(原创)骑士时代战役翻译——the battle of Bouvines
1214,BouvinesNorthern France,27 July 1214,the village of Bouvines
The army of Philippe Agustus marches west to Lille
Philippe Agustus 的军队正向西边的里尔村进军
Guerin de Senlis:My King! My king!
Guerin de Senlis:吾王陛下!吾王陛下!
Philippe Agustus:What is the reason for your urgency?
Philippe Agustus:你为何如此紧急的叫我?Guerin de Senlis:My liege ,the rear guard of the army has been attacked by Otto IV's van guard. Their position is uncertain. Should Imperial reinforcements arrive,we will be overwhelmed!
Guerin de Senlis:陛下,后卫部队遭奥图五世先锋的攻击,现在他们不知去向,当帝国军队的援军赶到我们就腹背受敌了!
Philippe Agustus:We cannot afford to lose our entire rear guard here.We must turn around the entire army and prepare for the battle!
Philippe Agustus:我们不能在这损失所有的后卫部队,我们必须将全军转向准备战斗!
Philippe Agustus:HALT!
Philippe Agustus::停下!!!
Eudes de Bourgogne:Sire,you called?
Eudes de Bourgogne:陛下,您叫我?
Philippe Agustus:Eudes,the rear guard of our army is underattack,you and your Burgundians must go to their aid and delay the Imperials as long as possible,whlie we prepare the rest of our army to face them!
Philippe Agustus:Eudes,我们的后卫部队正遭受攻击,你和你的勃艮第军队必须去帮助他们并尽可能拖延帝国军,与此同时我们将准备交战!
Eudes de Bourgogne:Very well,my liege.My men are up to the task!Forward men!For Burgundy!
Eudes de Bourgogne:很好,陛下,我的士兵正准备接受战斗呢,前进!为了勃艮第!!
Philippe Agustus:Get back in one piece!
Philippe Agustus:整成一队退后!
Pierre de Cayeux:My lord!You arrive just in time.The troops have only taken this position just now.We've pulled back after losing a considerable amount of men in a skirmish.There are even more enemies approaching our positions further east.I hand you the command of my men.May God be with us all!
Pierre de Cayeux:我的主子,您到的真及时。军队刚刚占领这个位置,我们在交战损失不少的人马后已撤退,在更东面还有更多敌军正接近,我把军队指挥权交给您,愿上帝与我们同在!
Eudes de Bourgogne:We have held off the Imperials for long enough now.The french army will be ready.Let's head back west!
Eudes de Bourgogne:我们已经挡得够久了,法军主力马上准备的差不多了,退到西面!
The Burgendians managed to hold off the Imperials for a long time and when they finally gave way and went back to Bouvines.The French army was arranged in front of them in all its splandour.
On the left the man of north-west France had assembled in good order,ready to sacrificr their lives for the king.
In the centre,the feudal levies stood ready.They were not of the best quality,but they were dedicated.Behind them stood the elite cavalry,loosely assigned as the king's bodyguard.
On the right were the men of Champagne and even more Burhundians,again fighting under their Duke Eudges.
Behind the centre were the king's own men,the best of the best,as well as two of his advisors,the Lord of Dreux and the Bishop-elect Guerin de Senlis.
中军后方是国王的私人卫队和他的两名顾问,the Lord of Dreux 和the Bishop-elect Guerin de Senlis,他们都是精英中的精英。
The Flemish are charging our right wing,take control of the cavalry and repulse their attack!
The pround yellow-black banner of the count of Flanders goes down as he is unhorsed.His men can only watch as he is dragged away a prisoner.Their morale suffers seriously.
Flanders 的黄黑旗帜倒下了,因为他从马上掉下来了。他的士兵眼睁睁看着这一切。他们的士气严重下降。
Arnoul van Oudenaarde,a Flemish nobleman has been killed by our good kights!The morale of the Flemish in fantry has been damaged.
Arnoul van Oudenaarde,一个弗兰德贵族被我们优秀的骑士杀死了!弗拉德军队的士气崩溃了!
Hellin van Wavrin,the commander of the Flemish light cavalry,has died,stricken with fear,his followers panick and attempt to quit the field!
Hellin van Wavrin,弗兰德轻骑兵的指挥官死了,他的侍从过度恐惧,惊慌地试图从战场上逃走。
The Flemish knight,Robert van Bethune,has been slain on the fled of battle.The Flemish are shaken by this,as he was an excellent commander.
Robert van Bethune,弗兰德骑士在战场上被杀了,因为他是一个出色的指挥官,弗兰德士兵被大大的震撼了。Rass van Gavre,a fearless Flemish knight,has been captured!The standswachten,under his command are terrified and leaderless.
Rass van Gavre,无谓的弗兰德骑士,被俘虏了!他手下的士兵恐惧并且群龙无首了。The Flemish attacks beaten, the right wing would return to its previous position.They needed some time to rest.
The next wing to be attacked was the centre.
The Netherlandish in fantry ripped through the French lines--what could stop them?
Philippe Agustus:Quickly!send in the cavalry!
Philippe Agustus:骑兵!!快给我上!!Our French soldiers have slain Hendrik van Brabant!His men cowerin fear-many seem to have lost their spirts!
法国士兵杀死了Hendrik van Brabant!他的士兵畏缩了!很多看起来魂飞魄散了!
Thiebaut de Lorrain,that bloody traitor has been captured!We will make sure he'll regret his treason until then,we only have to worry about his troops,now shaken by his capture.
Thiebaut de Lorrain,那个鲜血淋漓的叛徒被俘虏了!我们相信他一定会为他的背叛而后悔。我们只需要担心他的军队因他的被俘而崩溃。The centre was once again secure.But the French position wasn't looking all that good.Many troops were tired and needed rest.Therefore king Philippe reinforced them with the equally tired right wing.
中央再次安全了,但法军防线岌岌可危,很多士兵很疲惫需要休息,因此 Philippe 国王把同样疲惫的右翼调来支援中央。
Although he had beaten back two Imperial charges, Philippe was in no mood to cheer.He knew it was now his turn to take the initiative with booth hiscentre and his right wing weakned,only the left wing could do this now.
尽管他已击退帝国军的两次进攻, Philippe 没有心思去庆祝,他知道现在轮到他去带头进攻了。他的右翼已虚弱,只有左翼才能担当进攻重任。
Raoul d’Issoudun has been captured,and enemy morale braks down!
Raoul d’Issoudun被活捉了!敌人的士气下降了!Philippe de Courtenay a bloody traitor to our cause ,dies , rejoice!
又一个叛徒Philippe de Courtenay死了,庆祝吧!
The Imperial right received a severe beating from the French knights,It was then that the Emperor decided hr had to break the French centre,or all would be lost.
帝国军 被法军骑士沉重打击,皇帝决定他必须用剩下的军队打击法军中央了,否则将一切落空。
Mathieu de Montmorency has met an untimely and some lessnoble men lose heart,Shame on them!
Mathieu de Montmorency过早的死了,还有些卑微的人也挂了,鄙视他们!
Gaucher de Chatillon has killed fighting for france,Most likely his knights do not look forward to the same fate as they ignobly quit the field!
Gaucher de Chatillon为法国而牺牲了,很多法国骑士不希望这一幕发生在自己身上因此可耻的逃窜了!We have captured the Duke of Limburg Hendrik! I can smell the ransom money!
我们俘虏了Limburg Hendrik公爵,我闻到赎金的气息了!!
Henri ,lord of the Bar,has died.Some men abandon the battle field in despeair!
Henri 爵士牺牲的!许多人绝望的放弃战斗了!Count William of Holland dies,but this brings about little reaction from his men,as the have already fled.
Jean de Beaumont has died,and his gallant followes can no longer muster the stamina to face the enemy.They run!
Jean de Beaumont死了,他英勇的侍从没有力气去面对敌人了,他们跑了!
The Imperial army reduced to a pitifully small amount of troops changed in an instant from a tenacious opponent into a mass of ragged refugees 。
But not everyone fled.The Brabander troops formed a schiltron,protecting the refugees.These battle-hardened vaterans wouldn’t be easy to take out.But it was the only option open to king Philippe could do this now.
但并非所有的军队都逃窜了,Brabander 的军队重组保护那些难民,这些久经沙场的老兵不会轻易放弃,但这是Philippe现在惟一的选择了。
[ 本帖最后由 sjmkxdd 于 2010-10-16 22:00 编辑 ] 觉得骑士时代的战役没有翻译,因此萌发了这个想法。水平不到的地方还请方家们不要见笑,希望大家的支持。 那个……Bouvines意为布汶。 谢谢王君。。。我听说这个战役已经汉化两次了,是真的吗 = =有必要骗你么。。。 呃。。kk , 我不是那个意思,我是想问问翻译的在哪里 原帖由 sjmkxdd 于 2010-10-17 15:00 发表 https://www.hawkaoe.net/bbs/images/common/back.gif
呃。。kk , 我不是那个意思,我是想问问翻译的在哪里
sd出了一版,我不爱你出了一版。。好像都在战役下载吧。。。可能sd的质量比较高一点,后者那个就是纯属翻译机。。。 等俺去了大学,貌似也可以做这种学术工作了{9}