(4.7分 AoKH 2008)狙击手战争 Sniper Warz 作者:Sharp
这是我汉化的第二个场景…:37: … 鄙人英语不是很好,汉化不好之处多多包涵:39: ,先列上鸣谢名单吧:9: (排名不分先后)剧情狂 为我提供了这个场景(并和我试玩),帮我翻译了1个不懂的句子
老胡V1 推荐我使用aokts进行汉化,加快了汉化的速度
Sharp 本图作者
好了,先上传文件吧:9:X 这是AOKH 2个人的评分,一位4.4 另一位则给出了5分的高分(估计是民评)
Playability: 5
Very fun and easy to understand, first sneaking map ive ever played in AoK
Balance: 3
Sometimes when a guy gets a huskarl for 12 kills, and the other guy doesnt, it becomes kinda unfair because 2v1.
Creativity: 5
I like the idea of a sneaking map, i like it, plus its the first one i think...
Map Design: 5
Great yet funny, there are some easter eggs on the edges of the map, plenty of cover too.
Story/Instructions: 4
Good, very clear and easy to understand, just pick up and play!
Additional Comments:
Overall Sniper warz is a fun multiplayer map to play with your friends, easy to understand and funny. I recommend this to everyone.
Playability 5.0
Balance 5.0
Creativity 5.0
Map Design 5.0
Story/Instructions 5.0
Playability: 5
It's very fun.
Balance: 5
All players start off equally and have the same opportunity to get ahead of everyone else. There is no unfair advantage to any player, and I could not find any bugs to the map after playing it X amount of times. If anything I just don't like hand cannoneers much because my guy never seemed to learned how to shoot, just a little unlucky there. :(
Creativity: 5
Every aspect of it is creative. A map where you get 1 hp hand cannoneer and you fight 7 others with rewards by kills= a 5! It's also funny when you watch the corners of the map!
Map Design: 5
Very nice layout, it keeps the game entertaining even if you're down by a ton, which I tend to be a lot!
Story/Instructions: 5
It's very easy to catch on for what to do. A 5 year old could figure it out.
Additional Comments:
I recommend it to all who enjoy trying something new! And sharp, it's been fun playing with you! I will go through on my promise to take a break from AOE for the next 12 months, so... I hope the year goes great for you and have fun with AOE! 这个游戏还是不错的……
PS 我也在汉化另外一个场景 不过那个场景的评分就低一点了 4.4分 现在已经开工了,明天之内一定奉上!
[ 本帖最后由 老胡V1 于 2010-2-1 20:49 编辑 ] 同意老胡
晚上打一盘吧 我竟然在感谢名单里耶........
P.S.我是红黑的 殺8人的提示信息沒翻譯,任務欄跟遊戲信息都 BUG已收到,会尽快修复
刚和狂打局时讨论了下,可以考虑出个原创的平衡改进版 加油吧...期待这作品的登场...... 银色这样的工作精神才值得我们学习嘛...(相对某部分人真是不敢恭维)
不过你要赶快把你说的付诸行动啊,我们都wait for ! 是不是那天我和狂,银色,TT联机的那个……实话说……确实有些NC……(对不起了)
好玩么!!!!{36} {36} {36} 银色快回归啊,不然场景区就............. 什么图下来看看{39} {9} {9} {9} 来张图看看嘛阻击手是什么兵?
不要说是火枪手或是长弓兵 LZ不要说
咱呢···{34} {38}
勿鄙视人 感谢楼主分享!
哈哈!{9} LZ!你太拽了!!!!!!
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