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给RH加的历史背景。。。靠着金山总算捣出来了,不过水平太差。。还请兄弟们帮忙检查一下,谢谢了看下有没有语法 拼写 表意之类的错误或含糊不清的地方,请帮忙指出1下,谢谢
******************** H I S T O R Y ********************
Long long ago,there was a well-known story which happened in England.During the crusade,the king of England,Richard the Lionhearted had been capturad when he was on the way back to England.The enemies asked for a high ransom.It seemed the highest ransom at that time.So the prince didn't want to redeem his father.Instead,he prefered to plan a rebellion to replace Richard as the king of England.Even worse,the ransom give the prince a reason to take more revenue from people so that people lived unhappily very much.Some people even died in hunger and cold.
But there is a hero,Robin Hood,the best longbow archer in England,he couldn't suffer this what did the prince had done.He fealtied to the king and kinded to the poor people,and antagonized to the putschists and evil demons.So the prince didn't like him at all,he asked the a bishop,Rigo to antagonize Robin.Rigo had confiscated his ligeance so that Robin had to move away.Then he changed a regius forest,Serwood Forest.Many men joined him when they heard of the kindhearted hero.They ate venison in the forest and robbed rich men who crossed Serwood.People called him Robin Hood.
Of course,the bishop cundn't suffer this.So he told the sheriff of Nottingham to kill Robin Hood.The sheriff had dispatched the army into serwood forest to catch Robin many times,but he failed.He was even caught by Robin once.And he was told not to do anything else next time,or Robin will kill him.But he fogot this,he and Rigo kept doing evildoing.
So Robin Hood and his brothers in Serwood decided to punish them...Now,use your mouse to beat people and the king's enemies!!! 我的英文比你水平還要差……所以……抱歉…… 俺英语都n年没有学过了。。。才看了个开头就有点晕。。。爱莫能助咯 <DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>小霖</I>在2005-1-24 23:37:26的发言:</B>
逍遥什么时候才有空捏。。? 对不起。。。。。。。。。。。我CCTV口语冬令营比赛落选了。。。。。 原因是走错考场了,虽然成绩名列第2,反映了,但没用。。。。。。。。 我现在要准备希望之星了,同时也反思一下自己。。。。。可能没有时间上了。。 怎么说对不起呢,没你帮忙连上AOKH露面都没可能了吖~走错考场……好可惜啊,24就祝你能顺利当上希望之星吧~ 唉,2月1日复赛。。。。。。。 听天由命吧,考上了就比,考不上回家种地 还有啊,那几天我精神有点恍惚,好几个地方都翻译错了 看来只好硬着脸皮用自己的臭E文了…… <DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>冯逍遥</I>在2005-1-25 19:43:26的发言:</B>
听天由命吧,考上了就比,考不上回家种地 </DIV>