26064,训练 <b> 钩镰兵<b> (<cost>) $0A比步兵更强,对骑兵和重步兵有少许附加攻击力. <i> 升级: 攻击, 装甲 (铁匠铺); 生产速度(城堡); 对牧师的转化抵抗 (教堂).<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>26065,雇佣 <b> 佛兰德斯火炮<b> (<cost>) (占3个人口) $0A来自佛兰德斯的优秀炮兵,对建筑物和船只有附加攻击力,擅长对抗建筑物,在被近程部队近身时会不堪一击. <i> 升级: 攻击, 射程 (大学); 对牧师的转化抵抗 (教堂).<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26066,建造 <b> 长炮<b> (<cost>) (占3个人口) $0A萨瓦的火炮工厂生产像长炮一样的杰出大炮.对建筑物和船只有附加攻击力,擅长对抗建筑物,在被近程部队近身时会不堪一击. <i> 升级: 攻击, 射程 (大学); 对牧师的转化抵抗 (教堂).<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26067,建造 <b> 雷霆炮<b> (<cost>) (占3个人口) $0A佛兰德斯的独立使得他们能够自主设计和制造雷霆炮. 对建筑物和船只有附加攻击力,擅长对抗建筑物,在被近程部队近身时会不堪一击. <i> 升级: 攻击, 射程 (大学); 对牧师的转化抵抗 (教堂).<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26068,训练 <b> 骑兵<b> (<cost>) $0A速度快的重骑兵. <i> 升级: 攻击, 装甲 (铁匠铺); 速度 (马厩); 生产速度(城堡); 对牧师的转化抵抗 (教堂).<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26069,建造 <b> 榴弹炮<b> (<cost>) (占3个人口) $0A在一定程度上由于胡斯战争的影响,波希米亚人设法制造了优秀的火炮,包括管炮和榴弹炮. 对建筑物和船只有附加攻击力,擅长对抗建筑物,在被近程部队近身时会不堪一击. <i> 升级: 攻击, 射程 (大学); 对牧师的转化抵抗 (教堂).<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26070,训练 <b> 骑士<b> (<cost>) $0A比骑兵,附庸骑士和泰利卫队更强. <i> 升级: 攻击, 装甲 (铁匠铺); 速度, 升级到圣骑士 1300F, 750G (城堡); 生产速度(城堡); 对牧师的转化抵抗 (教堂).<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26071,训练 <b> 郡长<b> (<cost>) (占2个人口)$0A 乡绅中最富有的,分辨出郡长的唯一途径是他们在当地政府或者地方法庭中的职位。他们掌握着最高的权利,这些富农们可以承担骑士们的盔甲和武器来源.<i> 升级: 攻击, 装甲 (铁匠铺); 速度, 生命值 (马厩); 生产速度(城堡); 对牧师的转化抵抗 (教堂).<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26078,训练 <b> 持矛兵<b> (<cost>) $0A中等步兵. 对骑兵与排枪有附加攻击力. <i> 升级: 攻击, 装甲 (铁匠铺); 视野, 速度, 升级到长枪兵 215F, 90G (征收所); 生产速度(城堡); 对牧师的转化抵抗 (教堂).<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26079,训练 <b> 自由民<b> (<cost>) $0A基本的剑士,训练便宜且快速. <i> 升级: 攻击, 装甲 (铁匠铺); 视野, 速度, 升级到城镇民兵 100F, 40G (征收所); 生产速度(城堡); 对牧师的转化抵抗 (教堂).<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26080,训练 <b> 城镇民兵<b> (<cost>) $0A比自由民更强. 对建筑有附加攻击力. <i> 升级: 攻击, 装甲 (铁匠铺); 视野, 速度, 升级到步兵 200F, 65G (征收所); 生产速度 (城堡); 对牧师的转化抵抗 (教堂).<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26081,训练 <b> 步兵<b> (<cost>) $0A比城镇民兵更强. 对建筑有附加攻击力. <i> 升级: 攻击, 装甲 (铁匠铺); 视野, 速度(征收所); 生产速度 (城堡); 对牧师的转化抵抗 (教堂).<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26083,训练 <b> 弓箭手<b> (<cost>) $0A轻便,速度快. 近距离作战较弱; 适于远距离作战. <i> 升级: 攻击, 射程, 装甲 (铁匠铺); 攻击, 命中率 (大学); 升级到弩手 125F, 75G (射箭场); 生产速度 (城堡); 对牧师的转化抵抗 (教堂).<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26084,训练 <b> 弩手<b> (<cost>) $0A比弓箭手更强. <i> 升级: 攻击, 射程, 装甲 (铁匠铺); 攻击, 命中率 (大学); 升级到劲弩手 350F, 300G (射箭场); 生产速度 (城堡); 对牧师的转化抵抗 (教堂).<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26085,训练 <b> 骑射手<b> (<cost>) $0A速度快, 远程攻击. 理想的打了就跑攻击部队. <i> 升级: 速度 (马厩); 攻击, 射程, 装甲 (铁匠铺); 攻击, 命中率 (大学); 升级到重装骑射手 900F, 500G (射箭场); 生产速度 (城堡); 对牧师的转化抵抗 (教堂).<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26086,雇佣 <b> 热那亚弩手<b> (<cost>) $0A强大的近距离攻击部队; 远距离射击精度不高. 可以使近距离攻击部队(比如骑兵)无法靠近. 像弓箭手一样, 不适于近距离作战. <i> 升级: 生产速度 (城堡); 对牧师的转化抵抗 (教堂).<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26087,训练 <b> 散兵<b> (<cost>) $0A比掷矛兵更强. 对弓箭手有附加攻击力. <i> 升级: 攻击, 射程, 装甲 (铁匠铺); 攻击, 命中率 (大学); 生产速度 (城堡); 对牧师的转化抵抗 (教堂).<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26088,训练 <b> 掷矛兵<b> (<cost>) $0A远距离攻击部队,装备有盾牌抵御弓箭, 对弓箭手有附加攻击力. <i> 升级: 攻击, 射程, 装甲 (铁匠铺); 攻击, 命中率 (大学); 升级到散兵 250W, 160G (射箭场); 生产速度 (城堡); 对牧师的转化抵抗 (教堂).<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26089,建造 <b> 商船<b> (<cost>) $0A用于在海上与其他玩家贸易. 携带你的货物从你的船坞到其他玩家的船坞贸易,获得弗罗林. 船坞相距越远利润越高. 贸易时, 先点击商队, 再右击一个盟友或中立玩家的船坞 <i> 升级: 装甲, 花费 (船坞); 对牧师的转化抵抗 (教堂).<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26090,建造 <b> 渔船<b> (<cost>) $0A虽然最有经验的渔民在海的远处捕鱼,但仍然很危险,但这是一个稳定的食物来源. 从跳跃的鱼群或渔网获得食物. 象村民自动回城镇大厅存放食物一样自动回船坞存放食物. <i> 升级: 装甲, cost, speed (Dock); 对牧师的转化抵抗 (教堂).<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26091,建造 <b> 战舰<b> (<cost>) $0A比箭船更强大. <i> 升级: 装甲, 花费, 速度, 升级到大型战舰 400F, 315W (船坞); 攻击,射程 (铁匠铺); 攻击, 命中率 (大学); 对牧师的转化抵抗 (教堂).<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26093,雇佣 <b> 佛罗伦萨火炮<b> (<cost>) (占3个人口) $0A来自意大利的强力可移动攻城武器. 对建筑物和船只有附加攻击力,擅长对抗建筑物,在被近程部队近身时会不堪一击. <i> 升级: 攻击, 射程 (大学); 对牧师的转化抵抗 (教堂).<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26094,建造 <b> 冲撞车<b> (<cost>) $0A木制的慢速攻城武器,用于毁灭敌人的城镇. 适于攻击建筑物. 可抵抗弓箭攻击. <i> 升级: 攻击 (大学); 升级到装甲冲撞车 300F, 250G (攻城武器制造厂); 对牧师的转化抵抗 (教堂).<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26095,建造 <b> 掷石车<b> (<cost>) (占3个人口) $0A轮式攻城武器,用于攻击敌小型部队. 攻击力受地形影响. 可强制攻击. 对近身攻击较弱. <i> 升级: 攻击, 射程 (大学); 升级到投石车 800F, 500G (攻城武器制造厂); 对牧师的转化抵抗 (教堂).<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26096,建造 <b> 弩砲<b> (<cost>) (占3个人口) $0A一种威力强大的轻砲,可穿透攻击. 适于攻击大面积敌人的武器. 对近身武器较差. <i> 升级: 攻击, 射程 (大学); 升级到重型弩砲 1000F, 1100W (攻城武器制造厂); 对牧师的转化抵抗 (教堂).<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26099,任命 <b> 牧师<b> (<cost>) $0A速度慢且弱小. 可转化敌人部队, 舰船为你所用. 治愈受伤的村民, 部队 (除了攻城武器),适于克制速度慢的近身攻击部队, 例如步兵. 对付快速或远程部队较弱, 例如弓箭手. <i> 升级: 教堂.<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26100,训练 <b> 贸易马车<b> (<cost>) $0A用于在陆上与其他玩家贸易. 携带你的货物从你的市场到其他玩家的市场贸易,获得黄金. 市场相距越远利润越高. 贸易时, 先点击商队, 再右击一个盟友或中立玩家的市场. <i> 升级: 对牧师的转化抵抗 (教堂).<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26101,训练 <b> 格德司骑卫<b> (<cost>) $0A重骑兵; 格德司骑卫或许偶尔会为非作歹 但其作战仍非常勇猛. 对步兵有附加攻击力. <i> 升级: 攻击, 装甲 (铁匠铺); 速度 (马厩); 生产速度, 升级到格德司骑士 1600F, 800G (城堡); 对牧师的转化抵抗 (教堂).<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26102,训练 <b> 库曼骑射手<b> (<cost>) $0A流浪的库曼骑射手受雇于最高的出价人,他们可能不会拥有很远的射程和精准度,但是他们的行动迅疾如风,且能快速射出大量的箭. <i> 升级: 攻击, 射程 (铁匠铺); 攻击, 命中率 (大学); 生产速度, 升级到蒙古骑射手 760F, 760G (城堡); 对牧师的转化抵抗 (教堂).<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26103,训练 <b> 洛林十字枪骑兵<b> (<cost>) $0A投掷长矛的中装骑兵. 擅长对付其他马上单位并且精于突袭. 对骑兵有附加攻击力. <i> 升级: 攻击, 装甲 (铁匠铺); 速度 (马厩); 生产速度, 升级到洛林贵族枪骑兵 600F, 500G (城堡); 对牧师的转化抵抗 (教堂).<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26104,训练 <b> 国民卫队<b> (<cost>) $0AUrban militia equipped with excellent armour and the powerful goedendag polearm. Infantry with substantial pierce armour; virtually immune to archer fire. Attack bonus vs. buildings, archers. <i> 升级: 攻击, 装甲 (铁匠铺); 视野, speed (征收所); 生产速度, to Liebaert 1200F, 550G (城堡); 对牧师的转化抵抗 (教堂).<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26105,训练 <b> 热那亚劲弩<b> (<cost>) $0AFine crossbowman with high armour and long range. Also has no minimum range. Powerful close attack, but inaccurate at range.<i> 升级: 攻击, range, 装甲 (铁匠铺); 生产速度, to Genoese Guard 850F, 750G (城堡); 对牧师的转化抵抗 (教堂).<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26106,建造 <b> Kogge<b> (<cost>) (占3个人口) $0ABarge-like vessel with arrow attack and transporting capabilities. Fires multiple arrows. <i> 升级: 装甲, cost, speed, to Boeyer 750F, 475G (Dock); attack, range (铁匠铺); 攻击, 命中率 (大学); 对牧师的转化抵抗 (教堂).<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26107,训练 <b> Helwr<b> (<cost>) $0AFast and accurate archer, excells at hit-and-run tactics. Powerful archer with long range. <i> 升级: 攻击, range, 装甲 (铁匠铺); 攻击, 命中率 (大学); 生产速度, to Saethwr 850F, 850G (城堡); 对牧师的转化抵抗 (教堂).<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26108,训练 <b> Habsburger Knight<b> (<cost>) $0AAustrian unique unit. Cavalry archer with attack bonus vs. siege weapons. <i> 升级: 攻击, range, 装甲 (铁匠铺); speed (Stable); 攻击, 命中率 (大学); 生产速度, to Imperial Knight 1100F, 675G (城堡); 对牧师的转化抵抗 (教堂).<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26109,训练 <b> Ribald<b> (<cost>) (占2个人口) $0ASavoyard unique unit. Long-ranged anti-infantry artillery. Attack bonus vs. buildings. Strong vs. anything nearby. <i> 升级: 攻击, 装甲 (铁匠铺); speed (Stable); 生产速度, to Ribaudequin 1600F, 1200G (城堡); 对牧师的转化抵抗 (教堂).<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26110,训练 <b> Manessic Squire<b> (<cost>) $0ASaxon unique unit. Infantry with fast attack. Attack bonus vs. other unique units, buildings. <i> 升级: 攻击, 装甲 (铁匠铺); 视野, speed (征收所); 生产速度, to Manessic Knight 950F, 875G (城堡); 对牧师的转化抵抗 (教堂).<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26111,训练 <b> Ragacin<b> (<cost>) $0AFrench unique unit. Infantry with ranged attack. Attack bonus vs. buildings. <i> 升级: 攻击, 装甲 (铁匠铺); 视野, speed (征收所); 生产速度, to Noble Ragacin 1000F, 850G (城堡); 对牧师的转化抵抗 (教堂).<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26112,训练 <b> Coustilier<b> (<cost>) $0ABurgundian unique unit. Infantry with effective armour and slow but powerful attack. Attack bonus vs. buildings. <i> 升级: 攻击, 装甲 (铁匠铺); 视野, speed (征收所); 生产速度, to Ecuyer 1200F, 600G (城堡); 对牧师的转化抵抗 (教堂).<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26113,训练 <b> Cliarthaire<b> (<cost>) $0AScottish unique unit. Exceptionally quick infantry. Attack bonus vs. buildings. <i> 升级: 攻击, 装甲 (铁匠铺); 视野, speed (征收所); 生产速度, to Arras 1000F, 800G (城堡); 对牧师的转化抵抗 (教堂).<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26114,雇佣 <b> Scots Guard<b> (<cost>) $0AScottish men-at-arms sworn to the service of the French king. <i> 升级: 攻击, 装甲 (铁匠铺); 生产速度, attack (城堡); 对牧师的转化抵抗 (教堂).<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26115,雇佣 <b> Swiss Pikeman<b> (<cost>) $0ADrawn from the Swiss Cantons, these tough fighters can stand their ground against anyone. Excellent heavy, ranged polearm infantry. Attack bonus vs. cavalry, infantry. <i> 升级: 攻击, 装甲 (铁匠铺); 视野, speed (征收所); 生产速度 (城堡); 对牧师的转化抵抗 (教堂).<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26121,训练 <b> Peasant<b> (<cost>) $0AGathers wood, food, stone, silver. Builds and repairs buildings. Also repairs ships, siege weapons. <i> 升级: hit points, 装甲, efficiency (Town Hall); wood resource-gathering (Lumber Camp); stone, silver resource-gathering (Mining Camp); build speed (大学); attack (城堡); 对牧师的转化抵抗 (教堂).<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26128,建造 <b> Archery Range<b> (<cost>) $0AUsed to train and improve archers. <i> 升级: production speed (城堡); 视野 (Town Hall); hit points, 装甲 (大学); 对牧师的转化抵抗 (教堂).<i>$0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range> <garrison>
26131,建造 <b> Blacksmith<b> (<cost>) $0AUsed to improve infantry, archers, cavalry, towers, Town Halls, Castles, and Frisian Boeyers. <b><i> Required for Siege Workshop.<b><i> <i> 升级: 视野 (Town Hall); hit points, 装甲 (大学); 对牧师的转化抵抗 (教堂).<i>$0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26135,建造 <b> Levy Quarters<b> (<cost>) $0AUsed to train and improve infantry. <b><i> Required for Archery Range, Stable.<b><i> <i> 升级: production speed (城堡); 视野 (Town Hall); hit points, 装甲 (大学); 对牧师的转化抵抗 (教堂).<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range> <garrison>
26138,建造 <b> Church<b> (<cost>) $0AUsed to train and improve Priests. Garrisoned relics generate florins. Cannot be converted by enemy Priests. <i> 升级: 视野 (Town Hall); hit points, 装甲 (大学).<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range> <garrison>
26142,建造 <b> Castle<b> (<cost>) $0AUsed to train your unique unit, knightly units and your civilisation's hero; also improves peasants and buildings. Cannot be converted by enemy Priests. <i> 升级: production speed (城堡); 视野 (Town Hall); hit points, 装甲, accuracy (大学); attack, range (铁匠铺); attack, range (城堡).<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range> <garrison>
26144,建造 <b> Dock<b> (<cost>) $0AUsed to build and improve ships, deposit food from Fishing Boats, and trade with other players by sea. <i> 升级: 视野 (Town Hall); hit points, 装甲 (大学); 对牧师的转化抵抗 (教堂).<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range> <garrison>
26149,建造 <b> Farm<b> (<cost>) $0AA renewable source of food. Provides a limited amount of food before it goes fallow and must be rebuilt. Only one peasant can work a Farm. Cannot be converted by enemy Priests. You can farm abandoned enemy Farms. <i> 升级: food (Mill); 视野 (Town Hall); hit points (大学).<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26154,建造 <b> Guard Tower<b> (<cost>) $0AStronger than Watch Tower, with greater fighting ability. Units can garrison inside for protection and additional attack strength. <i> 升级: 视野 (Town Hall); attack, range (铁匠铺); hit points, 装甲, ship attack; to Keep 500F, 350S (大学).<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range> <garrison>
26155,建造 <b> Keep<b> (<cost>) $0AStronger than Guard Tower. Fires farther and is better armored. Units can garrison inside for protection and additional attack strength. <i> 升级: 视野 (Town Hall); attack, range (铁匠铺); hit points, 装甲, ship attack (大学).<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range> <garrison>
26156,建造 <b> Bombard Tower<b> (<cost>) $0APowerful attack with extensive 视野. Attack bonus vs. ships. <i> 升级: 视野 (Town Hall); attack, range (铁匠铺); hit points, 装甲, ship attack (大学).<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range> <garrison>
26157,建造 <b> Mill<b> (<cost>) $0AUsed to deposit food and research farming improvements. Build near a forage bush or other source of food to gather food faster. <b><i> Required for Farm, Market.<b><i> <i> 升级: 视野 (Town Hall); hit points, 装甲 (大学); 对牧师的转化抵抗 (教堂).<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26161,建造 <b> Market<b> (<cost>) $0AUsed to buy and sell resources, trade with other players by land, and research trade improvements. <i> 升级: 视野 (Town Hall); hit points, 装甲 (大学); 对牧师的转化抵抗 (教堂).<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26164,建造 <b> Town Hall<b> (<cost>) $0AUsed to train peasants and breed sheep, deposit resources (food, wood, stone, florins), advance to next age, and improve buildings, peasants. Units can garrison inside for protection. Cannot be converted by enemy Priests. <i> 升级: 视野 (Town Hall); hit points, 装甲, accuracy (大学); attack, range (铁匠铺).<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range> <garrison>
26169,建造 <b> Siege Workshop<b> (<cost>) $0AUsed to build siege weapons. <i> 升级: 视野 (Town Hall); hit points, 装甲 (大学); 对牧师的转化抵抗 (教堂).<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26171,建造 <b> Stable<b> (<cost>) $0AUsed to train and improve cavalry. <i> 升级: production speed (城堡); 视野 (Town Hall); hit points, 装甲 (大学); 对牧师的转化抵抗 (教堂).<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range> <garrison>
26174,建造 <b> Princely Court<b> (<cost>) $0AThe Princely Court is the ultimate proof of your power, and allows the research of the most powerful technologies in the game, providing bonuses to various unit types. $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26176,建造 <b> University<b> (<cost>) $0AA centre of learning, typically founded with papal approval. Used to improve buildings and missile units. <i> 升级: 视野 (Town Hall); hit points, 装甲 (大学); 对牧师的转化抵抗 (教堂).<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26177,建造 <b> Chapter School<b> (<cost>) $0AFounded by a church or cathedral, the canons educate the local upper and middle classes - to an extent. Used to improve buildings and missile units. <i> 升级: 视野 (Town Hall); hit points, 装甲 (大学); 对牧师的转化抵抗 (教堂).<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26178,建造 <b> Watch Tower<b> (<cost>) $0ABasic stone tower. Automatically attacks enemy units and buildings within range. Units can garrison inside for protection and additional attack strength. <i> 升级: 视野 (Town Hall); attack, range (铁匠铺); hit points, 装甲, ship attack; to Guard Tower 100F, 250S (大学).<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range> <garrison>
26179,训练 <b> Erbexe<b> (<cost>)(takes up 1.5 pop slots)$0AErbexen, also known as eigenerfden, are self-supporting farmers with their own land. Rich and capable of affording the finest armour, they prefer to fight on foot. Attack bonus vs. buildings. <i> 升级: 攻击, 装甲 (铁匠铺); 视野, speed (征收所); to Scolteboer 750F, 350G (Torenstins); 生产速度 (城堡); 对牧师的转化抵抗 (教堂).<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26180,训练 <b> Scolteboer<b> (<cost>)(takes up 1.5 pop slots)$0AThe richest man in the village, and typically inhabiting a Torenstins, a Scholteboer is lord and judge of his own lands. The upper crust of Frisian society is always prepared for war. Attack bonus vs. buildings. <i> 升级: 攻击, 装甲 (铁匠铺); 视野, speed (征收所); 生产速度 (城堡); 对牧师的转化抵抗 (教堂).<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26181,训练 <b> Hereboer<b> (<cost>) $0AWhile all rich Frisians are supposed to have horses for war, only few will actually use them in battle. These men are the sole exception in boggy Friesland. <i> 升级: 攻击, 装甲 (铁匠铺); speed, hit points (Stable); 生产速度 (城堡); 对牧师的转化抵抗 (教堂).<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26182,建造 <b> Monument<b> (<cost>) $0ABuilding a Monument unique to your people demonstrates the superiority of your civilization. Constructing a Monument that stands for a certain period of time is one way to win the game. Cannot be converted by enemy Priests.$0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26183,Support the <b>Schieringers<b> (<cost>) $0ADefending local representative organs, the Schieringers typically refer to the age-old Frisian Liberty. Disables knightly cavalry. Militia have +2 attack and +10 hit points; allows Frisian Liberty research.
26184,Support the <b>Vetkopers<b> (<cost>) $0AThe Vetkopers support the foundation of hierarchic noble dominions, often by appealing to foreign military assistence. Militia infantry have -10 hit points, knightly infantry have +3 attack; enables Ruiters.
26185,建造 <b> Gate<b> (<cost>) $0ACan be built into existing walls. You or your allies can manually open and close this Gate. <i> 升级: 视野 (Town Hall); hit points, 装甲 (大学).<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26186,Consult the <b>Three Members of Flanders<b> (<cost>) $0AMade up of Bruges, Ghent and Ypres, the Three Members are vocal supporters of their own independence. Disables knightly cavalry. Spear units have +2 attack and +10 hit points.
26187,Found the <b>Chamber of the Council<b> (<cost>) $0AThreatened by forceful citizens, the ruler of Flanders has no option but to curb their authority by founding his own representative assembly. Militia infantry have -10 hit points, Knights have +3 attack.
26188,Become an <b>Imperial Principality<b> (<cost>) $0AAs part of the Holy Roman Empire, its martial styles will influence your own nation. Lancers have +3 attack, +2 normal armour, and +1 pierce armour; allows Foot Knight research.
26189,训练 <b> Ceitheirne<b> (<cost>) $0ACeitheirnes use their natural agility to stay away from the enemy, while peppering them with missiles from afar. Vulnerable at close quarters. Attack bonus versus archers <i> 升级: attack (铁匠铺); range (Blacksmith, University); 装甲 (铁匠铺); 生产速度 (城堡); 对牧师的转化抵抗 (教堂).<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26190,训练 <b> Ceatharnach<b> (<cost>) $0ABetter equipped and armoured than the Ceitheirne, the principle remains the same. Vulnerable at close quarters. Attack bonus versus archers. <i> 升级: attack (铁匠铺); range (Blacksmith, University); 装甲 (铁匠铺); 生产速度 (城堡); 对牧师的转化抵抗 (教堂).<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26202,建造 <b> Palisade Wall<b> (<cost>) $0AWooden wall that is cheap and easy to build. Slows down your enemies and warns you of their approach. <i> 升级: 视野 (Town Hall); hit points, 装甲 (大学).<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26203,建造 <b> Stone Wall<b> (<cost>) $0AStronger than Palisade Wall but more expensive. Slows down your enemies so you have a chance to fend them off. <i> 升级: 视野 (Town Hall); hit points, 装甲, to Fortified Wall 200F, 100S (大学).<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26204,建造 <b> Fortified Wall<b> (<cost>) $0AStronger than Stone Wall. Difficult to breach without siege weapons. <i> 升级: 视野 (Town Hall); hit points, 装甲 (大学).<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26287,雇佣 <b> Privateer<b> (<cost>) (takes up 4 pop slots) $0ALong-range mercenary warship used to attack targets on shore to establish a beachhead. Fires slowly, with minimum range. Attack bonus vs. buildings. <i> 升级: 装甲, cost, speed (Dock); 对牧师的转化抵抗 (教堂).<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26288,雇佣 <b> Carrack<b> (<cost>) (takes up 4 pop slots) $0ALong-range warship equipped with cannon; used to attack targets on shore to establish a beachhead. Fires slowly, with minimum range. Attack bonus vs. buildings. <i> 升级: 装甲, cost, speed (Dock); 对牧师的转化抵抗 (教堂).<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26289,建造 <b> Capped Ram<b> (<cost>) $0AStronger than Battering Ram. Attack bonus vs. buildings. <i> 升级: attack (大学); to Siege Ram 1000F, 800G (Siege Workshop); 对牧师的转化抵抗 (教堂).<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26290,雇佣 <b> Likedeler<b> (<cost>) (takes up 4 pop slots) $0AThe Likedelers are experienced privateers used to raiding in the Baltic and the North Sea. Fires slowly, with minimum range. Attack bonus vs. buildings. <i> 升级: 装甲, cost, speed (Dock); 对牧师的转化抵抗 (教堂).<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26309,建造 <b> Galleon<b> (<cost>) $0AStronger than War Galley. <i> 升级: 装甲, cost, speed (Dock); attack, range (铁匠铺); 攻击, 命中率 (大学); 对牧师的转化抵抗 (教堂).<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
26311,建造 <b> Town Hall<b> (<cost>) $0AUsed to train peasants and breed sheep, deposit all resources (food, wood, stone, florins), advance to the next age, and improve buildings and peasants. Units can garrison inside for protection. Cannot be converted by enemy Priests. <i> 升级: 视野 (Town Hall); hit points, armor, accuracy (大学); attack, range (铁匠铺).<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range> <garrison>
26326,训练 <b> Pathfinder<b> (<cost>) $0AFast with extensive 视野. Resistant to conversion. <i> 升级: 攻击, 装甲 (铁匠铺); speed, to Light Cavalry 150F, 50G (Stable); 生产速度 (城堡); 对牧师的转化抵抗 (教堂).<i> $0A<hp> <attack> <armor> <piercearmor> <range>
[ 本帖最后由 sd0061 于 2008-8-3 21:49 编辑 ] 支持盧森堡王朝抗衡?翰.胡斯的信徒。
遠渡羅馬接受教皇加冕。 要翻译吗?
貌似是研究的那些东西来的喔(什么什么那些加攻击力和防御力那些) 原帖由 雪之灵狼 于 2008-7-31 14:20 发表 https://www.hawkaoe.net/bbs/images/common/back.gif
总之你不要管这个,把心放在翻译历史文档上去 总之你不要管这个,把心放在翻译历史文档上去
PS:你這個「總之」怎麼出來的啊?:lol 好像是粤语?! sd居然会说粤语!:funk: :funk: 这时粤语吗,好像是普通话``````````````` 尼克好样的,还记得这典故……
第一個應該改為「建設更強大的防禦工事應付邊防需要」 到立陶苑、利沃尼亞與庫爾蘭等異教徒國家進行宣教活動,加強部隊的宗教虔誠與士氣。
與克萊沃、尤利西等其他萊因地區綿結盟約,能夠刺激經濟發展及提供優質石礦。 21014 Strengthen 是強化不是刺激
20993 經驗老練的鐵匠及更優秀的鑄鐵術。
20999 成立蘇格蘭騎士團遠征法國。
21014 爭取來自下層貴族的支持以彌補缺乏正規上層階級的不足。
21017 成為法蘭克王國的附屬國。
21021 Forge 譯締結
21021 與英國進行交涉,可以為布列塔尼帶來長弓兵傭兵及更精良的攻擊裝備。 立陶苑 ~
立陶宛= =
(其实我是专程来拜狂胸的头像的) 24 打錯字了
[ 本帖最后由 狂~劇情狂 于 2008-8-2 23:57 编辑 ] 发现网上有不少写立陶苑的…… 新式的編隊與訓練方式給予(升級效果)
集權到新興的城市中產階級手上。 由於位處法蘭西近鄰的洛林經常需要干涉法國事務,故此在貴族之間推廣法蘭西文化的政策將能夠有效鞏固騎士階級的地位。
確立在佛蘭德斯地區的威信,從而使他們的城市更加願意為你的軍隊效力。 22992來自萊茵地區的勇猛無地騎士,願意為出價最高的僱主效力。隨著時間自我治癒的僱傭兵騎兵。
(這段好像有點問題, 資料重複)? 具威力的弩兵僱傭兵,對付步兵有額外的攻擊力。