当然啦,ZF的东西也。 原帖由 半透明 于 2009-6-11 19:35 发表 https://www.hawkaoe.net/bbs/images/common/back.gif
我很蛋定,没有鸡动:lol 原帖由 CQJ-丝丝记忆 于 2009-6-12 00:43 发表 https://www.hawkaoe.net/bbs/images/common/back.gif
小完便抖一抖就不同啦~:lol 唉,这些不实际的东西....之前我的联想品牌机附带的网络爸爸,也不一样被我卸了。不过虽然我不纯洁,至少没有看过真正的H片 没有看过H片?
那你的人生还不完整。。。 很正常……
回复 25# 的帖子
注意,是“不是真正”,不是没看过。:lol :lol 就算婚后也是需要手淫的。 . 就算不能卸载又能怎样呢任务管理器结束进程
要想对付这种东西的方法不要太多啊:lol 这东西......我就不说了,评测里全部是烂的,让人感觉到了win95
还有,已经被一个小学生破解了 没事,反正我家快买的电脑是拼装地~~~~
今天的香港有线新闻 正不断的播出:绿坝--被美国软件公司指控盗版,所谓的绿坝,正在源源不断的通过用户电脑,发回娘家叫Solid Oak Software的美国软件公司的服务器一些信息。证明这软件正在不断的被盗用,甚至还发回Solid Oak的服务器更新黑名单!!China’s Filtering Software Contains Pirated Code
Does ’Green Dam’ steal code from CyberSitter? And what are PC OEMs to do?
by Mark Hachman
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The "Green Dam" filtering software that the Chinese government is reportedly requiring for all PCs sold there contains pirated code, a U.S. software manufacturer claimed Friday.
Solid Oak Software, the developer of CyberSitter, claims that the look and feel of the GUI used by Green Dam mimics the style of CyberSitter. But more damning, chief executive Brian Milburn said, was the fact that the Green Dam code uses DLLs identified with the CyberSitter name, and even makes calls back to Solid Oak’s servers for updates.
Green Dam is a piece of filtering software that will reportedly be required for all PCs sold inside China. The software is already available in China, although the restrictions go into place on July 1, according to The New York Times.
According to a study by the University of Michigan, the Green Dam software works to identify images, text, and URLs and compares them to a filter, which blocks the offending work. The researchers took the publicly available software and reverse-engineered it, using standard methods. Inside, the study’s author, assistant professor of electrical engineering J. Alex Halderman, found evidence that the software uses blacklists compiled by CyberSitter, dating back to 2006. An encrypted news bulletin, which dates back to 2004, was also accidentally included, Halderman wrote.
"We’ve been talking with them since the report came out yesterday," Halderman said in an interview.
大家可以正式看笑话了。 昨天看報紙也看到了, 實在太無言了.. 4KW给大家开个美国后门,这是什么精神啊? 手机是不会有这个问题的,电脑软件管不着我= =*! 没事的,总会有对策的哦!拼装电脑解决这问题看来不错:lol