wongyuhua 发表于 2021-6-6 17:31:15



Version 2021.5.9:
-Updated technology effect attribute list for DE2.
-Updated armor list defaults for DE2.
-Fixed multiple bugs in units and terrain restrictions tabs.
-Added additional folder for loading modded sprite files.
-Prevented AGE windows from spawning beyond observable desktop.
-Fixed fresh bug in SLP view close handler.

Version 2021.4.25:
-Fixed more bugs in effects tab including inability to type in negative armor and attack values for UP and DE2.
-Show all angles of DE sprites.
-Fixed targeting with mouse.

Version 2021.4.18:
-Scroll rate of tabs can be adjusted in options.
-Window no longer spawns larger than screen space.

Version 2021.4.11:
-Age of Empires DE SLP shadows displayed.
-Sprite cache based on memory used instead of sprite count.

Version 2021.4.4:
-Fixed crash when no palettes were loaded.
-Made SLP view update more reliably.
-Smoother scrolling.
-Improvements for high display scaling.

Version 2021.4.2:
-Added SMX reading support.
-Fixed reading Age of Empires DE SLP files.
-DE palette paths are saved in recent list.
-Improved reading of palettes.
-Fixed some rare crashes when switching data files.

Version 2021.3.22:
-Fixed several bugs in effects tab.
-Reduced lag when dragging main window.
-Stopped old recent paths from opening as wrong version.

Version 2021.3.15:
-Updated effects tab for UserPatch 1.5.
-More accurate text input error messages.

Version 2021.3.12:
-Added support for Expanding Fronts 1.3 and beyond.
-Fixed bugs in effect commanmd type drop down menu.

Version 2020.10.2:
-Support for new charge and damage resistance features in AoE II DE.
-Revealed hidden boxes in tech effects for new features in AoE II DE.

Version 2020.6.12:
-Fixed bug with language text indexes.
-Renamed technology cost and time modifiers for AoE DE.

Version 2020.3.30:
-Support for new AoE II DE game features.

Version 2019.11.28:
-Added more unit search filters.

Version 2019.11.22:
-Fixed default paths for AoE II DE.

Version 2019.7.2:
-Negative armor types can be changed via effects.
-Supports newer game versions.

Version 2018.1.29:
-Marked resource multiplier as not available in AoE 1.

Version 2017.11.7:
-Internal unit name filter works the way it used to.
-Graphics can be filtered by rainbow.
-Images are saved centered on hotspot.

Version 2017.10.6:
-Saving an SLP handles player color properly.
-Deleting terrain tables uses correct indexes.
-Unit terrain table defaults to 0.
-Small improvements here and there.

jrs1988 发表于 2021-6-28 06:39:05


wongyuhua 发表于 2021-6-28 08:29:15


jrs1988 发表于 2021-6-29 13:58:43

wongyuhua 发表于 2021-6-28 08:29

不太懂英文 楼主有空的话 能转发一下吗 多谢了~

wongyuhua 发表于 2021-6-29 23:53:48

jrs1988 发表于 2021-6-29 13:58
不太懂英文 楼主有空的话 能转发一下吗 多谢了~

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