_CCC_大智 发表于 2005-1-5 22:24:42



狂~劇情狂 发表于 2005-1-6 12:22:30

大智, 我另外替你把gax場景的資料放到討論區了

卧龙先生 发表于 2005-1-6 12:36:18


狂~劇情狂 发表于 2005-1-6 02:50:53

<a href="mailtr.h.ludwig@zaehringen.com" target="_blank" ><b><FONT face=Verdana size=2>Tanneur99</FONT></b></A><FONT face=Verdana size=2> 的評分(名人!)</FONT><P align=left><FONT face=Verdana size=2><b>Review by <a href="mailtr.h.ludwig@zaehringen.com" target="_blank" >Tanneur99</A></b> - posted on 2005-01-05   <FONT size=1><a href="https://aok.heavengames.com/blacksmith/byreviewer.shtml?rvwr=Tanneur99" target="_blank" >more reviews by Tanneur99</A><FONT size=2>
Ratings:   Playability:4   Balance:3   Creativity:4   Map Design:5   Story/Instructions:3   Overall:3.8   <FONT face=Verdana size=2>

Robin Hood is a single scenario, a saved game, and a RPS. After almost five years, since the superb campaign ‘The Adventures of Robin Hood’ by Gregory Koteles, you can witness another great fictional adventure about the most famous outlaw of all times.

PLAYABILITY: The game play was fine, a difficult game and interesting unit changes, not all for the better, on a well-designed city map. The swordsmen, enemy knights, mounted and Teutonic, were self-healing like the Berserks in the original game, only here the healing was instant. The effect was that the player needs an attack unit with higher AP than the enemies HP to kill. An archer cannot kill swordsmen and knights, Robin Hood the swordsmen but not the knights etc., explained by good armour of the enemy units. Still not realistic as two archers kill a swordsmen and two archers and Robin kill a TK, while Robin cannot kill a TK with three shots. The annoying point was that north of the prison knights patrolled above my units on cliffs, which distracted the range units from attacking enemies below. The units patrolling behind a closed gate as well as those up the cliffs were a failed aspect, all archers, swordsmen and hellebardiers killed from below, leaving the knights, which gave the impression of zombies, walking/riding after all those arrow shots. In addition, for reasons given under balance, my enjoyment was limited due to the difficult entrance level of the game. 4

BALANCE: The scenario intents to have two difficulty levels, the author selected moderate for the AI behaviour, while the player can chose between easy and hard at the games start. The game was very demanding, you have to move with caution and save often. More than once the enemy outnumbered my units, the attacks of sniping archers kept me on my toes and I reloaded the game to try easy first, added the ‘Polo’ cheat, hitting the pause button when red enemy dots approached my position on the mini map. The hard level, no ‘Polo’, had no significant changes to the easy one according to my experience with exception of the killing of the evil man of the church, where ‘archers of the eye’ could kill Robin with one shot. In fact, on both levels you kill 200 enemy units with the same AP and HP, the only difference were the HP of the player 1 units, which rose by 50, exception to Maur. This did not change the balance significantly, Friar Tuck and the weak archers were still comparatively weak, HP from 60 to 110 against arbalests with 56 AP, two shots and they are history on both levels anyway. On the other hand, who cares if Wilson has 220 or 270 HP or Hart 340 or 290 HP? The scenario is unbalanced, for me the entrance level with the combination of moderate and easy was a tad too difficult, frustrating for a first game. With one trigger for HP changes, the missing effort to balance the scenario is predominant. 3

CREATIVITY: This was very creative, from the technical design of the map with attacks from various sides to game play enhancing features like the assassins and puzzles. New, creative for me were the unit changes with the reserves to their creativity and to the balance mentioned above. The doors to the prison and the castle, based on the same principle, were ingenious. 4

MAP DESIGN: The events take place in ‘the city’; the design is far above average, has everything for a perfect rating, elevations and good terrain mix for the winter season. The city could be livelier, the villagers just stand around, only enemy units patrolling and trade carts moving. 5

STORY/INSTRUCTIONS: The objectives are clear, the hints plenty and helpful, but no story at all, not in game, not in the objectives, hints or scouts section. The author’s description, which does not rate for story anyway, only tells you that Robin helped King Richard in the past, which might suit the legend, not the historical figure and as introduction to this scenario we read “Now, he and his brothers in the Serwood Forest will start again.” The player wants to know what will start again, is John Lackland back into power and Richard I traveling? Who imprisoned Robin’s nephew and why, what does the Sheriff of Nottingham do in that city, wasn’t he dead already, who is the Bishop of Rigo, what does Rigo stand for and who were the thousand people he killed and why, who are the enemies and who is behind all of this? 3

OVERALL: Robin Hood is a fantastic, challenging scenario, beatable not without some frustrating moments.

SUGGESTIONS: Primarily, write a story for your scenario and make the easy level, well… easier. You could include more than one saved game in your zip file for different levels and together with more changes between the in game choices of easy and hard, the game would probably be suitable for more players. The patrolling units behind the closed gate and above cliffs should be out of the player’s reach until the plot demands a confrontation, example, when the player finds the entrance to the castle. Look into your trigger for the HP increases, either the set object for Maur or the whole effect for the Goths player is missing.

OBSERVATION: Personally, I do not mind if a designer submits a saved game instead of a scenario, but it does come with some disadvantages. No introduction screen, no bitmap, no history section and a set difficulty level that a player cannot change in game. I respect the author’s motivation “I don't use CPX file this time because no only I don&iexcl;&macr;t want players to edit this game but also there are something really special, you can find what it is during the game.” Still, the only special thing I could find during the game worth hiding was a difficulty level dynamic consisting only of a HP increase for player 1 units by fifty.

IN CLOSING: If you like Robin Hood scenarios, this download is for you. </FONT> </FONT></FONT></FONT>

狂~劇情狂 发表于 2005-1-6 02:53:43

Tanneur99的評分 - 2005-01-05張貼
《羅賓漢》是單人劇情, 一個儲存遊戲, 以及角色扮演戰略遊戲。繼Gregory Koteles《羅賓漢之旅》面世的五年後, 大家又可以看到這位超越時空的名俠盜展開另一次的冒險了。
可玩性: 遊戲很不錯, 屬於一個困難的遊戲, 而且具備一些有趣的單位能力改動 (更好的就是沒有全部改動), 地圖則是一幅經良好設計的城市地圖。敵對的劍士、無馬或騎乘騎士都具有像狂戰士般的回復能力, 不過卻都是即時性的全回復。這使得遊戲者要對敵人作有高於其生命值的攻擊力之打擊才可以殺死他們。例如弓兵無法殺死劍士或騎士, 羅賓漢可以殺死劍士而無法殺死騎士等, 而且還能配搭有關裝甲介紹予以解釋。不過較為不真實的地方是二名弓兵可以合力殺死一名劍士、羅賓漢與二名弓兵可以合力殺死一名條頓武士, 但羅賓漢卻不可以用三次攻擊殺死一名條頓武士。一個令人困擾的地方是, 在監獄北部的峭壁上有些巡邏的騎士會分散我方遠程攻擊單位的注意力。而在鎖定城門之後或峭壁上巡邏的敵對單位亦算是敗筆 (弓兵、劍士、戟兵都被事先射殺了, 只餘下騎士);這頗給人予敵人是喪屍的暇想--身中多箭仍然能夠四處走動。值得補充的是,基於平衡度的理由,我對此遊戲的難於上手亦感到有點不享受。 4
平衡度: 此劇情企圖設置二種困難度, 作者以「中」為預設電腦遊戲者的等級, 並容許遊戲者在開始時選擇「易」及「難」二種困難度。然而, 這個遊戲的要求仍然是十分苛刻的, 你要經常保持警戒以及儲存遊戲。有很多次, 大量敵人突然湧出來以眾欺寡; 那些埋伏狙擊的弓兵令我不得不時刻保持警覺, 但結果我仍然要重新讀取遊戲來玩「易」的難度, 而且還要加上「Polo」秘技、在小地圖上出現紅點時按「Pause」按鈕等法子才可順利過版。後來, 我玩「難」等級的時候, 卻發現它比「易」沒有甚麼明顯改變(根據我的經驗, 我原先預期在殺死魔僧的大教堂附近會跑出一隻可以一擊斃命羅賓漢的神弓手)。事實上, 二種困難度下你都只是須要殺死 200 個有同樣生命值、攻擊力的敵對單位, 只是遊戲者 1 的單位的生命值有所改變--Maur以外的人增加 50 。這種安排並沒有對平衡度生明顯的影響, Friar Tuck 與其他配角月弓手仍然是比較弱的一群, 無論是 60 還是 110 的生命值, 面對有 56 攻擊力的強弩兵, 仍然只要受到二擊就須入土為安。另一方面, 根本沒人會去留意 Wilson 有 220 還是 270 的生命值、 Hart 有 340 還是 290 的生命值。由此可見, 本劇情的困難度是不平衡的。對我來說, 「中」、「易」的混合所帶來的入門等級是頗過於困難的, 尤其是對首次玩的人更覺灰心喪氣。單靠一個改變生命值的觸發事件, 作者明顯在平衡度上下的苦功是不足的。 3

CQJ-丝丝记忆 发表于 2005-1-6 04:52:42


无知者 发表于 2005-1-6 11:03:56


_CCC_大智 发表于 2005-1-6 14:21:02

多谢狂兄~多谢大家~~狂兄,存档不需要触发变更也是完全可以保留的,甚至游戏中新建立的单位也可以,但似乎死亡ID不可以保留(资源和建造速度没有试……)。<b>In normal games, the units with their names, hitpoints, attacks, ownerships changed by triggers will have their "selecing names" shown as "%s" instead of the original names. This tells the game treats them different to other units, and therefore it is obvious that a saved game will also keep the information about the stat of this kind of unit.</b><b>这句话我虽然看不太懂,但是好象要改改,不用触发了,11</b>平衡的确没多少差距,不过可能是测试多遍的缘故,我自己觉得容易很简单了。至于故事,的确没下什么工夫,因为自己没材料,做这个战役也是把《罗宾汉》(一个类似盟军)的游戏里的几关拼再一起再+小说里的情节才有了3个任务。(雨果大主教就是小说里的,最后是他害死了RH,游戏里就反过来了)制作的时候还没考虑到要英化,是完成了才有这个念头,小狐也和我说了以后就决定发上去了。其实如果情节太多,不仅制作久,翻译起来恐怕也会很久,等能发上去的时候,恐怕已经有人发现存档技术了,毕竟AOKH的人不是吃素的,11

_CCC_大智 发表于 2005-1-6 14:23:44

-Ai files are not included. (unauthenticated)应该不用附带AI的

狂~劇情狂 发表于 2005-1-6 17:55:58

Ingo van Thiel說以前有人也做過類似的存檔劇情, 只是當時不是使用genied2, 而是直接用遊戲修改程式。因此, 不算新發現.....:(

狂~劇情狂 发表于 2005-1-6 18:12:40

創意: 這作品很有創意, 由地圖的設計技術到各種刺殺、謎題等難關都能增加遊戲的可玩性。另一有創意的地方是平衡度部分中已提及的單位能力改變, 還有監獄、城堡的"城門"在某種程度上來說亦也是頗獨創的設計。 4地圖設計: 遊戲事件在一個"城市"中發生, 其設計之精巧、完美要比一般程度的地圖高出許多, 比如是符合冬季氣息的海拔、地形配搭。美中不足的是城市村民只是站著, 僅有敵對單位及貿易車隊在巡邏或移動, 故其活力應該可以更上一層樓。 5故事/指示: 目標明確, 還有充足而有用的提示, 不過卻沒有任何故事可言 (無論是在遊戲中、目標中, 還是提示中、斥候中) 作者給的介紹並不能算是一個故事, 盡其量只可告訴你羅賓漢曾經幫助 King Richard 而已 (符合他的傳說而非有關史實)。另外, 劇情曾說「Now, he and his brothers in the Serwood Forest will start again.」, 但將會「start again」的是甚麼呢? 是 John Lackland 再次掌權而 Richard I 再次展開旅程嗎? 遊戲沒有提到。此外, 是誰禁錮了羅賓漢的侄子呢? 為什麼他要這樣作呢? 諾丁安的郡長在那城市搞甚麼呢? 他不是死了嗎? Bishop of Rigo 是誰? Rigo 意指甚麼? 他所殺之千人是誰? 為什麼他要殺這批人呢? 誰是你的敵人? 誰是幕後黑手? 3

qs 发表于 2005-1-6 21:32:34


千涛拍岸 发表于 2005-1-7 12:58:50


_CCC_大智 发表于 2005-1-8 00:47:20


<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>狂~劇情狂</I>在2005-1-6 17:55:58的发言:</B>
Ingo van Thiel說以前有人也做過類似的存檔劇情, 只是當時不是使用genied2, 而是直接用遊戲修改程式。因此, 不算新發現.....:(</DIV>



突然发现有个触发被破坏了——本来应该倒下的 树C 依旧绿叶青翠……还好地图没扣分,11
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-1-7 13:17:37编辑过]

冯逍遥 发表于 2005-1-7 21:01:32


飛揚寒星 发表于 2005-1-8 14:19:59


_CCC_大智 发表于 2005-1-8 14:23:57


飛揚寒星 发表于 2005-1-8 14:34:43


张安东 发表于 2005-1-8 17:18:21

         刚才找了找,让逍遥帮我打开文件之后,发现逍遥还真是深藏不露啊            想不到功力居然这等精深。            甘拜下风

_CCC_大智 发表于 2005-1-8 18:19:48

11?TO小霖:我不是经常隐身的嘛~TO逍遥:没有通知你,不好意思哦,先给你+把油,11               &amp;故事又扣了1分,现在3。6了
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