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本帖最后由 孟雨亲王 于 2015-7-13 10:11 编辑
Story: 故事
It's several decades after the fall of Rome, and the Romans have withdrawn from the rich island of Britain,
leaving only a few soldiers in their deserted military forts. Your dark-age tribe has decided to move out of its two villages and take over the area. You want control of the many ancient ruins and monuments, including Roman forts and Celtic stone circles, because of their richness
in precious minerals and holy relics. However, there are many other tribes in the dense, dangerous forest that want the same thing. Fight for the ancient ruins and establish an Empire that will conquer the world!
However, you might have to have a word with the local wolves first...
Map Features: 地图特点
- dense forest with wild animals and berries; also, several lakes with fish
- start with TWO camps containing villagers, a small armed force, a scout, some huts, and a lumber camp
- gather some wood, then build a Town Center in a location of your choice and start your conquests
- the small army in the camp is random and may contain Militia, Spearmen, Archers and/or Skirmishers;
they each have a 40% chance of being created, so if you're lucky you may have all four types... or none! all players get the same types of soldiers
- when you start the game, you will be attacked by one or two wolves; they won't kill you, but beware of them
- two types of ancient ruins: stone circles and Roman forts; stone circles contain a lot of gold stone, and rocks;
there is a large double-circle in the center; Roman forts contain gold and abandoned soldiers; the first person
to go near each soldier gets control of him; this can be used for early attacks
- control of the ruins is very important, as they provide a lot of gold and stone, and an early attack by a player
that claimed all Roman soldiers can do serious damage
- you can also find abandoned mining camps (near gold) and outposts (useful for watching the enemy)
- since you get to build your TC where you choose, you may end up near your allies... or near your enemies!
- 35% of the time the map is snowy, for a whole different look
- in Regicide, you only get a King (actually two, one at each camp), no extra vils or buildings; this means that your Kings
might be killed early on, but also that you may eliminate an enemy early in the game; you have to kill BOTH of an enemy's kings to defeat him!
- because of the Nomad-like gameplay with the possibility of early attacks, Regicide games are very fun on this map; try one!
- and last but not least, there is LOTS OF EYE-CANDY! stone circles, Roman forts, flowers, ruins, overgrown paths and more await you on this map.
Strategy: 战略
- in the beginning, use your soldiers to kill the wolves as quickly as possible; remember, you have TWO camps,
which are both under attack, so be quick!
- set your villagers to gather wood; meanwhile, use your scouts to find a good place for a TC (like near a berry patch)
- the 75 wood needed to build the TC (remember, you start with 200 wood) gets gathered very fast, so watch your wood supply
and build that TC when you hit 280; use all the vils from one camp to do this
- you may want to send your other villagers to the new TC, but watch out for wolves; the best way to send them is step by step, with some soldiers to guard them
- after you've build the TC, build a house or two, set your villagers to get food, and make some new ones
- the little ponds full of fish are a great source of food, as are the plentiful animals
- always keep on scouting; you may find some Roman soldiers, an enemy camp, or who knows what else
- if you've found enough Romans, you could send them to attack an enemy, along with your starting troups; look for undefended spots with plenty of villagers to harass, but don't step near a TC unless you're really confident; watch out, an enemy might try attacking you too!
- try to take over ruins fast, as they are the key to your success.
Suggested Settings 推荐设置
This map works with any settings, but I found that it's more fun than other maps on Regicide because of the early "armies". Also, playing it multiplayer is a good idea because you can cooperate to build a base together, try to capture all the soldiers, etc.