卡尔国王 发表于 2012-6-17 15:14:50


本帖最后由 卡尔国王 于 2013-10-13 13:01 编辑


注明:汉译人名和地名均来自《波兰通史》(刘祖熙 著 商务印书馆出版),可能与传统汉译人名有所出入

<b>波兰 (公元1025年 始)<b>

       波兰,在中古时代早期,一直发展经营于当时神圣罗马帝国(Holy Roman Empire)版图的边缘。正因如此,在公元966年其统治者接受基督教之前,鲜有人知晓关于波兰的政治历史。此后一段时期,波兰国家是一个公国,同帝国【神圣罗马帝国】保持着松散不定的关系:有时作为其附庸,有时则作为其盟友存在。而在公元1025年,这个性质发生了转变:当时的波兰大公鲍莱斯瓦夫一世(Duke Boleslaw the Brave 又称 勇敢的鲍莱斯瓦夫一世)加冕为波兰国王,确立了波兰国家的统一与独立。但不幸的是,和平仅仅持续了不到一个世纪,很大程度上毁于其后代的兄弟之间的内战。鲍莱斯瓦夫三世(Boleslaw III)尽其所能力图实现一个长时间的和平局面,于是他宁愿让他的男性继承人分别被分配给他的王国的一部分。他希望这将使得四个兄弟们和睦共处,不再发生流血的内战。不幸的是,他错了:在公元1038年鲍莱斯瓦夫三世去世以后,统一的波兰王国分崩离析,分裂成了四个几乎完全独立的公国。

       分裂一直持续到13世纪结束。届时,发生了两件对于波兰王国的大事。首先,来自东方的蒙古人入侵了波兰,并在莱格尼察(Liegnitz)击败了波兰军队,随后蹂躏了波兰的乡村。蒙古人对波兰破坏的程度至今仍然存在争议,然而这件事导致的情况是第二件大事:德意志人的“东徙(Ostsiedlung)”。在蒙古人入侵后,波兰一部分土地荒无人烟,许多德意志人开始向东移民。在波西米亚和波罗的海的沿海地区的这些移民们,他们希望在帝国的边界之外从农奴转变为有威望的自由民们,他们在一些地区帮助波兰人恢复农业生产和工艺的发展,以及建立波兰城市或者(后来)居住生活在波兰的城市里。德意志人的典章和城镇法律在许多方面影响着波兰城市的生活,德意志的法律往往被认为更加先进,所以在当地进行了变化和复制。也正因如此,有时人们很难区分德意志人和德意志化的波兰人。也有一些犹太人涌入了波兰,因为波兰人大约在同一时间英格兰(England)国王爱德华一世(Edward I)下令驱逐犹太人的时候张开双臂欢迎他们。

      瓦迪斯瓦夫一世(Wladyslaw I)在公元1320年成为波兰国王且他开启了另一个对统一波兰的尝试时期,过程中部分也得到了外国的援助。他的儿子“伟大的”卡西米日三世(KazimierzIII又称卡西米尔 Casimir )因其成就而名垂青史。其于公元1330年继位,他的雄才大略堪比帝国的皇帝兼波西米亚(Bohemia)国王卡雷尔四世(Karel IV)。他同时又在1364年下令在克拉科夫创办了一座重要和持久的大学。使得这座大学成为了当时阿尔卑斯山北部的学术中心之一。尽管他的统治面临从波西米亚到条顿骑士团的巨大威胁,但国王不仅设法保住了海湾,而且在他去世前夕仍然在设法扩大波兰王国的领土。他没有留下子嗣。

       波兰王国在与立陶宛大公国联合后,日益强大,取得了很多光辉的成就;当“国王”(女性)雅德薇嘉(Jadwiga)取消了她和齐格蒙特·卢森堡(Sigismund of Luxembourg)的婚约,并嫁给了立陶宛大公雅盖洛后,这位大公代替了雅德薇嘉成为了波兰国王。这一事件阻碍了神圣罗马帝国与波兰的私属联盟,毫无疑问,这使得波兰保持了政治上的独立。同时,随着战术精湛的立陶宛贵族加入,波兰总体的军事实力大大提升。立陶宛军队相对于同实力的波兰军队装备更加轻便并且他们学习了部分蒙古人的战术。此后,两个国家开始一同对抗条顿骑士团,并于公元1410年在格伦瓦尔德或称坦能堡(Grunwald or Tannenberg)中给予条顿骑士团国(Teutonic Order)重创。尽管从此以后使得西方的志愿向东参加骑士团的侵略者数量无法挽回地下降,但是战斗的结果并没有在政治上产生直接的影响。更多的战斗在开展,但是到了15世纪末条顿骑士团的团长已经不可避免的成为了波兰的附庸。



<b>Poland (1025 on)<b>
Poland, during the early middle ages, operated on the very fringes of the Holy Roman Empire. Because of this, little is known of its political history before 966, when its rulers were baptised. In the following period the country, initially a duchy, maintained a loose relation with the Empire, sometimes as a vassal, sometimes as an ally. In 1025 Duke Boleslaw the Brave was crowned the first King of Poland, and independence was firmly established. Unfortunately, there was only about a century of this, partly marred by civil wars between siblings. Boleslaw III thought a more lasting peace could be achieved by giving all, rather than one, of his male children a part of his Kingdom. He hoped this would create harmony between the four brothers rather than bloodshed. Unfortunately, he was wrong: after Boleslaw's death in 1038 the Kingdom fell apart in four different pieces that essentially became independent duchies.
Poland remained fractured until the end of the 13th century. By then, two major events had taken place. Firstly, the Mongol invasion had devastated the Polish countryside after the defeat of the Polish army at Liegnitz. The severity and extent of the destruction is still debated, but it was most likely responsible for the second event: the German 'Ostsiedlung'. In the wake of the Mongol invasion, part of Poland was depopulated, and many German settlers moved east. As in Bohemia and the shores of the Baltic, they were hoping to turn from serfs in Germany to respectable freemen beyond the Empire's borders, and they helped revive agricultural production and crafts in some areas, as well as creating or (re-)populating Polish cities. The German institutions and town laws influenced many aspects of Polish urban life, as German laws were often held to be more advanced than the local variants andcopied. Because of this it is sometimes hard to differentiate between Germans and Germanised Poles. There was also an influx of Jews, who were welcomed with open arms at about the same time they were banished from England by Edward I.
Wladyslaw I became King in 1320 and spearheaded another period of unification, partly with foreign assistance. His son Kazimierz (Casimir) III 'the Great' made even more of an impression. Reigning from 1330 on, he can be compared to the Emperor and King of Bohemia Karel IV. Kazimierz, too, founded an important and lasting university, at Krakow in 1364, maKing it one of the first of such centres of learning north of the Alps. And despite a desperate situation at the beginning of his reign, when he was under threat from both Bohemia and the Teutonic Order, the King not only managed to keep them at bay, but also managed to expand his Kingdom by the time of his death. He left no male heir.
The Kingdom of Poland was united with the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in something of a surprise move, when the 'King' Jadwiga cancelled her engagement with Sigismund of Luxembourg, who would later become Emperor, and married Grand Duke Jogaila in stead. This event prevented the personal union of the Holy Roman Empire and Poland and no doubt contributed to the country's lasting political independence. The union with Lithuania, meanwhile, strengthened Poland's military with the addition of the skilled Lithuanian nobility. These were more lightly armed than their Polish equivalents and had in part copied their tactics from the Mongols. Together, the two countries fought against the Teutonic Order and inflicted a very major defeat on it in 1410 at Grunwald or Tannenberg. The battle had no direct political repercussions, although it coincided with the beginning of a permanent drop in western volunteers flocKing to the Order. More wars were fought, however, and by the end of the century the Grand Master of the Teutonic Order had become no more than a vassal of Poland.
By the end of the 15th century, then, Poland had successfully defeated or negated its most important enemies: the Empire was no longer encroaching on Poland's border from the west and the north, the Teutonic Order had ceased to exist, the Lithuanian Grand Duchy in the East was a close ally in a dynastic union and the Mongol threat was gone for good. Poland had survived the middle ages, but the future was to offer many more crises to be overcome.

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pktuo 发表于 2012-6-17 16:00:28

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