Rating: 3.5
It is interesting as a modpack, although the theme is unclear ( as well as
the author's description ). For Chinese, The camel is a monkey, onagers are
monks firing explosions, most infantry are moving skeletons and archers are
like trees. Scout is an old stone head and seige ram is a pyramid destroying
everything in it's path. And many such changes for Persians as well. The
capped ram when attacking crashes my game.
I don't think this is very useful, either as gameplay or in scenario design.
Things are just too weird. However it is a good example of what can be done
with .dat editing. The theme ( King of the forest ) does not make much sense
as the author's description is difficult to understand.
Additional Comments:
Certainly a novelty to try out, but I don't recommend installing this.
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Age of Kings Heaven - The Blacksmith
好久没上来,还有人记得我吗?:lol 还是查字典。 第一段开头说了这个MOD很有趣,但是作者对主题的描述不够清晰
后面我就翻译不来了= = 3L的头像……我喜欢:lol 看来又是一个逆转的FANS啊:handshake :handshake :handshake 虽然主题是(以及作者的描绘)不清楚的,它是有趣的阿斯a modpack.为中文,骆驼是一只猴子,中亚野驴是烧爆炸和尚,绝大部分步兵正移动骨架和弓箭手是像树. 侦察兵是一个老石头头儿在它的通道中和seige公羊是一金字塔毁灭一切.为很多像波斯人井这样的改变.当攻击的时候结束公羊使我的游戏坠毁. 我不认为这个也作为gameplay或者在剧本设计中是非常有用.东西是太仅仅怪异. 但是它是一能被怎样处理.dat编辑的好例子.主题((森林)之王不有许多作为作者的描绘存在困难懂得意义. 附加意见:当然一新意向尝试在野派但是我不建议安装这个.============================== 如果你不希望从我们下载系统收到将来通知,请更新你的在你的论坛侧面中电子邮件设置. 干杯,Tanneur99"列王记"天堂 --铁匠的老化