1. Make sure the launcher is not running.
2. In Windows Explorer, paste the following into the address bar:
a. %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft
b. They should see a folder named “Age of Empires Online”
3. Move the “Age of Empires Online” folder from %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft to the desired location for the files (e.g. D:\)
4. Open a command prompt with Administrative privileges.
5. Use mklink to symlink from %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft to the desired location.
a. E.g. mklink /d “%LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Age of Empires Online” “D:\Age of Empires Online”
b. Don’t forget the quotes.
If the user has not yet run the patcher:
1. Create a folder named “Age of Empires Online” at the desired destination for the files (e.g. D:\Age of Empires Online)
2. Open a command prompt with Administrative privileges.
3. Use mklink to symlink from %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft to the desired location.
a. E.g. mklink /d “%LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Age of Empires Online” “D:\Age of Empires Online”
b. Don’t forget the quotes.