发表于 2013-1-16 01:10:33
riverpogrow 发表于 2013-1-13 20:46
ok !
10楼 by Cysion
Most of the suggestions have been handled differently, mostly through diversification rather than specialization. British archers don't have to be better (instead, we made their trebs and scorpions better) for supporting the archers. Slavic UT won't affect boyars, it will just make their Boyars even better and make their infantry normal. Same for the Teutons.
We considered boosting tower-upgrades a bit, but it's a tricky thing, since towers generally don't boast an interesting gameplay.
So yes, most of the things you mentioned have been addressed in different ways, time will tell if we made the correct decisions, thanks for the feedback 大部分的建议都通过折衷的方式解决了,相比于特殊化,我们更多地采用了多样化。不列颠弓箭手不一定非要更好的参数作为对不列颠弓箭手的支持(作为替代,不列颠的投石机和弩炮得到加强)。斯拉夫特色科技不会改为影响贵族骑兵,这种修改只会让贵族骑兵更加强大而让步兵沦落为普通。条顿也是如此。