女皇萌雨 发表于 2015-3-5 21:50:17

(4.5分)The Duke-AI 公爵 1.6

本帖最后由 孟雨亲王 于 2015-7-27 10:08 编辑



The AI gets some wood after 5min (amount of wood is dependant on the difficulty level), because the AI cannot hunt boar (due to the buggy game engine) and that's why
a human player can advance to feudal age earlier and pretty stronger than an AI. To lock boar cheatng, please go into the "The DUke-AI Version 1.5 - Main Files" - folder
and open The DUke Boar Cheating.per with a text editor (for example notepad).

There you find this:

#load-if-not-defined DIFFICULTY-MODERATE
#load-if-not-defined DIFFICULTY-HARD
#load-if-not-defined DIFFICULTY-HARDEST

(defrule                ;if
    (true)                        ;this condition is always true -> the rule always gets executed
=>                  ;then
    (set-goal BOAR-CHEATING NO)            ;LINE X !! ;the AI sets goal BOAR-CHEATING to NO (constant)
    (disable-self)                  ;only initialisation

#end-if      ;if not difficulty == hardest
#end-if      ;if not difficulty == hard
#end-if      ;if not difficulty == moderate

#load-if-not-defined DIFFICULTY-EASIEST
#load-if-not-defined DIFFICULTY-EASY

(defrule                ;if
    (true)                        ;this condition is always true -> the rule always gets executed
=>                  ;then
    (set-goal BOAR-CHEATING YES)            ;LINE Y !! ;the AI sets goal BOAR-CHEATING to YES (constant)
    (disable-self)                  ;only initialisation

#end-if      ;if not difficulty == easy
#end-if      ;if not difficulty == easiest

If you want the AI to have boar cheating on easiest-, easy- or moderate-difficulty then please change the "NO" into a "YES" in line x (use capital letters, otherwise the game will give an error message).
If you want the AI not to have boar cheating on hard- or hardest-difficulty, then change the second "YES" in line y into a "NO".


Please check "The Duke-AI supported taunts.doch to have a list of all taunts supported by the AI. It would be helpful if you would print that list.

Put all taunts from the "The Duke-AI Media"-folder into your "taunt"-folder under your Age of Empires II folder.


Easiest: something like a whole newbie! I think everybody who has never seen a computer yet is able to win!

Easy: a bit better than easiest, but every Age of Empires newbie should be able to win!

Moderate: you play against a well practised player! This should be fun, but on hard or hardest you can enjoy many more tricks, rushes and strategies of The Duke-AI!

Hard, Hardest: these are the most challenging difficulty levels of The Duke-AI (as they should be :)). Here, there are rushes, optimised building strategies.. just most changelling.
The only difference between hard and hardest, is that in hardest goes everything faster and earlier and the rushes are more difficult to defend.
If hardest is too easy for you, then play against 2 or 3 or even more The Duke-AIs, but I think a 2 vs 2 cheating The Dukes on hardest should be hard enough! By the way, on hardest the duke cheats a little bit. On hard the duke does not cheat.

The Duke-AI can take on 3 comp opponents which are teamed together (not always, but often) and in one test it could beat phoenixknight and often beats alliance-AI by Dr. Mabuse.

18355275321 发表于 2015-12-25 14:56:13


wx2215960746 发表于 2016-1-6 19:37:03


stardragoon9 发表于 2016-4-25 16:17:35

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查看完整版本: (4.5分)The Duke-AI 公爵 1.6