https://www.reddit.com/r/aoe2/co ... the_userpatch_team/
往年 7 月 23 日 Userpatch 釋出 1.4 RC 版後再無更新,沈寂一年多後今日在 Reddit 上 offwo200 發布了以下訊息:
A quick announcement from the "Userpatch team".
來自「 Userpatch 小組」的簡報
A UserPatch update is coming soon, which will have over 100 new capabilities for AIs, maps, and scenarios. New networking features and additional bug fixes will be included, as well. Some features are just for fun, while others may create new ways for people to play. No release date is set, until testing proves it's ready.
一個 Userpatch 更新即將來了,它將會有超過 100 個人工智慧、地圖及劇情的新功能,當然也會包括新的網路連線功能以及更多除蟲修正。有些功能只是博君一笑,但有一些可能也會替人創造新的遊戲方式,但在測試證實完成之前,現在還沒具體發佈日期。