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本帖最后由 孟雨亲王 于 2015-4-4 19:01 编辑
Hadrian's Wall
Story 故事
Your land has known the sounds, smells, sights, and pains of warfare for ages. The forests are full of paths through which warriors have trodden, the vilagers live in fear, and wolves and outlaws pray on innocents. Now, at last, you have gathered all your allies together. The allied tribes forget their quarrels to face the common enemy, another group of allied tribes. You pick up your spears and prepare for war. Between you and your foes stands only one thing - the Wall. This long barrier of rock has stood there for centuries, and continues to do so. It divides the countryside into two parts - ally land and enemy land. It is impassible, except for the several small gates. Nobody knows how it got there, and it is probably the work of giants or gods. But some speak of a time when the whole land was ruled by men from the south, who fought in metal armour, wore during peacetime snow-white togas, and dwelt in palaces of marble. Apparently one day, one of these men, a general named Hadrian, decided to put down the Wall and divide the land into two halves: the prosperous South and the barbaric North. The ruins of these southern people still dot the countryside. Alas, if there ever was prosperity, it is now gone, and both sides are equally barbaric. Even the wall has crumbled, yet it still poses an obstacle through which no battering ram can break. It is your ally and your enemy - your greatest defence and your greatest obstacle in the battle that is to come. Yet perhaps, if you manage to win this battle and destroy your enemies, your civilization can reach the glory of Hadrian and his people again!
Map Features 地图特点
- Land map with sparse forests through which units can easily walk.
- Each team starts on one side of the Wall. This structure, which has crumbled a bit now but is still impassible and indestructible, divides the map into one side for each team. It is shown in a dark yellow-green on the minimap.
- There are four seasons (summer, fall, winter, spring), each with its own stunningly beautiful terrain and eyecandy: realistic mixed forests, Roman ruins, and beautiful terrain blending!
- Resources are about normal, with the extra stone and gold near the wall from remains of Roman towns and structures. The type of food you get varies randomly each game however (for example, there are no berries in winter).
- In addition to wolves, you may face outlaws (represented by grey archers); these are weaker than wolves but have range and tend to be in groups. Villagers can kill them pretty easily if they are not double-teamed, and they are weak vs scouts.
- In regicide you get only a king and a keep in addition to starting units, to allow earlier victories.
- You can start with extra units, which change the gameplay a bit from the boring old standard (for example, you can have two woad raiders for earlier rushes, a battering ram to stop FLUSHes, extra vils and houses, a monk, etc).
- Fun, unique gameplay!
Gameplay 游戏体验
Gameplay is quite different from a normal RM because of the wall. The gates in the wall are very important to hold. They can allow access to enemy resources and buildings, as well as insure your own defence. Early rushes are a bit like Black Forest in that you have to sneak through the gates before they're palisaded, but they are harder to do since a whole team shares one side of the wall; the extra starting units can help though. Later in the game, the wall is also important for the gold and stone arount it. Archers and siege units are often used to shoot accross it, while the gates are sites of constant battles. Once you get into enemy land, it's hard for them to defend, because the forests are sparse so you can raid from any direction. This means that you must be on the lookout for forward bases, or else.
The computer AI plays well on this map.
Final Words 结语
This map was made by Matei of Woad Creations, and playtested by Shiva, D00D, Antichrist, and many other Woad members. If you liked this map, please review it or let us know by putting a player comment. To all you RMS people, note that this script was done using a new (and better in my opinion) technique for multiple map locations.