自己写的 AI 脚本,阿拉伯 3V3 完胜 hard 级别的电脑
本帖最后由 tankant 于 2012-9-29 21:54 编辑这是本人自己写的一个脚本,确切的说是修改前人的脚本,加了好多东西,去除作弊。最需要改进的地方可能是缺少load吧。
; https://www.orayes.com
; 2012.9.29
(taunt-detected any-ally 31)
(acknowledge-taunt this-any-ally 31)
(chat-to-player this-any-ally "我会策应你的进攻!")
(taunt-detected any-ally 23)
(acknowledge-taunt this-any-ally 23)
(chat-to-player this-any-ally "一起上!")
(taunt-detected any-ally 2)
(acknowledge-taunt this-any-ally 2)
(cc-add-resource food 5000)
(cc-add-resource wood 5000)
(cc-add-resource gold 5000)
(chat-to-player this-any-ally "增加了资源!")
; ============== GROUPS - most of these will work for any file
(set-strategic-number sn-maximum-town-size 25)
(set-strategic-number sn-camp-max-distance 15)
(set-strategic-number sn-mill-max-distance 12)
(set-strategic-number sn-percent-enemy-sighted-response 100);敌视回应比率
(set-strategic-number sn-enemy-sighted-response-distance 15);敌视回应距离
(set-strategic-number sn-blot-exploration-map 1)
(set-strategic-number sn-number-explore-groups 2)
(set-strategic-number sn-attack-intelligence 1);敌视回应比率
(set-strategic-number sn-minimum-dropsite-buffer 50);经济建筑和敌人城镇中心最小距离
(set-strategic-number sn-hits-before-alliance-change 1);多少次攻击后解除结盟
;(set-strategic-number ability-to-dodge-missiles 0);回避力
;(set-strategic-number ability-to-maintain-distance 0);持距力
(set-difficulty-parameter ability-to-dodge-missiles 0);回避力
(set-difficulty-parameter ability-to-maintain-distance 0);持距力
(set-strategic-number sn-group-commander-selection-method 0);部队长为最大生命值单位
; ============== ATTACK GROUPS - changing percent attack soldiers will make an AI weak or tough
;(current-age == feudal-age)
(set-strategic-number sn-task-ungrouped-soldiers 1)
(set-strategic-number sn-percent-attack-soldiers 100);进攻的时候出动军队百分比
(set-strategic-number sn-minimum-attack-group-size 1);最小攻击规模
(set-strategic-number sn-maximum-attack-group-size 60);最大攻击规模
(set-strategic-number sn-group-form-distance 30);设定计算机游戏者组织陆上军事单位攻击部队时,会选择距离部队集合点有多远的单位。如果生产单位的建筑物很遥远,就必须调高此策略值的数值。默认值是 20 。
(set-strategic-number sn-attack-group-gather-spacing 10);攻击部队集合点留间隔
(set-strategic-number sn-group-leader-defense-distance 10);部队长防御距离
(set-strategic-number sn-maximum-gaia-attack-response 4);村民打狼的人数
(set-strategic-number sn-number-explore-groups 1)
; ================== RESIGNING - resigns if it can't train villagers
(building-type-count town-center less-than 1)
(unit-type-count-total villager < 2)
(not (can-train villager) )
; ============== VILLAGER ASSIGNMENT - most of these will work for any file
(set-strategic-number sn-minimum-boar-hunt-group-size 10)
(set-strategic-number sn-maximum-hunt-drop-distance 5)
(current-age == dark-age)
(set-strategic-number sn-percent-civilian-explorers 0)
(set-strategic-number sn-percent-civilian-builders 30)
(set-strategic-number sn-percent-civilian-gatherers 70)
(set-strategic-number sn-cap-civilian-explorers 0)
(set-strategic-number sn-cap-civilian-gatherers 100)
(set-strategic-number sn-food-gatherer-percentage90)
(set-strategic-number sn-wood-gatherer-percentage10)
(set-strategic-number sn-maximum-gold-drop-distance 5)
(set-strategic-number sn-maximum-stone-drop-distance 5)
(set-strategic-number sn-maximum-food-drop-distance 5)
(set-strategic-number sn-maximum-wood-drop-distance 5)
(set-goal 7 1)
;(chat-to-all "timer 250")
(current-age == dark-age)
(game-time < 500)
(set-strategic-number sn-percent-civilian-explorers 100)
(set-strategic-number sn-cap-civilian-explorers 3)
(chat-to-all "开局找浆果和绵羊")
(current-age == dark-age)
(resource-found food)
(set-strategic-number sn-percent-civilian-explorers 0)
(set-strategic-number sn-cap-civilian-explorers 0)
(chat-to-all "找到浆果和绵羊")
(current-age == feudal-age)
(set-strategic-number sn-percent-civilian-explorers 0)
(set-strategic-number sn-percent-civilian-builders 50)
(set-strategic-number sn-percent-civilian-gatherers 80)
(set-strategic-number sn-cap-civilian-explorers 0)
(set-strategic-number sn-cap-civilian-gatherers 100)
(set-strategic-number sn-food-gatherer-percentage65)
(set-strategic-number sn-wood-gatherer-percentage25)
(set-strategic-number sn-gold-gatherer-percentage10)
(set-strategic-number sn-stone-gatherer-percentage 0)
(set-strategic-number sn-maximum-gold-drop-distance 10)
(set-strategic-number sn-maximum-stone-drop-distance 10)
(set-strategic-number sn-maximum-food-drop-distance 10)
(set-strategic-number sn-maximum-wood-drop-distance 10)
(set-goal 7 2)
(current-age == castle-age)
(current-age == imperial-age)
(set-strategic-number sn-percent-civilian-explorers 0)
(set-strategic-number sn-percent-civilian-builders 50)
(set-strategic-number sn-percent-civilian-gatherers 85)
(set-strategic-number sn-cap-civilian-explorers 0)
(set-strategic-number sn-cap-civilian-gatherers 100)
(set-strategic-number sn-food-gatherer-percentage30)
(set-strategic-number sn-wood-gatherer-percentage15)
(set-strategic-number sn-gold-gatherer-percentage15)
(set-strategic-number sn-stone-gatherer-percentage 40)
(set-strategic-number sn-maximum-gold-drop-distance 20)
(set-strategic-number sn-maximum-stone-drop-distance 20)
(set-strategic-number sn-maximum-food-drop-distance 20)
; ============== COMPUTER CHEATING - In long scenario games, a CP can run out of resources. This magically gives him more.Delete if you don't like your AI to cheat.
(enable-timer 4 0)
(timer-triggered 4)
;(cc-add-resource food 5000)
;(cc-add-resource wood 5000)
;(cc-add-resource gold 5000)
;(disable-timer 4)
;(chat-to-all "操!")
(enable-timer 4 30)
; ============== BUILD LISTS
;maintain housing
(current-age == dark-age)
(housing-headroom less-than 4)
(population-headroom greater-than 0)
(can-build house)
(build house)
(chat-to-all "house 4 left")
;maintain housing
(current-age != dark-age)
(housing-headroom less-than 10)
(population-headroom greater-than 0)
(can-build house)
(build house)
(chat-to-all "house 10 left")
;maintain a town center
(game-time greater-than 45)
(building-type-count town-center less-than 3)
(can-build town-center)
(build town-center)
(current-age == castle-age)
(building-type-count town-center less-than 3)
(can-build town-center)
(build town-center)
(timer-triggered 3)
(attack-soldier-count > 10)
(current-age != dark-age)
(building-type-count-total watch-tower-line less-than 10)
(can-build watch-tower-line)
(food-amount >= 500)
(wood-amount >= 200)
(gold-amount >= 300)
(build-forward watch-tower-line)(chat-to-player any-enemy "9")
(chat-to-all "build-forward watch-tower-line !!!!!!!!!!!!!")
(disable-timer 3)
(timer-triggered 3)
(attack-soldier-count > 10)
(current-age != dark-age)
(building-type-count-total barracks less-than 2)
(can-build barracks)
(food-amount >= 500)
(wood-amount >= 200)
(gold-amount >= 300)
(build-forward barracks)(chat-to-player any-enemy "9")
(chat-to-all "build-forward barracks !!!!!!!!!!!!!")
(disable-timer 3)
(timer-triggered 3)
(attack-soldier-count > 10)
(building-type-count-total archery-range less-than 2)
(can-build archery-range)
(food-amount >= 500)
(wood-amount >= 200)
(gold-amount >= 300)
(build-forward archery-range)(chat-to-player any-enemy "9")
(chat-to-all "build-forward range !!!!!!!!!!!!!")
(disable-timer 3)
(timer-triggered 3)
(attack-soldier-count > 10)
(building-type-count-total stable less-than 2)
(can-build stable)
(food-amount >= 500)
(wood-amount >= 200)
(gold-amount >= 300)
(build-forward stable)(chat-to-player any-enemy "9")
(chat-to-all "build-forward stable !!!!!!!!!!!!!")
(disable-timer 3)
(timer-triggered 3)
(attack-soldier-count > 10)
(can-build castle)
(build-forward castle)(chat-to-player any-enemy "9")
(chat-to-all "build-forward castle !!!!!!!!!!!!!")
(disable-timer 3)
(current-age != dark-age)
(attack-soldier-count <= 10)
(building-type-count-total barracks less-than 2)
(can-build barracks)
(food-amount >= 500)
(wood-amount >= 200)
(gold-amount >= 300)
(build barracks)
(chat-to-all "barracks")
(attack-soldier-count <= 10)
(building-type-count-total archery-range less-than 2)
(can-build archery-range)
(food-amount >= 500)
(wood-amount >= 200)
(gold-amount >= 300)
(build archery-range)
(chat-to-all "range")
(attack-soldier-count <= 10)
(building-type-count-total stable less-than 2)
(can-build stable)
(food-amount >= 500)
(wood-amount >= 200)
(gold-amount >= 300)
(build stable)
(chat-to-all "stable")
(building-type-count-total blacksmith less-than 1)
(can-build blacksmith)
(defend-soldier-count >= 5)
(build blacksmith)
(chat-to-all "blacksmith")
(building-type-count-total market less-than 1)
(can-build market)
(food-amount >= 1000)
(wood-amount >= 500)
(gold-amount >= 500)
(build market)
(chat-to-all "market")
(building-type-count-total university less-than 1)
(can-build university)
(food-amount >= 200)
(wood-amount >= 200)
(gold-amount >= 300)
(build university)
(chat-to-all " university ")
(building-type-count-total monastery less-than 1)
(can-build monastery)
(build monastery)
(chat-to-all " monastery ")
(attack-soldier-count <= 10)
(building-type-count-total castle <= 2)
(can-build castle)
(build castle)
(chat-to-all "castle")
(building-type-count-total siege-workshop less-than 1)
(can-build siege-workshop)
(build siege-workshop)
(chat-to-all "siege workshop")
(current-age == dark-age)
(building-type-count-total farm less-than 14)
(game-time > 420)
(can-build farm)
(build farm)
(current-age != dark-age)
(food-amount < 400)
(wood-amount >= 90)
(building-type-count-total mill != 0)
(building-type-count-total lumber-camp != 0)
(building-type-count-total farm < 5)
(can-build farm)
(build farm)
(current-age != dark-age)
(food-amount < 400)
(wood-amount >= 500)
(building-type-count-total mill != 0)
(building-type-count-total lumber-camp != 0)
(building-type-count-total farm >= 5)
(building-type-count-total farm < 25)
(can-build farm)
(build farm)
(building-type-count-total mining-camp == 0)
(building-type-count-total mill != 0)
(building-type-count-total lumber-camp != 0)
(dropsite-min-distance wood > 1)
(can-build mining-camp)
(game-time > 600)
(build mining-camp)
(chat-to-all "mining-camp place")
(resource-found wood)
(building-type-count-total lumber-camp < 3)
(dropsite-min-distance wood > 2)
(can-build lumber-camp)
(current-age != dark-age)
(building-type-count-total mill != 0)
(set-strategic-number sn-camp-max-distance 25)
(build lumber-camp)
(chat-to-all "lumber-camp place")
(resource-found gold)
(building-type-count-total mining-camp < 5)
(building-type-count-total mill != 0)
(building-type-count-total lumber-camp != 0)
(dropsite-min-distance gold > 3)
(can-build mining-camp)
(current-age != dark-age)
(build mining-camp)
(chat-to-all "gold place")
(resource-found stone)
(current-age >= castle-age)
(building-type-count-total mining-camp < 5)
(dropsite-min-distance stone > 3)
(can-build mining-camp)
(game-time > 800)
(build mining-camp)
(chat-to-all "rock place")
; ============== MILITARY UNITS
(unit-type-count-total trebuchet < 3)
(defend-soldier-count >= 10)
(can-train trebuchet)
(train trebuchet)
(chat-to-all "trebuchet")
(difficulty == moderate)
(unit-type-count-total monk < 1)
(can-train monk)
(train monk)
(chat-to-all "monk")
(difficulty == hard)
(unit-type-count-total monk < 1)
(can-train monk)
(train monk)
(chat-to-all "monk")
(difficulty == hardest)
(unit-type-count-total monk < 1)
(can-train monk)
(train monk)
(chat-to-all "monk")
; ============== ADVANCING IN AGE
(current-age == dark-age)
(set-goal 99 1)
(unit-type-count-total villager > 8)
(current-age == feudal-age)
(set-goal 99 2)
(enable-timer 38 0)
(enable-timer 39 0)
(enable-timer 40 0)
(unit-type-count-total villager > 15)
(current-age == castle-age)
(set-goal 99 3)
(unit-type-count-total villager > 15)
(current-age == imperial-age)
(set-goal 99 4)
; (set-strategic-number sn-food-gatherer-percentage55)
; (set-strategic-number sn-wood-gatherer-percentage15)
; (set-strategic-number sn-gold-gatherer-percentage30)
(current-age != dark-age)
(food-amount <= 49)
(wood-amount <= 120)
;(gold-amount > 29)
(timer-triggered 38)
(set-strategic-number sn-food-gatherer-percentage35)
(set-strategic-number sn-wood-gatherer-percentage60)
(set-strategic-number sn-gold-gatherer-percentage5)
(set-strategic-number sn-stone-gatherer-percentage 0)
(chat-to-all "食物、木材都过少")
(disable-timer 38)
(enable-timer 38 5)
(current-age != dark-age)
(food-amount <= 49)
(wood-amount > 300)
;(gold-amount > 29)
(timer-triggered 5)
(set-strategic-number sn-food-gatherer-percentage80)
(set-strategic-number sn-wood-gatherer-percentage15)
(set-strategic-number sn-gold-gatherer-percentage5)
(set-strategic-number sn-stone-gatherer-percentage 0)
(chat-to-all "食物过少")
(disable-timer 209)
(enable-timer 39 5)
(current-age != dark-age)
(food-amount > 300)
(wood-amount <= 120)
;(gold-amount > 29)
(timer-triggered 40)
(set-strategic-number sn-food-gatherer-percentage20)
(set-strategic-number sn-wood-gatherer-percentage75)
(set-strategic-number sn-gold-gatherer-percentage5)
(set-strategic-number sn-stone-gatherer-percentage 0)
(chat-to-all "木材过少")
(disable-timer 40)
(enable-timer 40 5)
(current-age != dark-age)
(food-amount > 300)
(wood-amount > 300)
(gold-amount <= 29)
(set-strategic-number sn-food-gatherer-percentage45)
(set-strategic-number sn-wood-gatherer-percentage5)
(set-strategic-number sn-gold-gatherer-percentage50)
(set-strategic-number sn-stone-gatherer-percentage 0)
(chat-to-all "黄金过少")
(housing-headroom == 0)
;(enable-timer 90 10)
(chat-to-all "卡人口了")
; Dark to Feudal,黑暗升封建
(unit-type-count-total villager > 5)
(current-age == dark-age)
(can-research-with-escrow feudal-age)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research feudal-age)
;(disable-timer 250)
(chat-to-all "disable-timer 250")
(set-strategic-number sn-food-gatherer-percentage50)
(set-strategic-number sn-wood-gatherer-percentage30)
(set-strategic-number sn-gold-gatherer-percentage20)
(set-goal 90 0)
(chat-to-player any-ally "1")(chat-to-all "rising to feudal")
(set-goal 99 20)
; (set-strategic-number sn-food-gatherer-percentage80)
; (set-strategic-number sn-wood-gatherer-percentage20)
(building-type-count-total mill == 0)
;(dropsite-min-distance food > 0)
(can-build mill)
(game-time > 80)
(build mill)
(chat-to-all "mill place")
(building-type-count-total mill > 0)
(building-type-count-total mill < 2)
(building-type-count-total farm >= 16)
(current-age >= castle-age)
(can-build mill)
(wood-amount >= 800)
(food-amount <= 500)
(build mill)
(chat-to-all "mill place")
(building-type-count-total lumber-camp == 0)
(building-type-count-total mill != 0)
;(dropsite-min-distance wood > 1)
(can-build lumber-camp)
(game-time > 90)
(build lumber-camp)
(chat-to-all "lumber-camp place")
(food-amount >= 500)
(goal 99 1)
(can-research-with-escrow feudal-age)
(chat-to-all "食物够500了,但是没法升级(缺少磨坊或者伐木场,或者农民正在造,或者研究织布机中)")
(set-strategic-number sn-food-gatherer-percentage20)
(set-strategic-number sn-wood-gatherer-percentage80)
(goal 99 1)
(wood-amount < 30)
(building-type-count mill == 0)
(building-type-count-total lumber-camp == 0)
(chat-to-all "重点采集木头")
(set-strategic-number sn-food-gatherer-percentage60)
(set-strategic-number sn-wood-gatherer-percentage40)
(goal 99 1)
(wood-amount < 100)
(building-type-count mill == 0)
(building-type-count-total lumber-camp == 0)
(chat-to-all "重点采集木头")
(set-strategic-number sn-food-gatherer-percentage75)
(set-strategic-number sn-wood-gatherer-percentage25)
(goal 99 1)
(wood-amount >= 100)
(building-type-count mill == 0)
(building-type-count-total lumber-camp == 0)
(chat-to-all "重点采集食物")
(set-strategic-number sn-food-gatherer-percentage85)
(set-strategic-number sn-wood-gatherer-percentage15)
(goal 99 1)
(building-type-count mill == 1)
(building-type-count-total lumber-camp == 1)
(wood-amount >= 60)
(chat-to-all "农民全部采集食物~~~~~~~~~~~~")
(set-strategic-number sn-food-gatherer-percentage100)
(set-strategic-number sn-wood-gatherer-percentage0)
; (set-strategic-number sn-food-gatherer-percentage30)
; (set-strategic-number sn-wood-gatherer-percentage30)
; (set-strategic-number sn-gold-gatherer-percentage30)
; (set-strategic-number sn-stone-gatherer-percentage 10)
;设置封建时代的一种状态 16
(unit-type-count-total villager > 10)
(current-age == feudal-age)
(set-goal 16 98)
; Feudal to Castle
(goal 99 2)
(can-research-with-escrow castle-age)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research castle-age)
(chat-to-player any-ally "1")
(chat-to-all "升级城堡时代")
(set-goal 99 30)
; (set-strategic-number sn-food-gatherer-percentage55)
; (set-strategic-number sn-wood-gatherer-percentage15)
; (set-strategic-number sn-gold-gatherer-percentage30)
(current-age == feudal-age)
(enable-timer 11 0)
(enable-timer 12 0)
(enable-timer 13 0)
(enable-timer 14 0)
(enable-timer 15 0)
(enable-timer 16 0)
(enable-timer 17 0)
(enable-timer 18 0)
(enable-timer 19 0)
(current-age == feudal-age)
(enable-timer 20 0)
(enable-timer 21 0)
(enable-timer 22 0)
(enable-timer 23 0)
(enable-timer 24 0)
(enable-timer 25 0)
(enable-timer 26 0)
(enable-timer 27 0)
(enable-timer 28 0)
(current-age == feudal-age)
(enable-timer 29 0)
(enable-timer 30 0)
(enable-timer 31 0)
(enable-timer 32 0)
(enable-timer 33 0)
(enable-timer 34 0)
(enable-timer 35 0)
(enable-timer 36 0)
(enable-timer 37 0)
(enable-timer 51 0)
(timer-triggered 51)
(disable-timer 51)
(enable-timer 51 10)
(timer-triggered 11)
(goal 7 2)
(food-amount <= 400)
(wood-amount <= 200)
(gold-amount <= 130)
(chat-to-all "食物1,木材1,黄金1")
(set-strategic-number sn-food-gatherer-percentage60)
(set-strategic-number sn-wood-gatherer-percentage35)
(set-strategic-number sn-gold-gatherer-percentage5)
(disable-timer 11)
(enable-timer 11 209)
(timer-triggered 12)
(goal 7 2)
(food-amount > 400)
(food-amount <= 800)
(wood-amount <= 200)
(gold-amount <= 130)
(chat-to-all "食物2,木材1,黄金1")
(set-strategic-number sn-food-gatherer-percentage55)
(set-strategic-number sn-wood-gatherer-percentage40)
(set-strategic-number sn-gold-gatherer-percentage5)
(disable-timer 12)
(enable-timer 12 209)
(timer-triggered 13)
(goal 7 2)
(food-amount > 800)
(wood-amount <= 200)
(gold-amount <= 130)
(chat-to-all "食物3,木材1,黄金1")
(set-strategic-number sn-food-gatherer-percentage10)
(set-strategic-number sn-wood-gatherer-percentage55)
(set-strategic-number sn-gold-gatherer-percentage35)
(disable-timer 13)
(enable-timer 13 209)
(timer-triggered 14)
(goal 7 2)
(food-amount <= 400)
(wood-amount > 200)
(wood-amount <= 500)
(gold-amount <= 130)
(chat-to-all "食物1,木材2,黄金1")
(set-strategic-number sn-food-gatherer-percentage70)
(set-strategic-number sn-wood-gatherer-percentage25)
(set-strategic-number sn-gold-gatherer-percentage5)
(disable-timer 14)
(enable-timer 14 209)
(timer-triggered 15)
(goal 7 2)
(food-amount > 400)
(food-amount <= 800)
(wood-amount > 200)
(wood-amount <= 500)
(gold-amount <= 130)
(chat-to-all "食物2,木材2,黄金1")
(set-strategic-number sn-food-gatherer-percentage55)
(set-strategic-number sn-wood-gatherer-percentage20)
(set-strategic-number sn-gold-gatherer-percentage25)
(disable-timer 15)
(enable-timer 15 209)
(timer-triggered 16)
(goal 7 2)
(food-amount > 800)
(wood-amount > 200)
(wood-amount <= 500)
(gold-amount <= 130)
(chat-to-all "食物3,木材2,黄金1")
(set-strategic-number sn-food-gatherer-percentage10)
(set-strategic-number sn-wood-gatherer-percentage20)
(set-strategic-number sn-gold-gatherer-percentage70)
(disable-timer 16)
(enable-timer 16 209)
(timer-triggered 17)
(goal 7 2)
(food-amount <= 400)
(wood-amount > 500)
(gold-amount <= 130)
(chat-to-all "食物1,木材3,黄金1")
(set-strategic-number sn-food-gatherer-percentage75)
(set-strategic-number sn-wood-gatherer-percentage5)
(set-strategic-number sn-gold-gatherer-percentage20)
(disable-timer 17)
(enable-timer 17 209)
(timer-triggered 18)
(goal 7 2)
(food-amount > 400)
(food-amount <= 800)
(wood-amount > 500)
(gold-amount <= 130)
(chat-to-all "食物2,木材3,黄金1")
(set-strategic-number sn-food-gatherer-percentage45)
(set-strategic-number sn-wood-gatherer-percentage10)
(set-strategic-number sn-gold-gatherer-percentage35)
(disable-timer 18)
(enable-timer 18 209)
(timer-triggered 19)
(goal 7 2)
(food-amount > 800)
(wood-amount > 500)
(gold-amount <= 130)
(chat-to-all "食物3,木材3,黄金1")
(set-strategic-number sn-food-gatherer-percentage20)
(set-strategic-number sn-wood-gatherer-percentage10)
(set-strategic-number sn-gold-gatherer-percentage70)
(disable-timer 19)
(enable-timer 19 209)
(timer-triggered 20)
(goal 7 2)
(food-amount <= 400)
(wood-amount <= 200)
(gold-amount > 130)
(gold-amount <= 300)
(chat-to-all "食物1,木材1,黄金2")
(set-strategic-number sn-food-gatherer-percentage75)
(set-strategic-number sn-wood-gatherer-percentage20)
(set-strategic-number sn-gold-gatherer-percentage5)
(disable-timer 20)
(enable-timer 20 209)
(timer-triggered 21)
(goal 7 2)
(food-amount > 400)
(food-amount <= 800)
(wood-amount <= 200)
(gold-amount > 130)
(gold-amount <= 300)
(chat-to-all "食物2,木材1,黄金2")
(set-strategic-number sn-food-gatherer-percentage65)
(set-strategic-number sn-wood-gatherer-percentage30)
(set-strategic-number sn-gold-gatherer-percentage5)
(disable-timer 21)
(enable-timer 21 209)
(timer-triggered 22)
(goal 7 2)
(food-amount > 800)
(wood-amount <= 200)
(gold-amount > 130)
(gold-amount <= 300)
(chat-to-all "食物3,木材1,黄金2")
(set-strategic-number sn-food-gatherer-percentage55)
(set-strategic-number sn-wood-gatherer-percentage25)
(set-strategic-number sn-gold-gatherer-percentage20)
;(set-strategic-number sn-stone-gatherer-percentage20)
(disable-timer 22)
(enable-timer 22 209)
(timer-triggered 23)
(goal 7 2)
(food-amount <= 400)
(wood-amount > 200)
(wood-amount <= 500)
(gold-amount > 130)
(gold-amount <= 300)
(chat-to-all "食物1,木材2,黄金2")
(set-strategic-number sn-food-gatherer-percentage80)
(set-strategic-number sn-wood-gatherer-percentage10)
(set-strategic-number sn-gold-gatherer-percentage10)
(disable-timer 23)
(enable-timer 23 209)
(timer-triggered 24)
(goal 7 2)
(food-amount > 400)
(food-amount <= 800)
(wood-amount > 200)
(wood-amount <= 500)
(gold-amount > 130)
(gold-amount <= 300)
(chat-to-all "食物2,木材2,黄金2")
(set-strategic-number sn-food-gatherer-percentage70)
(set-strategic-number sn-wood-gatherer-percentage15)
(set-strategic-number sn-gold-gatherer-percentage15)
(disable-timer 24)
(enable-timer 24 209)
(timer-triggered 25)
(goal 7 2)
(food-amount > 800)
(wood-amount > 200)
(wood-amount <= 500)
(gold-amount > 130)
(gold-amount <= 300)
(chat-to-all "食物3,木材2,黄金2")
(set-strategic-number sn-food-gatherer-percentage55)
(set-strategic-number sn-wood-gatherer-percentage25)
(set-strategic-number sn-gold-gatherer-percentage20)
;(set-strategic-number sn-stone-gatherer-percentage20)
(disable-timer 25)
(enable-timer 25 209)
(timer-triggered 26)
(goal 7 2)
(food-amount <= 400)
(wood-amount > 500)
(gold-amount > 130)
(gold-amount <= 300)
(chat-to-all "食物1,木材3,黄金2")
(set-strategic-number sn-food-gatherer-percentage90)
(set-strategic-number sn-wood-gatherer-percentage0)
(set-strategic-number sn-gold-gatherer-percentage10)
(disable-timer 26)
(enable-timer 26 209)
(timer-triggered 27)
(goal 7 2)
(food-amount > 400)
(food-amount <= 800)
(wood-amount > 500)
(gold-amount > 130)
(gold-amount <= 300)
(chat-to-all "食物2,木材3,黄金2")
(set-strategic-number sn-food-gatherer-percentage90)
(set-strategic-number sn-wood-gatherer-percentage0)
(set-strategic-number sn-gold-gatherer-percentage10)
(disable-timer 27)
(enable-timer 27 209)
(timer-triggered 28)
(goal 7 2)
(food-amount > 800)
(wood-amount > 500)
(gold-amount > 130)
(gold-amount <= 300)
(chat-to-all "食物3,木材3,黄金2")
(set-strategic-number sn-food-gatherer-percentage55)
(set-strategic-number sn-wood-gatherer-percentage25)
(set-strategic-number sn-gold-gatherer-percentage20)
;(set-strategic-number sn-stone-gatherer-percentage20)
(disable-timer 28)
(enable-timer 28 209)
(timer-triggered 29)
(goal 7 2)
(food-amount <= 400)
(wood-amount <= 200)
(gold-amount > 300)
(chat-to-all "食物1,木材1,黄金3")
(set-strategic-number sn-food-gatherer-percentage85)
(set-strategic-number sn-wood-gatherer-percentage15)
(set-strategic-number sn-gold-gatherer-percentage0)
(disable-timer 29)
(enable-timer 29 209)
(timer-triggered 30)
(goal 7 2)
(food-amount > 400)
(food-amount <= 800)
(wood-amount <= 200)
(gold-amount > 300)
(chat-to-all "食物2,木材1,黄金3")
(set-strategic-number sn-food-gatherer-percentage85)
(set-strategic-number sn-wood-gatherer-percentage15)
(set-strategic-number sn-gold-gatherer-percentage0)
(disable-timer 30)
(enable-timer 30 209)
(timer-triggered 31)
(goal 7 2)
(food-amount > 800)
(wood-amount <= 200)
(gold-amount > 300)
(chat-to-all "食物3,木材1,黄金3")
(set-strategic-number sn-food-gatherer-percentage55)
(set-strategic-number sn-wood-gatherer-percentage25)
(set-strategic-number sn-gold-gatherer-percentage20)
;(set-strategic-number sn-stone-gatherer-percentage20)
(disable-timer 31)
(enable-timer 31 209)
(timer-triggered 32)
(goal 7 2)
(food-amount <= 400)
(wood-amount > 200)
(wood-amount <= 500)
(gold-amount > 300)
(chat-to-all "食物1,木材2,黄金3")
(set-strategic-number sn-food-gatherer-percentage80)
(set-strategic-number sn-wood-gatherer-percentage20)
(set-strategic-number sn-gold-gatherer-percentage0)
(disable-timer 32)
(enable-timer 32 209)
(timer-triggered 33)
(goal 7 2)
(food-amount > 200)
(food-amount <= 400)
(wood-amount > 200)
(wood-amount <= 500)
(gold-amount > 300)
(chat-to-all "食物2,木材2,黄金3")
(set-strategic-number sn-food-gatherer-percentage65)
(set-strategic-number sn-wood-gatherer-percentage15)
(set-strategic-number sn-gold-gatherer-percentage10)
(disable-timer 33)
(enable-timer 33 209)
(timer-triggered 34)
(goal 7 2)
(food-amount > 800)
(wood-amount > 200)
(wood-amount <= 500)
(gold-amount > 300)
(chat-to-all "食物3,木材2,黄金3")
(set-strategic-number sn-food-gatherer-percentage55)
(set-strategic-number sn-wood-gatherer-percentage25)
(set-strategic-number sn-gold-gatherer-percentage20)
;(set-strategic-number sn-stone-gatherer-percentage20)
(disable-timer 34)
(enable-timer 34 209)
(timer-triggered 35)
(goal 7 2)
(food-amount <= 400)
(wood-amount > 500)
(gold-amount > 300)
(chat-to-all "食物1,木材3,黄金3")
(set-strategic-number sn-food-gatherer-percentage55)
(set-strategic-number sn-wood-gatherer-percentage0)
(set-strategic-number sn-gold-gatherer-percentage45)
(disable-timer 35)
(enable-timer 35 209)
(timer-triggered 36)
(goal 7 2)
(food-amount > 400)
(food-amount <= 800)
(wood-amount > 500)
(gold-amount > 300)
(chat-to-all "食物2,木材3,黄金3")
(set-strategic-number sn-food-gatherer-percentage55)
(set-strategic-number sn-wood-gatherer-percentage0)
(set-strategic-number sn-gold-gatherer-percentage45)
(disable-timer 36)
(enable-timer 36 209)
(timer-triggered 37)
(goal 7 2)
(food-amount > 800)
(wood-amount > 500)
(gold-amount > 300)
(chat-to-all "食物3,木材3,黄金3")
(set-strategic-number sn-food-gatherer-percentage55)
(set-strategic-number sn-wood-gatherer-percentage30)
(set-strategic-number sn-gold-gatherer-percentage45)
;(set-strategic-number sn-stone-gatherer-percentage20)
;(set-goal 37 1)
(disable-timer 37)
(enable-timer 37 209)
(current-age == feudal-age)
(goal 7 2)
(stone-amount >= 200)
(commodity-selling-price stone greater-than 50)
(can-sell-commodity stone)
(chat-to-all "卖石头赚黄金为了升城堡")
(sell-commodity stone)
; advance to imperial age if possible.
(goal 99 3)
(can-research-with-escrow imperial-age)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research imperial-age)
(chat-to-all "升级帝王时代")
(set-goal 99 40)
; (set-strategic-number sn-food-gatherer-percentage30)
; (set-strategic-number sn-wood-gatherer-percentage15)
; (set-strategic-number sn-gold-gatherer-percentage15)
; (set-strategic-number sn-stone-gatherer-percentage 40)
(current-age == castle-age)
(current-age == imperial-age)
(food-amount > 200)
(wood-amount > 200)
(gold-amount > 200)
(building-type-count-total castle <= 2)
;(chat-to-all "其他资源不缺少,且需要建造城堡")
(set-strategic-number sn-food-gatherer-percentage30)
(set-strategic-number sn-wood-gatherer-percentage15)
(set-strategic-number sn-gold-gatherer-percentage15)
(set-strategic-number sn-stone-gatherer-percentage 40)
(current-age == castle-age)
(current-age == imperial-age)
(food-amount <= 200)
(wood-amount <= 200)
(gold-amount <= 200)
(building-type-count-total castle > 2)
;(chat-to-all "不满足需要建造城堡的条件")
(set-goal 7 2)
(goal 99 3)
(stone-amount greater-than 4000)
(commodity-selling-price stone greater-than 50)
(can-sell-commodity stone)
(chat-to-all "卖石头赚黄金为了升城堡")
(sell-commodity stone)
(current-age == dark-age)
(unit-type-count-total villager less-than 60)
(can-train villager)
(train villager)
(chat-to-all "dark-age villager 26")
(current-age == feudal-age)
(unit-type-count-total villager less-than 50)
(can-train villager)
(train villager)
(chat-to-all "feudal-age villager 60")
; Castle to Imperial
(unit-type-count-total villager > 25)
(current-age == castle-age)
(set-goal 16 99)
(current-age == castle-age)
(unit-type-count-total villager less-than 50)
(can-train villager)
(train villager)
(chat-to-all "feudal-age villager 100")
(current-age == imperial-age)
(unit-type-count-total villager less-than 50)
(can-train villager)
(train villager)
(chat-to-all "imperial-age villager 110")
; ========================== UPGRADES - I usually use the same rules for upgrades for all civs.If the AI has a certain number of units, it tries to upgrade them.
; problem with escrow - give up
(escrow-amount wood > 2000)
(escrow-amount food > 2000)
(escrow-amount gold > 3000)
(escrow-amount stone > 3000)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(set-goal 16 0)
; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
; sets initial goal for escrow to make sure there are villagers
(set-goal 16 50)
(unit-type-count villager >= 15)
(set-goal 16 0)
; sets escrow
(set-escrow-percentage wood 40)
(set-escrow-percentage food 40)
(set-escrow-percentage gold 40)
(set-escrow-percentage stone 40)
(unit-type-count-total villager > 10)
(set-goal 2 0)
; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
(goal 2 0)
(can-research-with-escrow my-unique-unit-upgrade)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research my-unique-unit-upgrade)
(chat-to-all "research elite uniques")
(goal 2 0)
(unit-type-count militiaman > 2)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-man-at-arms)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-man-at-arms)
(chat-to-all "research man-at-arms")
(goal 2 0)
(unit-type-count man-at-arms > 2)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-long-swordsman)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-long-swordsman)
(chat-to-all "research long swordsman ")
(goal 2 0)
(unit-type-count long-swordsman > 2)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-two-handed-swordsman)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-two-handed-swordsman)
(chat-to-all "research two-handed-swordsman")
(goal 2 0)
(unit-type-count two-handed-swordsman > 2)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-champion)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-champion)
(chat-to-all "research champion")
(goal 2 0)
(unit-type-count-total spearman > 2)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-pikeman)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-pikeman)
(chat-to-all "research pike")
(goal 2 0)
(unit-type-count-total scout-cavalry > 2)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-light-cavalry)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-light-cavalry)
(chat-to-all "research light-cavalry")
(goal 2 0)
(unit-type-count-total camel > 2)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-heavy-camel)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-heavy-camel)
(chat-to-all "research heavy camel")
(goal 2 0)
(unit-type-count-total knight > 2)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-cavalier)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-cavalier)
(chat-to-all "research cavalier")
(goal 2 0)
(unit-type-count-total cavalier > 2)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-paladin)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-paladin)
(chat-to-all "research paladin")
(goal 2 0)
(unit-type-count archer > 1)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-crossbow)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-crossbow)
(chat-to-all "research crossbow")
(goal 2 0)
(unit-type-count crossbowman > 1)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-arbalest)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-arbalest)
(chat-to-all "research arbalest")
(goal 2 0)
(unit-type-count cavalry-archer > 2)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-heavy-cavalry-archer)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-heavy-cavalry-archer)
(chat-to-all "research heavy-cavalry-archer")
(unit-type-count-total skirmisher > 2)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-elite-skirmisher)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-elite-skirmisher)
(chat-to-all "research elite skirmisher")
(unit-type-count-total knight-line > 2)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-hand-cannon)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-hand-cannon)
(chat-to-all "research ri-hand-cannon")
(goal 2 0)
(unit-type-count scorpion > 2)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-heavy-scorpion)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-heavy-scorpion)
(chat-to-all "research heavy-scorpion")
(goal 2 0)
(unit-type-count battering-ram > 1)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-capped-ram)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-capped-ram)
(chat-to-all "research capped ram")
(goal 2 0)
(unit-type-count capped-ram > 2)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-siege-ram)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-siege-ram)
(chat-to-all "research siege-ram")
(goal 2 0)
(unit-type-count mangonel > 2)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-onager)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-onager)
(chat-to-all "research onager")
(goal 2 0)
(unit-type-count onager > 2)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-siege-onager)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-siege-onager)
(chat-to-all "research siege onager")
(goal 2 0)
(unit-type-count galley > 2)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-war-galley)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-war-galley)
(chat-to-all "research war-galley")
(goal 2 0)
(unit-type-count war-galley > 2)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-galleon)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-galleon)
(chat-to-all "research galleon")
(goal 2 0)
(unit-type-count galleon > 2)
(unit-type-count war-galley > 2)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-cannon-galleon)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-cannon-galleon)
(chat-to-all "research cannon-galleon")
(goal 2 0)
(unit-type-count-total fire-ship > 1)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-fast-fire-ship)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-fast-fire-ship)
(chat-to-all "research fast-fire-ship")
(goal 2 0)
(unit-type-count demolition-ship > 2)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-heavy-demolition-ship)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-heavy-demolition-ship)
(chat-to-all "research heavy-demolition-ship")
; ////////////////////////WEAPONS//////////////////
(goal 2 0)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-forging)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-forging)
(chat-to-all "research forging")
(goal 2 0)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-iron-casting)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-iron-casting)
(chat-to-all "research iron-casting")
(goal 2 0)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-blast-furnace)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-blast-furnace)
(chat-to-all "research blast-furnace")
;ARCHER UPGRADES -- cost food/gold
(goal 2 0)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-fletching)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-fletching)
(chat-to-all "research fletching")
(goal 2 0)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-bodkin-arrow)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-bodkin-arrow)
(chat-to-all "research bodkin-arrow")
(goal 2 0)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-bracer)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-bracer)
(chat-to-all "research bracer")
(goal 2 0)
(unit-type-count-total archer-line > 3)
(unit-type-count-total skirmisher-line > 3)
(unit-type-count-total cavalry-archer-line > 3)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-padded-archer-armor)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-padded-archer-armor)
(chat-to-all "research padded-archer-armor")
(goal 2 0)
(unit-type-count-total archer-line > 3)
(unit-type-count-total skirmisher-line > 3)
(unit-type-count-total cavalry-archer-line > 3)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-leather-archer-armor)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-leather-archer-armor)
(chat-to-all "research leather-archer-armor")
(goal 2 0)
(unit-type-count-total archer-line > 3)
(unit-type-count-total skirmisher-line > 3)
(unit-type-count-total cavalry-archer-line > 3)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-ring-archer-armor)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-ring-archer-armor)
(chat-to-all "research ring-archer-armor")
(goal 2 0)
(unit-type-count-total militiaman-line > 3)
(unit-type-count-total spearman-line > 3)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-scale-mail)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-scale-mail)
(chat-to-all "research scale-mail")
(goal 2 0)
(unit-type-count-total militiaman-line > 3)
(unit-type-count-total spearman-line > 3)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-chain-mail)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-chain-mail)
(chat-to-all "research chain-mail")
(goal 2 0)
(unit-type-count-total militiaman-line > 3)
(unit-type-count-total spearman-line > 3)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-plate-mail)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-plate-mail)
(chat-to-all "research plate-mail")
(goal 2 0)
(unit-type-count-total militiaman-line > 3)
(unit-type-count-total spearman-line > 3)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-tracking)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-tracking)
(chat-to-all "research tracking")
(goal 2 0)
(unit-type-count-total militiaman-line > 3)
(unit-type-count-total spearman-line > 3)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-squires)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-squires)
(chat-to-all "research squires")
(goal 2 0)
(unit-type-count-total knight-line > 3)
(unit-type-count-total scout-cavalry-line > 3)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-scale-barding)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-scale-barding)
(chat-to-all "research scale-barding")
(goal 2 0)
(unit-type-count-total knight-line > 3)
(unit-type-count-total scout-cavalry-line > 3)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-chain-barding)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-chain-barding)
(chat-to-all "research chain-barding")
(goal 2 0)
(unit-type-count-total knight-line > 3)
(unit-type-count-total scout-cavalry-line > 3)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-plate-barding)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-plate-barding)
(chat-to-all "research plate-barding")
(goal 2 0)
(unit-type-count-total cavalry-archer-line > 3)
(unit-type-count-total knight-line > 3)
(unit-type-count-total scout-cavalry-line > 3)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-husbandry)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-husbandry)
(chat-to-all "research husbandry")
; /////////////////////SIEGE RESEARCH ITEMS///////////////////////////
(goal 2 0)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-siege-engineers)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-siege-engineers)
(chat-to-all "research siege-engineers")
(goal 2 0)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-hoardings)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-hoardings)
(chat-to-all "research hoardings")
(goal 2 0)
(unit-type-count cannon-galleon > 2)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-deck-guns)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-deck-guns)
(chat-to-all "research deck guns ")
(goal 2 0)
(unit-type-count transport-ship > 0)
(unit-type-count galley-line > 2)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-careening)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-careening)
(chat-to-all "research careening ")
(goal 2 0)
(unit-type-count transport-ship > 0)
(unit-type-count galley-line > 2)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-dry-dock)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-dry-dock)
(chat-to-all "research dry-dock ")
(goal 2 0)
(unit-type-count galley-line > 2)
(unit-type-count-total cannon-galleon-line > 1)
(unit-type-count-total fire-ship-line > 1)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-shipwright)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-shipwright)
(chat-to-all "research shipwright ")
(goal 2 0)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-ballistics)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-ballistics)
(chat-to-all "research ballistics ")
(goal 2 0)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-chemistry)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-chemistry)
(chat-to-all "research chemistry ")
(goal 2 0)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-conscription)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-conscription)
(chat-to-all "research conscription")
(goal 2 0)
(can-research-with-escrow my-unique-research)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research my-unique-research)
(chat-to-all "research unique tech")
; //////////////////////ECONOMIC////////////////////////生产力升级
;mining-camp items
(goal 2 0)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-gold-mining)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-gold-mining)
(chat-to-all "research gold mining")
(goal 2 0)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-gold-shaft-mining)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-gold-shaft-mining)
(chat-to-all "research gold shaft mining")
(goal 2 0)
(building-type-count mining-camp > 1)
(current-age >= castle-age)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-stone-mining)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-stone-mining)
(chat-to-all "research stone mining")
(goal 2 0)
(building-type-count mining-camp > 1)
(current-age >= castle-age)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-stone-shaft-mining)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-stone-shaft-mining)
(chat-to-all "research stone shaft mining")
;mill items
(goal 2 0)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-horse-collar)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-horse-collar)
(chat-to-all "research horse collar")
(goal 2 0)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-heavy-plow)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-heavy-plow)
(chat-to-all "research heavy plow")
(goal 2 0)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-crop-rotation)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-crop-rotation)
(chat-to-all "research crop rotation")
;saw mill
(goal 2 0)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-double-bit-axe)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-double-bit-axe)
(chat-to-all "research double bit axe")
(goal 2 0)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-bow-saw)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-bow-saw)
(chat-to-all "research bow saw")
(goal 2 0)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-two-man-saw)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-two-man-saw)
(chat-to-all "research 2 man saw")
;university stuff
(goal 2 0)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-masonry)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-masonry)
(chat-to-all "research masonry")
(goal 2 0)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-architecture)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-architecture)
(chat-to-all "research architecture")
(goal 2 0)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-stonecutting)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-stonecutting)
(chat-to-all "research stonecutting")
;market & town center
(goal 2 0)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-guilds)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-guilds)
(chat-to-all "research guilds")
;(timer-triggered 90)
(goal 2 0)
(housing-headroom == 0)
;(current-age == dark-age)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-loom)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-loom)
(chat-to-all "research loom")
(goal 2 0)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-hand-cart)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-hand-cart)
(chat-to-all "research hand-cart")
(goal 2 0)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-wheel-barrow)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-wheel-barrow)
(chat-to-all "research wheelbarrow")
(goal 2 0)
(players-stance any-computer ally)
(players-stance any-human ally)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-coinage)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-coinage)
(chat-to-all "research coinage")
(goal 2 0)
(players-stance any-computer ally)
(players-stance any-human ally)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-banking)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-banking)
(chat-to-all "research banking")
; ////////////////////MONK/////////////////僧侣升级
(goal 2 0)
;(cc-players-unit-type-count any-enemy monk > 2)
(players-unit-type-count any-enemy monk > 2)
(unit-type-count-total war-elephant-line > 2)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-faith)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-faith)
(chat-to-all "research faith")
(goal 2 0)
;(cc-players-unit-type-count any-enemy monk > 2)
(players-unit-type-count any-enemy monk > 2)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-atonement)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-atonement)
(chat-to-all "research atonement")
(goal 2 0)
(unit-type-count-total monk > 2)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-block-printing)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-block-printing)
(chat-to-all "research block printing")
(goal 2 0)
(unit-type-count-total monk > 2)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-illumination)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-illumination)
(chat-to-all "research illumination")
(goal 2 0)
(unit-type-count-total monk > 2)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-fervor)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-fervor)
(chat-to-all "research fervor")
(goal 2 0)
(unit-type-count-total monk > 2)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-redemption)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-redemption)
(chat-to-all "research redemption")
(goal 2 0)
(unit-type-count-total monk > 2)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-sanctity)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-sanctity)
(chat-to-all "research sanctity")
(goal 2 0)
(building-type-count-total watch-tower > 1)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-guard-tower)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-guard-tower)
(chat-to-all "research guard tower")
(goal 2 0)
(building-type-count-total guard-tower > 1)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-keep)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-keep)
(chat-to-all "research keep")
(goal 2 0)
(building-type-count university > 0)
(building-type-count-total watch-tower-line > 3)
(research-available ri-bombard-tower)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-bombard-tower)
(chat-to-all "research bombard-tower")
(goal 2 0)
(building-type-count-total watch-tower-line > 3)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-heated-shot)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-heated-shot)
(chat-to-all "research heated-shot")
(goal 2 0)
(building-type-count-total castle > 0)
(building-type-count-total watch-tower-line > 2)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-murder-holes)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-murder-holes)
(chat-to-all "research murder-holes")
(goal 2 0)
(building-type-count-total castle > 0)
(building-type-count-total watch-tower-line > 2)
(can-research-with-escrow ri-fortified-wall)
(release-escrow wood)
(release-escrow food)
(release-escrow gold)
(release-escrow stone)
(research ri-fortified-wall)
(chat-to-all "research fortifications")
; ============== ATTACKING - The AI will attack once at 1100 seconds and then again every 1400 sec, provided it has enough defense soldiers.
(game-time > 0)
(chat-to-all "panda ai v2.0")
;(enable-timer 250 0)
(timer-triggered 0)
(unit-type-count-total militiaman-line < 3)
(can-train militiaman-line)
(train militiaman-line)
(chat-to-all "train militiaman-line")
(chat-to-all "train militiaman-line")
(unit-type-count-total my-unique-unit-line < 100)
(can-train my-unique-unit-line)
(train my-unique-unit-line)
(chat-to-all "unique unit")
(goal 19 1)
(unit-type-count my-unique-unit-line > 20)
(attack-now)(chat-to-player any-ally "23")
(set-goal 19 0)
(chat-to-all "my-unique-unit-line attacks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!")
(enable-timer 3 0)
(not (town-under-attack))
(unit-type-count-total battering-ram-line < 4)
(defend-soldier-count >= 10)
(can-train battering-ram-line)
(train battering-ram-line)
(chat-to-all " I want to ram something")
(goal 19 1)
(unit-type-count battering-ram-line >= 2)
(soldier-count >= 20)
(attack-now)(chat-to-player any-ally "23")
(set-goal 19 0)
(chat-to-all "battering-ram-line attacks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!")
(enable-timer 3 0)
;knight-line 骑士类
(food-amount greater-than 200)
(gold-amount greater-than 100)
;(wood-amount greater-than 200)
(unit-type-count-total knight-line < 15)
(can-train knight-line)
(train knight-line)
(chat-to-all "train knight-line")
(goal 19 1)
(unit-type-count knight-line > 4)
(attack-now)(chat-to-player any-ally "23")
(set-goal 19 0)
(chat-to-all "knight-line attacks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!")
(enable-timer 3 0)
;hand-cannoneer 火枪手
(food-amount greater-than 200)
(gold-amount greater-than 200)
;(wood-amount greater-than 200)
(unit-type-count-total hand-cannoneer < 8)
(can-train hand-cannoneer)
(train hand-cannoneer)
(chat-to-all "train hand-cannoneer")
(goal 19 1)
(unit-type-count hand-cannoneer > 4)
(attack-now)(chat-to-player any-ally "23")
(set-goal 19 0)
(chat-to-all "hand-cannoneer attacks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!")
(enable-timer 3 0)
;militiaman-line 民兵类
(food-amount greater-than 100)
(gold-amount greater-than 100)
;(wood-amount greater-than 200)
(unit-type-count-total militiaman-line < 20)
(can-train militiaman-line)
(train militiaman-line)
(chat-to-all "train militiaman-line")
(goal 19 1)
(unit-type-count militiaman-line > 8)
(attack-now)(chat-to-player any-ally "23")
(set-goal 19 0)
(chat-to-all "militiaman-line attacks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!")
(enable-timer 3 0)
;eagle-warrior-line 鹰武士类
(food-amount greater-than 200)
(gold-amount greater-than 200)
;(wood-amount greater-than 200)
(unit-type-count-total eagle-warrior-line < 5)
(can-train eagle-warrior-line)
(train eagle-warrior-line)
(chat-to-all "train eagle-warrior-line")
(goal 19 1)
(unit-type-count eagle-warrior-line > 4)
(attack-now)(chat-to-player any-ally "23")
(disable-timer 8)
(set-goal 19 0)
(chat-to-all "eagle-warrior-line attacks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!")
(enable-timer 3 0)
;spearman-line 长枪兵类
(food-amount greater-than 200)
(wood-amount greater-than 100)
;(gold-amount greater-than 200)
(unit-type-count-total spearman-line < 20)
(can-train spearman-line)
(train spearman-line)
(chat-to-all "train spearman-line")
(goal 19 1)
(unit-type-count spearman-line > 18)
(attack-now)(chat-to-player any-ally "23")
(disable-timer 8)
(set-goal 19 0)
(chat-to-all "spearman-line attacks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!")
(enable-timer 3 0)
;cavalry-archer-line 骑射手类
;(food-amount greater-than 200)
(wood-amount greater-than 300)
(gold-amount greater-than 300)
(unit-type-count-total cavalry-archer-line < 8)
(can-train cavalry-archer-line)
(train cavalry-archer-line)
(chat-to-all "train cavalry-archer-line")
(goal 19 1)
(unit-type-count cavalry-archer-line > 4)
(attack-now)(chat-to-player any-ally "23")
(set-goal 19 0)
(chat-to-all "cavalry-archer-line attacks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!")
(enable-timer 3 0)
;archer-line 步弓手类
;(food-amount greater-than 200)
(wood-amount greater-than 200)
(gold-amount greater-than 200)
(unit-type-count-total archer-line < 12)
(can-train archer-line)
(train archer-line)
(chat-to-all "train archer-line")
(goal 19 1)
(unit-type-count archer-line > 10)
(attack-now)(chat-to-player any-ally "23")
(set-goal 19 0)
(chat-to-all "archer-line attacks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!")
(enable-timer 3 0)
(food-amount greater-than 100)
(wood-amount greater-than 100)
;(gold-amount greater-than 500)
(unit-type-count-total skirmisher-line < 30)
(can-train skirmisher-line)
(train skirmisher-line)
(chat-to-all "train skirmisher-line")
(goal 19 1)
(unit-type-count skirmisher-line > 20)
(attack-now)(chat-to-player any-ally "23")
(set-goal 19 0)
(chat-to-all "skirmisher-line attacks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!")
(enable-timer 3 0)
;scout-cavalry 轻骑兵
(food-amount greater-than 500)
;(gold-amount greater-than 200)
;(wood-amount greater-than 200)
(unit-type-count-total scout-cavalry < 10)
(can-train scout-cavalry)
(train scout-cavalry)
(chat-to-all "train scout-cavalry")
(goal 19 1)
(unit-type-count scout-cavalry > 9)
(attack-now)(chat-to-player any-ally "23")
(set-goal 19 0)
(chat-to-all "scout-cavalry attacks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!")
(enable-timer 3 0)
(defend-soldier-count >= 30)
(attack-soldier-count >= 35)
(goal 19 1)
(attack-now)(chat-to-player any-ally "23")
(set-goal 19 0)
(set-strategic-number sn-number-forward-builders 20)
(chat-to-all "other attacks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!")
(enable-timer 3 0)
(enable-timer 19 0)
(timer-triggered 19)
(set-goal 19 1);可以进攻的状态
(disable-timer 19)
(enable-timer 19 30)
; https://www.orayes.com
; 2012.9.29 AI呢?
_CgaM_燕子 发表于 2012-9-30 14:57 static/image/common/back.gif
他直接贴了出来 求文件啊 AI文件直接贴出来了,大家给点意见,目前只在阿拉伯、高地等地图好一顿测试,其他的图可能因为各种原因遇到BUG,大家可以告诉我。