Erbexen, also known as eigenerfden, are self-supporting farmers with their own land. Rich and capable of affording the finest armour, they prefer to fight on foot.
Scolteboer,The richest man in the village, and typically inhabiting a Torenstins, a Scholteboer is lord and judge of his own lands. The upper crust of Frisian society is always prepared for war.
这个词是意大利语,释义约为士兵守卫,可他实际是热那亚的轻骑……- -
3、Taborite Sect & Utraquist Sect
26291,Join the <b>Taborite Sect<b> (<cost>) $0AThe Taborites are puritan Hussites, typically drawn from the countryside. Archers have +1 attack, disables construction of Knights. Allows research of Fletching. Heresy comes for free.
26292,Join the <b>Utraquist Sect<b> (<cost>) $0ARepresenting the moderate wing of the Hussite faith, the Utraquists consist mostly of wealthy citizens and part of the Bohemian knightly class. Knights have +2 attack. Allows research of Heresy and Bloodlines.
4、Cistercian Reform、Imperial Privilege、Ostsiedlung的意思
28387,Implement <b>Cistercian Reform<b> (<cost>) $0ALiving according to the sobre rules of the Cistercian monastic order, the Order's knights were accustomed to a hard life, which strengthened them in battle. Halbbrüder and Ritterbrüder have +2 normal and +2 pierce armour.
28390,Acquire <b>Imperial Privilege<b> (<cost>) $0AGranted a monopoly on the conquest of Lithuania and Russia, the Order knights fight with doubled vigour. Ritterbrüder and Halbbrüder have +3 attack(帝王特权?)
28399,Stimulate <b>Ostsiedlung<b> (<cost>) $0AThe settlement of the barren parts of your country stimulates agriculture and strengthens your cities. Enables training of Pikemen, Footmen, and Mounted Crossbowmen; allows research of Mounted Cranequiniers, who will receive an additional +2 attack in the 15th century.
[ 本帖最后由 sd0061 于 2009-3-1 16:52 编辑 ] |