What are talents?How do they differ from skills?You might say that the essential differenceis that a tenlent is something natrual,an ability that was born inside of you,whereas a skill is something learned thourgh study and practice.Talents are unique to you as an individual,but skills are often determined by what you learn.For example,if your mom signs you up for violin lessons,or your dad gets you stared in the family accouting business,you might eventually become a competent violinist or store manager.but that doesn't necessarly mean you will be a virtouso soloist or a financial wizzard.To become a really top-class violinist you need talent as well as dedication,and talent isn't something that you can just acquire.It is,of course,possible for you to learn to perform reasonably wl\ell in many areas where you have no particular talent,but it makes sense to try and find out what your talents are.You may have many talens you haven't discovered!In his book,Zen and the Art of Making a living,Laurence Boldt stresses that findging your talents can help you find your life's work.
How can you discover what you hidden talents are?Boldt suggests that you begin by thinking about what you enjoy doing.What you have fun doing can give you a big clue to finding where your talents lie.That is because we often enjoy doing what we are naturally good at.Boldt also recommends asking yourself what you enjoy.Thinking about and learning about.If you find yourself thinkingabout clotheson fashion,or if you like to make up songs or stories in your head,then you may be a talented desinger of auther without realizing it.What is your idea of a fascinating conversation topic,What subject did you find most interesting at school or college?you often learn talens need to find expression,and you will naturally enjoy activities that develop them.
特别感谢: 戴豪 张子皓 张安东(加上我是我们年级的英语四大天王,11)
刘峰老师 马德强老师 尉丽坤老师(我的英语老师和正副班主任)
大家看完了帮我改一下,明年1月石家庄分赛区初赛。 大家看了帮忙修改修改啊,力求完美 好孩子 谢谢! 如果得了冠军,应该在初中阶段不用愁学习了,按照上海的形势,如果有谁谁得了上海市的英语比赛冠军,高中抢着要…… 这个是国家级的,2005年该第六届了 第四届的时候我们学校出了个张博 代表河北省参加全国总决赛 在中学组排名第四,被北京外国语大学免费录取 那是,更厉害不过逍遥还有一个劣势,那就是——逍遥是男的在我看来外表也是很重要的,男同志要求五官端正,不要戴眼镜,不要长得像书呆子,然后就是身高……女同胞么……相对来说只要好看就行…… 小狐,上QQ 汗,我戴眼镜,700度多啊 厉害……我是怎么玩电脑也只有100度,24,深点的话以后还可以去激光手术,我这样的度数不伦不类,东西都能看见,但是要眯眼,戴眼镜又烦,2424…… 小狐兄,上海好玩吗? 呃……石家庄好玩吗? 我去过上海,感觉和北京差不多,就是菜有点不和口味 石家庄不好玩,规模大概是3-4个县那么大 看玩什么,一般旅游的话上海肯定是不如北京。不过旅游也分好多种呵呵 上海很大啊,我还迷路了呢 不要紧,遍地都是出租车 那次是我们几个同学一起去,就我一个人迷路了 为了节约G,所以问了路之后走回旅馆,上海人还真是热心肠 还好我没眼镜 <DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>冯逍遥</I>在2004-12-18 14:47:37的发言:</B>
石家庄不好玩,规模大概是3-4个县那么大 </DIV>
上海也不好玩……就是南京西路和淮海路pljj多 JJ?