1.26号上传;2.10进行翻译内容的更新,主要是由来自英国的 Julius999,貌似是AOKH的评委之一,帮我检查了触发以外的信息翻译。
'Ocean Blue 1' is a mixed style campaign in which you play on the side of three kingdoms who must work together to defeat a powerful enemy. In this campaign you control different factions in a strategic manner to defeat the enemy.
Playability: 5+
A great campaign, one of very few in which I felt that I was using military strategies that were tactically sound, eg. not engaging in battle when unnecessary, crossing over from the riverside camp, attacking from various different fronts etc. The battles were great and just enough difficult to be challenging and not frustrating. Unlike many other campaigns I always knew where my heroes were and what they were doing. All the battles felt that they were accomplishing a mission goal, rather than just killing enemies for the sake of it.
The cutscenes were good too and there was a good soundtrack always playing in the background. I didn't encounter any bugs whatsoever. A definite 5 here, it was really enjoyable.
Balance: 5
I played this game on 'moderate' difficulty level and it was just hard enough to be challenging yet not frustrating. For each battle I had to reload a few times to conserve soldiers, for example in the seige of Atle I was finally left with only the general, 2 teutonic knights and a scorpion ( and it was funny to see this group attacking in the end and King Lynchard calling it an attack by the Atlians ). Units had increased HP and attack but only a little, so that battles lasted longer and heroes had balanced HP/attack. The relic sidequest was rather hard though, I couldn't do it without marco-polo. In every battle you had to think about counter units and strategies and not simply rush into the battle.
Creativity: 5
The campaign was quite creative, there were many new tricks like the attackable rock and capturing the castle when it was damaged enough. But what I found the most original was the military strategy of both sides- the Olican 'capture the warships and beseige Atle by land and sea' to defeat the kingdoms one by one in their lighting attack taking advantage of the mountains between the 2 kingdoms- genius! And the 3 kings plans- bringing reinforcements by sea and then staying behind to guard the camp from scouts- equally genus! The style of this campaign is quite unique and the selection of background music is great. Full marks here too.
Map Design: 5
A great map, with strategic mountain ranges, cliffs, bridges, etc. which all had an important effect on the gameplay. The terrain blending and placement of units were very well done, especially with the units patrolling in formation many times. There was good eye candy and no overuse of it. Much better than a random map and certainly merits a 5. However there could have been a few more fields and villagers to talk to, you did not get to speak to almost any civilians.
Story/Instructions: 4
The instructions were all very clear and detailed and there was a hints and history section too. The story was very good - a familiar tale of kings uniting to defeat the outsider - but it wasn't that moving ( we didn't get to know any of the characters ) and had too many loose ends that were not explained. For example the Socrates and Plato thing- where did it fit in? The sacred relic quest thing- what was the point of that, it wasn't mentioned later and just seemed like a pointless mission for a player to do something. Maybe it could have had a magical power ? Then the Olican swords which were supposed to be very strong or something.. but we never saw that either after the cutscene. Assassination of the King- after the battle ?? Would it not make more sense to assassinate him during the battle, or have him die fighting? Maybe these could be answered in a sequel campaign but the story on its own doesn't stand all that well, so I am giving it a 4.
游戏说明全都写得很清晰详尽,并且也有提示和历史。故事非常棒 —— 一个耳熟能详的关于几个国王联合起来抵抗外敌的故事 —— 不过它不是那么地感人(我们并没有能够深入了解任何一个人物)并且有太多的结果没有得到说明。比如,那个苏格拉底和柏拉图的部分 —— 它有什么关系?还有关于那个圣物 —— 意义何在?那个圣物没有再被提及,而只能看起来像是个毫无意义的任务,仅仅为了让玩家有点事情干而已。或许,它拥有什么神秘力量?还有,奥雷克的剑被认为相当强大…可我们在电影之后,就再没有能见识到。刺杀国王 —— 在战斗结束之后??难道在战斗结束前就刺杀他,或者在战斗中杀死他不是更有用吗?或许这些问题都能在续集中得到解答,但第一部的剧情本身并不能太好地说明这些。所以,我给4分。
Additional Comments:
A great campaign, don't miss this. I highly recommend downloading.
Wow... thats all i can say. this is a amazing campaign, even if theres only two scenarios. I really like the video quality to it. good story, rather fun to watch. i can't wait for the rest of it.
R Troitski
I'm speechless... there isn't a word to describe something like this, it's just impressive! Keep up the good work.
Tanneur99 (AOKH天使,下载中心管理员,以前给《罗宾的正义之弓》评分的官方评委)
Ocean Blue is at the Blacksmith. I strongly recommend to download NOW!
Great project!
The only thing which I can be critical about is the use of the English language. (Although the mapdesign and story really made up for it )
This is very good. Fun to play, and very well balanced. Map design is above average too. Best campaign of the year so far.
However, you very much need a native English speaker to help translate for you. I could understand what was going on, but quite a lot of the text (especially the aftermath section) was ungrammatical or confusing, which badly affects the story. Most of your language use seems quite advanced, and it would be unfair to expect you to translate it perfectly correctly.
morgoth bauglir
I must say, those screens are bloody amazing. Gonna download ASAP.
Andanu Trisatya
It's a majestic shame such a magnificent campaign has to share space on the same boat with demos and unfinished scenarios. I mean... yes, I know it's merely the first chapter, but after working so damn long on a project, it's gotta be a devastating punch to the head to find out that not that many people would download it.
Anyway, sweet pics. Kinda reminds me of Ulio. Downloading it now.
I downloaded it days ago, when it first came out, and I can tell everyone reading this thread that this is probably the second-best release you will see all year (after whatever I finally come out with, of course), with the only major issue being the translations (which are supposedly better now?). DOWNLOAD IT!!!
I played it last night, great fun.
The translation to english isn't too well done unforunately, though the rest of the scenario is. The bad translation really keeps me from getting at all immersed in the story. =\