the Spectator Mode UI
[*]German and Spanish translations of the PvP Guide now available.
[*] Fixed an issue where units with Area Damage (such as War Elephants or Berserkers) wouldn't apply extra damage upon landing a Critical Attack. These units now properly apply extra damage with Critical Attacks, but only to their main targets.
[*]Fixed an issue where some quests' treasure guardians would not scale properly based on players' level, but the contents of their guarded chests would.
[*]Babylonian Trade Dock now available in the Editor
[*]Norse Trade Dock now available in the Editor
[*] Place Object now displays portrait icon
[*] Diplomacy Gadget has been added
[*] Item Trait/Gear Palette has been added (Currently you only can browse the elements, more to come soon)
[*]Babylonian Ox Cart: Collision Box adjusted to allow easier selection of Villagers when they are standing very close to Ox Carts
翻译君呢不是很懂这个包 mixiaoni 发表于 2020-4-21 21:03