Age of Fantasy 奇幻时代 破解安装版 『16P』
本帖最后由 孟雨亲王 于 2015-3-25 13:47 编辑百度网盘下载:
1. Agamemmnon
2. Ykkrosh
3. scenario_tc (aka. Trisolo)(狂~~~)
4. masterjoab
5. Oliver (aka. Romeo Dolorosa)
Yes guys, it is about time I brought this to light.
Well RPGary and perhaps a few others who were busy working out what I've been up to, well it's official. You are right. Or maybe almost right if you thought I was going to expand Rennaisance. But I actually decided to create my own expansion due to the fact that at the time I was still beginning to figure out how the code of the game in the empires_x1_p1.dat file is structured as well as learning from the tutorials provided by people like Oliver and scenario_tc. And so by the time, I familiarized myself more with this, I already had a few stuff placed into the game. And now it is too late to make amends by placing everything into Rennaisance, because it took me almost all of last month building up the expansion to its current state. Long hours of creating the right coding, compiling the code into the .dat, as well as compiling the new graphics into the game's graphic's.drs. Even ran into a few painful problems with GeniEd 1.0 that made me feel like my project was doomed, but I now have all that sorted out. And so now it is time to move on.
Here's the story behind my project. Just before my return to AoK in late September, I visited a place at a local university where they train students who want to become future game developers. At that time, they had an expo over there where students get to show off their completed game projects they made for their master degrees. After visiting that expo, I rediscovered my creative game developing passion, which in this case, is AoK modding. But knowing how far modding has gone since my absence, I felt the urge to create something greater than the traditional simple mod in which only the graphics are altered. And so before announcing my official return, I browsed the forums to check out how far modding has gone. And that's when I discovered Oliver's Rennaissance expansion. I took a look at his expansion and I was amazed at what this guy did. I wondered "how'd he do it?" "I want to make my own expansion?" "Could the work of scenario_tc(I knew about his work with Genie editing a few years earlier) have gone far enough so that it is possible to add stuff to the game?" I decided to start a thread in Modpack Discussion about Rennaisance and ModRocker replied to me telling me about all the neat things that can now be done to the game. I was so intrigued by this that I browsed the forums for tutorials on how this can be done. Once I found these tutorials, I started reading them. Then it hit me. The creative urge to be a game developer. I officially wanted to make my own expansion to the game using all the tutorials and tools provided for me; the GeniEd programs(particularly GeniEd 1 since you can add stuff to the game with it), graphics programs like Photoshop, and 3d Max, Mod Pack Studio, et cetera. I had a good feeling that the inner game workings were all my oyster once I use my knowledge of graphic editing and traditional modding plus the necesary knowledge of the game code and GeniEd 1 as well as a few other necessary skills all in tandem. Oh, the ambition...
本帖最后由 王文祎 于 2013-8-15 23:55 编辑
这个Age of Fantasy与骑士时代不同,骑士时代可以视为一个全新帝国。而AoF则是新增许许多多可爱的单位{33}。骑士时代是考虑平衡的,而AoF不考虑,AoF更多的应用我想是在战役方面,而不是打局
AoF的图像来源是其他人的Mps Pack、英雄无敌3、帝国pre alpha以及beta版,当然还有BT作者自己的作品
另一个:AOF 巫師天堂 番外篇1.0[難度調易]
Barbarian Axeman野蛮斧兵步兵4455000.95201000000
Barbarian Clubman野蛮部落人步兵4757000.95201000000
Black Knight黑骑士骑兵49020221.351.801000轻骑兵+0骑兵+00
Dragon龙骑兵690035230.8331000.5塔+10象+0 騎+0 特种兵+00
Druid (Animal Summoner)德鲁伊(动物召唤师)僧侣71800030.96461000.50轻骑兵+0 长枪兵+2召狼
Elite Cavalry Archer精英骑射手马弓6608201.424500普通建筑+0 攻城武器+0骑兵+0 轻骑兵+0 马弓+00
Elite Heavy Camel精英重型骆驼骑兵骑兵51609001.45201000骑兵+20 船(骆驼)+11船(骆驼)+00
Field Cannon战地大炮攻城武器1712060250.6817 min6922.5所有建筑+200 船(骆驼)+40 攻城武器+20 塔+40攻城武器+00
Galleass快速帆船战船915050181.43681000所有建筑+200 步兵+15 攻城武器+40船(骆驼)+00
Garrisonable Galleon西班牙大帆船运输船91658081.43371000船(骆驼)+11 攻城武器+4船(骆驼)+00
Garrisonable Galley桨帆船攻城武器71206061.43351000所有建筑+6 船(骆驼)+8 攻城武器+3船(骆驼)+0水上
Garrisonable Longboat大艇攻城武器81307061.54361000所有建筑+7 船(骆驼)+9 攻城武器+4船(骆驼)+0 特种兵+0水上
Goth Berserker哥特狂战士步兵3489011.05201000雄鹰战士+2 普通建筑+2 骑兵+0步兵+0 特种兵+00
Guard Long Swordsman警戒长剑士步兵4659660.9201000轻骑兵+0 雄鹰战士+2 普通建筑+2攻城武器+3000
Heavy Swordsman重装长剑士步兵45510010.9201000雄鹰战士+4 普通建筑+2 骑兵+0步兵+00
Hidden Sniper隐藏狙击手弓兵735500025850长枪+3 普通建筑+0 攻城武器+0轻骑兵+00
Hobbit穴居矮人步兵4353000.9201000雄鹰战士+0 普通建筑+0 骑兵+000
Improved Siege Ram改良撞城车攻城武器32704-31951501002所有建筑+200 攻城武器+65攻城武器+2运载人数增加
Improved War Wagon改良战车攻城武器715090312.541000普通建筑+5轻骑兵+0 特种兵+0 骑兵+0运载人
Lance Cavalry枪骑兵骑兵4607021.5201000骑兵+10骑兵+00
Legionaire军团士兵步兵56011010.9201000雄鹰战士+6 普通建筑+3 骑兵+0步兵+00
Light Cavalry Archer轻装骑射手马弓5405001.424500长枪+2 普通建筑+0 攻城武器+0马弓+0 轻骑兵+0骑兵+00
Light Longbowman轻装长剑兵弓兵7306000.9625700长枪+2 普通建筑+0 攻城武器+0轻骑兵+0 特种兵+0 0
Marauder掠夺者步兵36012111.05201000骑兵+10 普通建筑+10 城堡+10骑兵+2 长枪+20
Noble Light Cavalry贵族轻骑兵骑兵48510121.51.801000轻骑兵+0骑兵+00
Ram Ship撞角船战船716040100.95501000所有建筑+100 攻城武器+50船(骆驼)+00
Ronin浪人步兵45081111.901000雄鹰战士+2 普通建筑+2 特种兵+10 步兵+0 特种兵+00
Short Swordsman短剑士步兵4456010.9201000雄鹰战士+2 普通建筑+1 骑兵+0步兵+00
Swimming Unit (Female)女性泳者步兵4404010.9201000雄鹰战士+0 普通建筑+0 骑兵+000
Swimming Unit泳者步兵4404010.9201000雄鹰战士+0 普通建筑+0 骑兵+000
Wizard巫师僧侣718040330.9646900.5骑兵+10 所有建筑+20轻骑兵+0 长枪+2 0
AOKH链接嘛 原帖由 _MZR_阔比多华 于 2010-7-25 11:20 发表
这是收藏品......... 1P大亮!
291012 P好像花瓶- - =。=泪流满面 有改数据么。。
有改的话强烈建议今晚就来一局…… 今晚我建议还是继续QSSD吧。。{39} 如此唯美的画面!
绝对是火6的最佳选择啊!!!! 对,真正大亮的是1P
pre-alpha版……哪来的。。。 有少量截图...我手头也有 不错嘛,有好多我见过的东西。话说我想起来了“超级混合MOD”{9} 破解版制成,正在传 画面甚是唯美。 我承认我瞎了{39} {39} 破解版完成,与1.0c共存
更新 能不能和其他MOD共存?比如QSSD。 当然可以....
反正就是独立了 兰州建议把名字改改,叫魔法时代 该死的20字{8} 尊重原名嘛........