本帖最后由 翔小鸟 于 2017-5-21 23:29 编辑
1. Copy File 'Escapa.age3Yscn' into My Documents\My Games\Age of Empires 3\Scenario\
复制文件 到
2. Enjoy!
享受![帝国时代三→单人游戏→自定剧情→'Escapa.age3Yscn' ]
Don't get hit by the trucks. PLEASE NOTE: The Goal is NOT to kill the trucks. The goal is to survive for as long as possible.
不要被卡车击中。请注意: 目标是不是要杀的卡车。目标是尽可能长时间存活。
The way I recommend you play is that you just start one master game, and when you want to end the game just die/finish the round and then after it says 'Press Z to play again and press X to exit' just save, then press X to exit.
Then, whenever you want to play again, just load that game and start from there.
大意:我建议你在结束游戏时[先死掉],在按"Z"之前 存档,接着按"X"结束,这样下次就可以对比你上次玩的分数
The game will record your scores and keep your highest in it's best time for a single game, displaying it at the end. Here is how you can make it keep an all-time high score:
不要被卡車擊中。注意目標不是要殺卡車,而是盡可能活久點。我會建議你先開頭一局遊戲,想完成時自殺完成該回合,此時它會說「按Z重玩, 按X離開」,接著存檔,再按X離開,以後你想再玩的話直接讀取存檔在此開始就行了。遊戲會記錄你的分數及保留同一次遊戲裡的最高分數,並將後者持續顯示到完結為止。這是讓它一直保留全局最高分數的方法。