riverpogrow 发表于 2013-1-13 20:46
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Suggestions for AoFE from a 14-year veteran I am an absolute veteran of AoC. I fell inlove with AoK at its birth in 1999. From the very beginning of IP connection onthe Asian League to fighting with foreigners on MSN Gaming Zone, I lost myselfin AoE2 during my middle school time and failed in the College Admission Examinationin 2002… I peaked 1800+ in MSN Zone. Following are some of my articles on theAsian League with the ID of riverpogrow and riverpogrom: “Trush --- the doom of Flush?” “About the moving speed of AoC units” “Issues about ranged units in AoC” ============ I listed the above not to boast myself butto show my passion over the game and prove that my suggestions are concludedafter many years’ battle experience rather than out of nowhere. I hope USC_Kikywill pass these on to Cysion to consider the feasibility of my suggestions. Fact 1: Huns take too much advantagewithout need of houses. Suggestion 1: House building takes halftime. Suggestion 2: House has +2 LOS. Suggestion 3: One house provides for 10 poplimit. Explanations: What’s the most benefit of nohouses needed for Huns? During early stage, every military unit would beapportioned 6 woods considering house resource costs. One villager must bebuilding houses continually otherwise military units training would beinterrupted during Feudal Age. As a whole, every military unit saves 6 pointsof resource for Huns, plus one extra villager and fewer controls. Houses forother civ should cost less, build faster, hold more pop to balance. Fact 2: Unique Units of most civs rarelyappear except in DM and noob games. Suggestion 1: Let every civ have Anarchy! Suggestion 2: With Anarchy popularized, slightlyraise the cost of War Elephants, Elephant Archers and War Wagons. Explanations: It would be no harm forbalance to popularize UUs, giving some limits to WE, EA and WW. UUs will neverdominate the map if ordinary buildings (other than Castle) cannot train them.Cataphracts are destructive but nobody can see them in a normal game betweenmasters. Fact 3: Hussars have dominant disturbingabilities. 5 or 6 Huns Hussars would make enemy farmers garrisoned in TC doingno farm work at all. The food lost due to disturbance far exceeds the cost of theseHussars. It’s even more important to disturb enemy farming using Hussars thanwinning on frontal battlefields. Suggestion 1: TC, Towers and Castles havedouble or triple attacking bonus vs. Hussars. Suggestion 2: Raise attack and lower piercearmor and HP of Hussars. Explanations: Light Cavalries are born todisturb enemies, but they can easily slide into center regions of enemy town tomurder farmers which is a little bit too much. The harm done by these disturbancesexceeds winning on the front. What’s in my suggestions is that Hussars can lootunprotected Lumber and Mine Camps but fail to invade Castle protected farms. Fact 4: Skirmishers are the weakest inthree junk units (Skirmishers, Halberdiers and Hussars). Suggestion 1: Add an “Imperial Skirmisher”upgrade in imp. Suggestion 2: Add bonus attack ofSkirmishers vs. WW and Ele Archers. =============== I have something to say about adjustmentson Camels and CAs. Camels and CAs have a relatively lowappearing chance. AoFE lowers their cost, which I think is not enough. Few players would like to train Camels sofirst I list some of the drawbacks of Camels: a. Camels have a high cost while the use islimited. If you train few Camels, the enemy would not suffer a loss evenfighting your Camels with Knights. If you train many Camels, the enemy wouldturn into other unit lines, which Camels are useless to fight. b. We say that Camels beat Cavalries, butwhen it comes to combination and cooperation, Knights with Archers beat Camelswith Archers. For example, Mongol, Chinese or Saracen Camels with Archers vs.Huns Paladins with Archers. All Huns need to do is fast approaching followed byretreating, Camels will soon die off under the shots. So it’s of little help to raise thepracticability of Camels just by lowering a bit cost. Camels should not fear rangedarrows to ensure equality with Archers vs. Paladins with Archers. Indian bonusof armor is a good start. Then about Cavalry Archers. 1. CA in Castle Age is poor. CA withKnights are inferior to pure Knights or Knights with Archers. Reason: a. CA has a poor accuracy without ThumbRing. b. CA has a high shooting delay, therefore hitand run is impossible during Castle Age. Suggestion: Add 10 HP to CA (not Elite) andlower its shooting delay. 2. CAs of some civs are bug-like in postImperial. Reason: a. CAs are natural enemies of Archers, HandCannoneers, Infantries, Hussars, Knights with low armors and Camels. b. No units except Skirmishers hasadvantages over CAs. Take Huns CA for example. CA costs only 30Woods and 49 Golds, similar to cost of Archers, with higher attack thanArbalests, double HP of Arbalests. Infantry or archer civs like Briton, Vikingsand Chinese have no solution facing a group of CAs with Halberdiers andHussars. Suggestion 1: Thumb Ring is a must forBriton. British Archers and Longbowmen has little power to beat reinforcedsoldiers and cavalries. Suggestion 2: Boost Skirmishers and ImperialSkirmishers’ bonus attack vs. CAs and Ele Archers. Skirmishers are to CAs whatSpearmen are to Knights. Suggestion 3: CAs should not be cheapenedto be mixed with Archers. They should cost even more and has higher battlingpower to distinguish themselves with Archers. Suggestion 4: Would it be feasible to raisea little HP of Archers and let them has anti-archer-attack bonus defense? Arbalestsperform poor in terms of resources vs. Champions and Hussars, not to mentionsuppressed by Siege and Skirmishers. ================ General Adjustments: 1. Raise 10 HP of CAs rather than lowertheir cost. 2. Briton goes through a loss from AoK toAoC. Solution is simple: give Thumb Ring back to it! 3. CA’s shooting delay is too high! Let itbe the same as Mongudai’s. 4. Scorpion has +20 bonus attack vs. WarElephants instead of +8. 5. Let Mongol has the most powerful CAs.Make Ring archer armor available and modify the first civ bonus to be bonusattack or range of CAs. 6. UT of Slavs makes Boyars attack adjacentunits instead of infantries. 7. Magyar Hussars cost 110 foods. 8. UT of Teutons raises Teutonic Knights’moving speed. 9. Add “Advanced Loom” in Imp, adding extraHP and armor for villagers. 10. Add attack to towers, especially Guardtowers and Keeps. Lower HP and armor of towers. 11. Chinese Rocketry applies also toArchers and CAs. =============== No matter Cysion takes my suggestions ornot, I want to express my most sincere thanks to all AoFE producers! I have not played AoE2 for quite a longtime; never did I expect there would be a brand new expansion pack in the endof 2012. Thanks again for all AoFE makers’ unprecedented efforts! It’s you thatin year 2013 make me recall my unforgettable times many years ago. Wish a happy new year to all AoFE makers!