[分享]不怕做不到, 只怕想不到
Renaissance, 复兴, 在AOK Heaven已经发布了两个多月得新扩展版...由海啸工作室发布...新增单位: <FONT color=#ff0000>Meteor Summoner (Heroes) – Summons a cloudburst of meteors 发射流星得僧侣 Necromancer (Heroes) – Summons undead soldiers from the soil to fight for him 召唤死人得巫师</FONT> Dock Foundation (Other) – Different dock foundations; can be placed anywhere on the map Seagulls (Other) – The birds from the dock Pop Limit Increaser (Other) – Each unit increases the pop limit by 25 slots for the player to which the unit belongs Beta Knight (Units) – Knight unit with beta graphics Beta Cavalier (Units) – Cavalier unit with beta graphics Beta Paladin (Units) – Paladin unit with beta graphics Mongrel (Units) – Unit with wolf’s graphics that runs around like a deer; Gaia only Wild Sheep (Units) – Same, but with sheep’s graphics Gate Foundations (Other) – Different gate building sequences from 3 civs. Wall Foundations (Other) – Wall foundations that can be placed freely in the editor Bowl and Cutting Board (Other) – Unused beta graphics Fire (Units) – Standalone fire; Gaia only <FONT color=#ff0000>Garrisonable Galley (Units) – Like a transport ship with attack 可载人得战船</FONT> Huntable Wild Horse (Units) – A horse unit that you can hunt for food; Gaia only <FONT color=#ff0000>Clouds, moving and fixed (Units) – Cloud units that can be placed anywhere on the map; Gaia only 云</FONT> Throwing Sabreman (Units) – A military unit with the Franks’ unique unit’s graphics throwing sabres instead of axes Catapult (Building) – A trebuchet-sorta unit with siege onager graphics New Archery Range, Barracks, Stable and Siege Workshop (Buildings) – Buildings that fire arrows at enemy units Cactus (New) (Other) – Unused beta graphics Windmill Animation (Other) – Standalone graphics from the Chinese mill Waypoint Flag (Other) – The waypoint flag for use in the editor Beta Ship (Units) – Unused beta graphics Beta Trade Cart (Heroes) – Same <FONT color=#ff0000>Dead Swordsman, Crossbowman, Knight and Monk (Other) – Dead units that don’t decay 不腐烂得尸体</FONT> Portable Barracks (Building) – Moveable Barracks building with treb graphics. Unfinished! Friendly Jaguar (Units) – Player-controlled jaguar unit. Improved War Wagon (Units) – War Wagon with different attack; garrisonable Improved Siege Ram (Units) – Siege Ram with increased Garrison capacity Siege Tower (Units) – Fire arrows; garrisonable Bastioned Wall (Units) – Wall fragments for improved wall construction in editor <FONT color=#ff0000>Garrisonable House (Building) – Self-explanatory 可驻人得民房</FONT> Church (Building) – Monastery with garrison capacity Gazelle (Units) – Unused beta graphics. Unfinished! Banner (Other) – A neat little banner that can be placed anywhere on the map Smoke (Other) – Standalone Blacksmith smoke Hero Shop (Building) – A building where you can train heroes. Unfinished! Salah al Din (Heroes) – Mameluke hero Fortified Tower – Accursed Tower that can be built by the player. Unfinished! Olivier III (Heroes) – Halberdier hero Barak the Hun (Heroes) – Tarkan hero
原贴<a href="https://aok.heavengames.com/cgi-bin/aokcgi/display.cgi?action=st&fn=4&tn=37220&f=4,37220,0,20&st=80" target="_blank" >https://aok.heavengames.com/cgi-bin/aokcgi/display.cgi?action=st&fn=4&tn=37220&f=4,37220,0,20&st=80</A>
补丁下载地址 <a href="https://www.box.net/index.php?rm=box_v2_download_shared_file&file_id=f_44976541" target="_blank" >https://www.box.net/index.php?rm=box_v2_download_shared_file&file_id=f_44976541</A>
放了其中几个新兵种得场景, 方便体验...
<IMG src="https://xs510.xs.to/xs510/06521/Renaissance_1.JPG" border=0>
<IMG src="https://xs510.xs.to/xs510/06521/Renaissance_2.JPG" border=0>
<IMG src="https://xs510.xs.to/xs510/06521/Renaissance_3.JPG" border=0> 一个小小得dat文件可以作出这么多效果....
不过有两点不太明白, 一是那测试版得三个骑兵好像在MPS里找不到, 第二, 怎么把MPS图象得编号和GE2得图象编号联系起来, 两边得编号似乎明显不匹配...
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-1 16:40:38编辑过]
大部分效果我会,建造一半的东西就不会了... 怎么是X1,发错了? 去年就已关注过。作者的修改似乎没有明确的目的性和方向性,炫耀性为主。呵呵。 哦,不知道哦,用来制作“魔法”战役到是不错的 唔?学学。 呵~ 剧情我的电脑打不开,非法。。 <DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>qs</I>在2007-3-1 19:02:59的发言:</B> 去年就已关注过。作者的修改似乎没有明确的目的性和方向性,炫耀性为主。呵呵。</DIV>
哦, 原来大家关注过了, 我发贴前搜索了一下, 看没有相关得帖子所以就发了..
另外, 三个隐藏骑兵得图象, 有谁知道在哪? <DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>wacm</I>在2007-3-2 12:11:49的发言:</B>
什么意思,是第一幅图里吗 </DIV>
第二副图, 骑兵和流星得那张, 用了帝国2测试版得骑兵, 不过那几个图象好像mps里找不到, 至少在贴出来得单位列表里找不到... <DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>lingfeng</I>在2007-3-1 20:00:48的发言:</B>
剧情我的电脑打不开,非法。。 </DIV>
那你就新建一个场景 <DIV class=quote>我发现过隐藏兵的头像</DIV> 头像是有的,那个骑兵也见过,不过似乎是残缺的,有些动作好象没有。。。以前我还用过其中一个骑兵的移动图象做成GIF,当签名用……可是,我的MPS爆了,24 为什么打不开SCX,一测试就非法 太强了 那些奇怪的兵种是怎么弄的啊 哎,如果我可以就好了 我真不晓得这是怎么弄的 也许是生来就是这样的吧 图片是查号