個人覺得,因為本人英文程度還算不錯:), 這些文章是最基本的介紹,對完全100%的新手才有用的,小霖你真的需要嗎?[此贴子已经被作者于2003-4-6 13:08:28编辑过]
Eding A Building
Considerations: Buildings are much easier to change as opposed to Units. They are simply a static image (I.E. unmoving). There are a few exceptions to this, for example the Mill (Various animations, donkey/rotating vanes) and University (Small flag above door). The will require you to edit that static base image, and the overlapping animation.
Also, a building has a couple versions, a Dark Age, Feudal Age, Castle Age, and an Imperial Age version. You are not required to edit them all, though. They are in different Resources.
Restrictions: A common question is this: Can I change the buildings's stats/what units are created at it? The answer to this is a big "No". At this point, it is not possible. So, you'll have to work with what you have now. All we can change now is the buildings's graphics, accompanying sound, icon, and name.
Prerequisites: To change a building, you must have ModPack Studio, downloadable right here in AoK Heaven's Blacksmith. Also, you'll need some sort of art program. Windows Paint will do, but you won't be making a impressive things with it. For more on Art Programs, and modpack programs in general, see here.
Basic knowledge of how to use a graphics/art program, and how animation works.
Finding and Opening the buildings you want: Download the Resource List. This list contains descriptions of each resource. Simply search the list for the one you want.
1. Open MPS. Start a new Project.
2. Click on the "By Resource Type" tab, and click on the "SLP Graphics" folder.
3. Browse to the number of the building.
4. A window will open in the open space on the right.
Click the Extract BMP button, and save the BMP to a folder.
Important things to remember:
If you want your building to show a player color, paint those areas with any of the shades of blue found in a regular AoK Building. These areas will automatically be colored in the correct color, pertaining to what color you are using in the game. If you want a color, say blue, to not change color with the player colors, import your bitmaps with a different player color selected. (More on importing bitmaps in the next section.
Once you have edited the BMP, open the Resource who's frame you have edited, and click "Import BMP". Select the BMP that you edited, and click "Ok".
Viewing your Building in the Game:
1. Make a .AKS file.
2. Exit MPS, and click on the .AKS file. It will launch AoK. You can either place the buidling in the Scenario Editor, or play a game and create the building. Editing A Unit
Considerations: One unit is essentially an animation, I.E. made up of frames, that each depict the unit in a different stage of movement. The unit has animations of it walking, attacking, idle (they do move when standing still.), dying, and rotting. Each of these animations show the unit facing forward, to the left, backwards, and the two diagonals. There is no right-facing part, because the game engine simply flips the left-facing part. Generally, each direction is made up of 10 frames. So, if there are 5 directions, that means 50 frames. And, there are 5 different actions, so that means there are 250 indivdual graphics to edit. That's alot. Before you take on the task of editing a unit, keep this in mind.
The walking animation is especially hard to do, if you are doing it by hand. A skilled 3D animator (such as the ES artists), can recreate walking well.
Restrictions: A common question is this: Can I change the unit's stats? The answer to this is a big "No". At this point, it is not possible. So, you'll have to work with what you have now. All we can change now is the unit's graphics, accompanying sound, icon, and name.
Prerequisites: To change a unit, you must have ModPack Studio, downloadable right here in AoK Heaven's Blacksmith. Also, you'll need some sort of art program. Windows Paint will do, but you won't be making a impressive things with it. For more on Art Programs, and modpack programs in general, see here.
Basic knowledge of how to use a graphics/art program, and how animation works.
Finding and Opening the unit you want: Download the Resource List. This list contains descriptions of each resource. Simply search the list for the one you want.
1. Open MPS. Start a new Project.
2. Click on the "By Resource Type" tab, and click on the "SLP Graphics" folder.
3. Browse to the number of the unit. (Remember, this is only one set of the unit's actions.)
4. A window will open in the open space on the right.
Unless you would like to edit only one frame, click the "Extract All" Button. Extract the images to a empty (preferably) folder.
(For more information on MPS Editing buttons, click here.)
There will now be about 50 (it varies) bitmaps in your folder. Open You can edit each one individually, or use a main bitmap, and create all the frames on one "page", and paste them into the correct bitmap. There are other ways and methods to work with this, but it is really the user's preference on how it is done. But, the basic point is this: You need to edit each bitmap to reflect the unit are "creating".
Important things to remember:
If you want your unit to show a player color, paint those areas with any of the shades of blue found in a regular AoK Unit. These areas will automatically be colored in the correct color, pertaining to what color you are using in the game. If you want a color, say blue, to not change color with the player colors, import your bitmaps with a different player color selected. (More on importing bitmaps in the next section.
Once you have edited all of the 50 frames, open the Resource who's frames you have edited, and click "Import all". Select the folder that you extracted the bitmaps to, and click "Ok".
Tip: To view the animation quickly and easily, click on the "Frame" option box, and rotate your Mouse's wheel, or press the up and down directional arrows on your keyboard.
Viewing your Unit in the Game:
1. Make a .AKS file.
2. Exit MPS, and click on the .AKS file. It will launch AoK. You can either place the unit in the Scenario Editor, or play a game and create the unit. File Menu Option The File option lets you access basic options, such as Save, Open, and New, but also allows you to do some ModPack Studio specific things.Printable Version
New Project
Starts a new modpack. You can also use the shortcut button to do this. When a new Project is created, MPS makes a few files and folders. First, it makes a .AKP file (The main Modpack file), and a Folder with the Modpack's name. Within this folder is another, called "Temp" This is the default folder for MPS to save images in when you are editing them, etc.
Open Project
This opens a pre-existing Project. Click on the project's .AKP file. You can also use the shortcut button to do this.
Add Project
Opens another modpack. It's files appear below the currently-opened Modpack's files. You can also use the shortcut button to do this.
Removes the last Project that was added.
Saves the currently opened Project. You can also use the shortcut button to do this.
Save All Projects
This option saves all open Projects.
Make DRS Files for
This option will create .DRS files. .DRS files are database files that the game uses to store media. This is the option you use if you would like to make a Modpack permanent. [Warning: These files are BIG. Expect your hard drive to be a couple megabytes fuller.) When clicked on, a screen will appear:
Compile With Following Files:
Graphics.drs - Select this if you have edited any Unit/Building related Resources.
Sounds.drs - Select this if you have edited any sounds, asides from sounds that the interface makes. (I.E. the sound that plays when you click the Menu Button.)
Gamedata.drs - Select this if you have edited any text.
Terrain.drs - Select this if you have edited any terrain.
Interfac.drs - Select this if you have edited any of the interface. (I.E. Buttons, borders, unit icons, etc.)
Compile To: This option lets you tell ModPack Studio where to create the .DRS files.
Project Build Folder - This will create a folder called "Build" in your Modpack's folder. (created by MPS when you started the project.) It will compile the .DRS files you selected, and place them in the "Build" folder. For there, you can do what ever you want with them.
AoK Data Folder - This option will place the .DRS files in your "data" folder, within your Age Of Kings folder. MPS will overwrite the current data files, so use with caution. Select the "Send Overwritten Files to the Recycle Bin" Checkbox to send your original .DRS files to the Recycle Bin so you can later retrieve them if you for some reason don't like your changes.
Other - Click the "Open Folder" Button to browse to a folder of your choice to place the .DRS files in.
Make Install Script for
This option creates a .AKS install script. It is a fairly small file. (size depends on how many Resources you changed.) You can distribute it to others who have ModPack Studio. To install the modpack, simply click on the .AKS file. It will install the modpack, and un-install it when Age Of Kings is closed. For more information on installing .AKS format Modpacks, click here.
Install & Run Modpack
This option lets you select a .AKS script to run. It will launch AoK and install the Modpack. When you exit AoK, the Modpack will un-install itself.
Install & Run Multiple Modpacks
This option will let you install multiple modpacks. You can either create a .AKP Script to distribute, or run all the listed Modpacks at the same time. When you click this option, a window will pop up:
Drag .AKS (Or .AKG) files into the window. You'll have to run the program in a window, not full screen to do this, so you can drag the icon in. Do not drag in the modpack's .ZIP file, it will not work.
If you add multiple modpacks that replace the same Resource, the AKP will use the Resource from highest modpack on the list.
Save As AKG: This button will create a .AKG script. When you run this script, it will launch AoK and install all the modpack in the script.
Install and Run: This option will immediately install the modpacks, and launch Age of Kings. The Modpacks will be uninstalled when you exit Age of Kings. (Note: If the Install & Run button does not work, go to the ModPack Studio site, here, and download the latest version of MPS.
Decompile Modpack Install Script
This option will decompile a .AKS scripts, providing it is not password protected. Select the file in the window that pops up. MPS will extract the SLPs (Resources) from the script, to your Build Folder.
Recent Projects
This option lets you view recently-opened projects. Click on one to open it.
Exit will quit MPS. If you haven't saved your Modpack, MPS will prompt you to save before quiting the program. Tools Menu Option Printable Version
Export Resource Titles and Descriptions
This option will export the Resource Names, as displayed in the Project Explorer, in the form of a .reg Registry File. If you have changed any of the Resource Names, this will export those also, along with the SLP comments. You can then distribute this list for others to use. To use an exported .reg file, open it, and click "Yes".
Reset Resource Titles and Descriptions
If you have imported a custom set of Resource Titles and Descriptions, this will reset them back to their normal, default state.
Open SLP Composite / Animation Viewer
This option launches the SLP Composite / Animation Viewer. More information is available information here.
Remap Resources
Resets Resource names to their original, default names.
Select Bitmap Editor
This option lets you select which Paint Program ModPack Studio uses to load bitmaps in when the Edit Bmp button is clicked. Select the program's .exe file or shortcut.
Contains two options relating to the format MPS uses to display buttons and windows related to viewing SLPs.
Single Document Interface - If one SLP window is open, and you open another SLP, and this option is selected, MPS will close the old SLP window and then display the new window. If this option is not selected, MPS will open multiple SLP windows.
Save Coolbar Settings - The Coolbar is the bars that contain buttons pertaining to manipulating SLPs. You can set these bars in a different format then previously if you wish. This option saves those settings for you next MPS session. More information on Coolbars is here. Opening Resources
To open a Resource (SLP), click on the Resource you want to open, and a window will appear in the space to the right.
Subsections: General | SLP | BMP | Frames | Tabs
Coolbars - Coolbars are the four rows of buttons along the top of each Resource window. You can move them around to your liking by clicking on the bar to the far left of each coolbar, and draggin it around.
The buttons situated at the top of the screen (In the coolbars.) are your main editing tools.
~ General - This row contains general features.
DiscardThis option removes your changes.
RestoreThis option restores the Resource to it's orginal, Age Of Kings, form.
RefreshThis option refreshes the Resource's image.
~ SLP - This row contains functions relating to the SLP (Resource) itself. (Not what it contains.)
Import SLPIf you have made and saved a SLP file earlier, or have downloaded one, etectera, click this button to replace the current SLP with it.
Save AsThis button will save the SLP in .SLP format, to your hard drive.
Set AnchorClick this button, and a little pop-up box will appear. The first to rows tell you the current coordinates of the selected frame's anchor. The second two rows contain a space to change that number. Type in your changes, and click ok. The increment "1" is equal to one pixel on the frame.
The X-Coordinate sets the anchor point farther right or left. The higher the number, the farther right.
The Y-Coordinate sets the anchor point farther up or down. The smaller the number, the higher it will be.
Show AnchorThis option displays an anchor crosshairs over the selected frame. Use this option along with Set Anchor to see how much the anchor is changing, and where the new point is.
Select MaskThis option selects the entire mask of an image. (Visible in Mask Mode.) More information on Masks here.
~ BMP The buttons on this row are used for the actual editing of the unit's graphics.
Import BMPUse this option to open a BMP to replace the currently selected frame with.
Export BMPThis option will prompt you to save the frame you have selected. It will be saved in BMP format.
Edit BMPThis button will prompt you to select a Graphic Editor, if you have not done so already. Select the program's .exe file or shortcut. MPS will prompt you to save the image to a temporary folder. Then, it will open your Graphic Editor, with the selected frame ready to edit.
Mask ColorThe Mask Color button changes what color MPS considers "transparent" when importing and exporting BMPs.
~ Frames Frames - The buttons in this row will preform overall changes to the frame(s) of the opened Resource. (SLP)
Import AllThis option works will in conjunction with the Export All Button. Click this button, and select the folder you previously extracted all the frames to. MPS will load the frames in place of the old ones. (If you have edited each frame already, this option will quickly change all the frames to your edited versions.)
Export AllClick this button, and select a folder for every frame of the Resource to be extracted to. You can then edit each frame.
Import AnchorsThe Import Anchors button Imports a .CSV file with Anchor information in it. Need more help on anchors? Click here.
Export AnchorsThis option will export all the anchor's of a Resource in one CSV file. (Comma-Seperated-File. Each coordinate is listed on one row, down the file. See an example here.) You can easily edit the Anchors this way. It is especially good if you have many anchors to change.
~ Tabs
The tabs allow you to switch to a different part of the Resource, such as the main image, transparent mask, and selected mask. Project Explorer
The Project Explorer essentially lets you browse through all Resources. Akin to Windows Explorer, it opens a clicked-on-resource in the right-hand window. Resource-Specific Options are available in the right-hand window also.
Jump to: By Resource Type | By File Location | Other
~ Tabs The two tabs let you switch between to different viewing modes.
By Resource Type This tab splits all Resources into cadegories by type, regardless of what DRS file they come from.
SLP Graphics - Contains all graphical files.
Wave Files - Contains all sound files.
Palettes - Contains all palettes.
AI Scripts - Contains all AI Scripts
Interface Resources - Contains various color, display, and orientation variables, in regard to Age Of King's interface.
Maps - Contains Information on map seeding, I.E. How many groups of Deer, how many are in a group, and how far from the player's starting point. Also, the percentage of land/water, and distribution of other resources. Player beginning units are also displayed. For example, you could scatter 500 Gaia Knights all around the map. Information for each map type, as well as general information regarding all maps.
Unknown Binary 1 - Just what it says: Unknown Binary. If you feel up to figuring it out, go ahead. We'd love to hear what you come up with.
Constant Definitions - This contains only one Resource, which in turn contains various Constants for map types, etcetera. For non-programmers, and Constant is basically a set value that has a name, which can be applied in various parts of a program. For example, AI scripting uses Constants. You can get a general idea of each one by simple browsing through.
Unknown ASCII 1 - Just what it says: Unknown ASCII. If you feel up to figuring it out, go ahead. We'd love to hear what you come up with.
Unknown ASCII 2 - Just what it says: Unknown ASCII. If you feel up to figuring it out, go ahead. We'd love to hear what you come up with.
By File Location This tab splits all Resources according to which DRS file they are stored in. For example, all files in the Interfac.drs file would be included in that category, regardless of what type of media they are.
graphics.drs - Displays the contents of graphics.drs
sounds.drs - Displays the contents of sounds.drs
gamedata.drs - Displays the contents of gamedata.drs
terrain.drs - Displays the contents of terrain.drs
interfac.drs - Displays the contents of interfac.drs
Project Comments This is the place to put general information about your Modpack, I.E. What it does, what it replaces, author contact information.
Resource Comments Whenever you open a Resource, you can use this box for entering specific information about that Resource. 除了這些文章以外,如果還有關於MPS的文章也可以翻譯一下,多多益善:) 因為我對MPS幾乎一竅不通,現在急需MPS的教程 那好吧...我盡量, 不過指令要保留英文吧? 我現在的電腦無法放出戰役的ai, 所以只可以貼出翻譯文章
不過最害怕的還是「香港式」的文章大家看的懂嗎 修改建筑物
要改变一个建筑物,你需要ModPack Studio(模组工作室)的主程式;你可以在这个
1.开启ModPack Studio(模组工作室)主程式;
2.在File(档案)选单下,选择New Project(开新专案);
3.新专案建立完成后,在档案排列方式处,选择「By Resource Type(依档案类型
4.在档案列表中,选择「SLP Graphics(SLP格式图片)」资料夹;
请先点击视窗中上方的Extract BMP(放出BMP档案),再储存BMP档案到某个资
Player 1(游戏者1),这些部分在游戏中就会以正确的玩家颜色的显示出来。有关
并且点击Import BMP(读入BMP档案),选择刚才你修改的图片,最后按OK(确定)。
1.在File(档案)选单下,选择Make Install Script(建立模组执行档);
2.储存了模组执行档后,离开ModPack Studio(模组工作室)主程式;